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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 297
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S31 40. Frank’s Plan

“Why do you trust Jeremy so easily?” Sophia’s voice suddenly rose.” He’s in cahoots with Kara, Frank.

Do you know that they’re having a relationship behind your back? The child in Kara’s womb might not

be yours.”

Jeremy was stunned at the nonsense, while Frank shook his head, realizing that Sophia was

deliberately diverting the conversation.

“Stop distorting the facts. Now give me my mother back.”

Sophia laughed softly. “I can’t. I don’t want to let your wife bully her anymore. I promised people to

protect your mother. If you want to meet her, just come to my house. Meet your mother. Alone.”

“You want to trap me again?”

“Again? I never did it, Frank. And right now, I’m just offering to help. Do you want to see your mother or


Sophia clearly felt the upper hand. Frank realized that.

“Come on, Frank. Come to my house. Meet your mother. That wa the public’s anger can subside a

little. Some of them will believe th you are not a disobedient son. You actually care about your mothe

So far, you have only been influenced by Kara.”

Frank glanced at Jeremy. His brother shook his head.

“What is your address?” Frank ignored the warning.

Sophia laughed faintly. When she stated the address, Jeremy pointed at his tablet and then made an

okay sign with his fingers. However, his expression was still sour until Frank straightened his palm,

indicating for him to calm down.


“So, when do you want to visit your mother?” Sophia’s voice sounded again.

Frank did the calculation. “Maybe tonight. My mother’s condition in your video looks worrying. I won’t

calm down before I see her.”

“Good. Then, I’ll wait until dinner time. See you, Frank. Glad you’re finally willing to accept my help.”

Without giving a reply, Frank ended the call. Jeremy immediately raised an eyebrow, waiting for an

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt


“You intend to attend her invitation? I’ll bet she’s planning something. She couldn’t have just brought

you and Mrs. Harris together.”

“Yeah, I know. She could have drug me and lured me into her bed,” Frank said, more like an incoherent



Suddenly, the corners of Frank’s lips lifted. “I have a plan. Tell Wela to go back to the hospital and find

a way to communicate with Ava. We need her help.”

Jeremy’s eyes narrowed. “You want to involve that stranger in our plans?”

“Yes, I have an offer that can get her on our side.” Smiling faintly, Frank started fiddling with his phone.

“Come on, do your job. I have my own part.”

Even though he didn’t understand what was going through Frank’s mind, Jeremy still obeyed his

orders. He knew the meaning behind his expression. Frank had a big surprise for Sophia.


While waiting for Frank to arrive, Sophia was busy preparing herself. She got massages, hoping her

body would be more relaxed. She wore


light make-up that accentuated her elegant impression, hoping that Frank wouldn’t get bored of looking

at her, and also a minimalist


dress that accentuated her curves.

“Which man wouldn’t be fascinated by me?” Sophia muttered as she studied her appearance in the


As a finishing touch, she sprayed the “special” perfume on her body. There would be several people

around her. She certainly could not spread “deceptive weapons” everywhere. The target was only one.

Frank Harper.

“Excuse me, Miss. Your guests have arrived.”

Sophia glanced at the servant who had just bowed at the door. “He didn’t come alone?”

“No, Miss. He came with his bodyguards. They used three cars.”

Sophia smiled cynically. “What is he afraid of me to bring that many troops?”

After a breath, she waved her hand. “Tell them that I’m only allowing Frank Harper in. If he insists on

taking his guards, just tell them to go


“Then what about the box truck, Miss?”

Sophia’s eyebrows rose. “Box truck?”

“Yes, they also came with a truck. Looks like he came with goods,

Miss Hall.”

After a brief moment of consideration, Sophia shook her head firmly. Only Frank Harper can come in.”

As soon as the message reached the gate, Frank let out a heavy sigh.. “If you forbid my bodyguards

from entering, I can understand. But, that box truck? You forbid it too? It contains things for my mother.



you want me to visit my parent empty-handed? Do you intend to worsen my image in the eyes of the


The guard stammered. Even though he was used to dealing with pushy people, the loudness of Frank’s

voice still discouraged him.

“Please wait a moment, Sir. We will ask Miss Hall again.”


“Ask her whether she respects me or not. I’ve been patient enough to follow her game.”

The guard nodded. “Yes, Sir.” He picked up the phone again, talking to the servant.

“Sorry, Miss Hall. Mister Harper is angry because you won’t let his truck in,” the servant reported.

Sophia took a quick breath. “What does he bring?”

“He said those things were for his mother.”

Sophia’s lips pursed slightly. After twitching her eyebrows, she said lazily, “Get the guards to carry the

things in. Make sure everything is safe.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After receiving the order, the gate guard checked the contents of the truck. He was secretly relieved

that he wouldn’t be in a tight tion anymore. Sophia Moore alone was enough to make him dizzy

alone Frank Harper.

However, finding so many items in the truck, the guard was stu Frank smiled crookedly.

“Are you sure you want to unload it from here? The distance you hav to travel is quite energy-intensive.

Why not just let this truck in?”

With a frown, the guard reached for his phone. This time, he contacted Sophia directly.

“Miss Hall, I am really sorry. Are you sure you want us to unload from


the front gate? There’s a lot of stuff. It takes a lot of people, time, and energy to transport them.”

“You’re saying that you and your colleagues are reluctant to exert your strength?” Sophia’s tone was a

little lilting, but the guard trembled.

“It’s not like that, Miss. This is like transporting things to move house.”

“All of these are my mother’s things. So technically, I moved her room here. I want my mother to be

comfortable wherever she is,” Frank added, overheard by Sophia. The woman immediately burst out


a care c

“You don’t think I am your mother in the dungeon, do you, Frank Harper?”

The guard quickly turned on speaker mode.

“I have provided the best facilities for your mother. You don’t need to prepare anything else.”

Hearing those soft words, the corner of Frank’s lips moved up.

“But I don’t like being indebted to anyone. Even though my mother lives in your house, I am still obliged

to meet her needs. So, what your reason for not letting me pay attention to my mother? You do intend

to separate us, right?”

Sophia fell silent. She couldn’t possibly make excuses. She wanted to get close to Frank, not to argue.

“Okay, Bring the truck in. But remember! It’s just the truck and Frank Harper.”

“Okay, Miss.”

While the guard opened the gate, Frank smiled faintly.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!