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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 420
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S31 163. Happy Families

“I'm fine with it. You?” Philip raised an eyebrow.

Barbara smiled. “Of course | want to. It’s been a long tsince | went on holiday to another continent. But |

don’t think this weekend is a good time. | don’t want to look tired when | attend Jeremy and Ava’s wedding. How

about three days after their wedding?” She held Philip's hand tighter.


Barbara's face brightened. With eyes radiating enthusiasm, she returned her gaze to Vivian. “Is that possible,

Mrs. Bell?”

Receiving a nod from Vivian, Barbara let out a laugh. “Thank you, Mrs.


Then, Barbara hugged Philip tightly. Her heart blossomed. She didn’t expect that the dream honeymoon she had

kept secret from Philip

could actually ctrue.

“Then if the plane tickets to Europe were given to Aunt Ava, where will Uncle Jeremy go on his honeymoon?”

Louis asked, dampening

Barbara's cheerfulness.

“Yes, where are you guys on your honeymoon?” Barbara sighed guiltily. “Don’t letand Philip have fun while

you two just st home.”

Smiling faintly, Jeremy rubbed Ava’s arm. “Everyone has their way of having fun. Ours is different from yours.”

“Don’t tellyou're planning to take Ava on her honeymoon at the Savior office.” Philip squinted.

Jeremy snorted faintly. “The workaholic wasn’t me, but Frank. Luckily

Kara cto change him. Otherwise, do you think we could have tfor a honeymoon?”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Frank raised an eyebrow. His eyes flickered. “Was | that bad before?”

“Yes!” Philip and Jeremy answered in unison. Then lots of laughter could be heard.

“Is Daddy not a good boss?” Emily inquired with furrowed brows. She remembered that her mother had also

complained about it.

“Not bad, but too rigid. His standards are so high. All the employees are afraid of him. If he gets angry, everyone

will look down.”

While Frank scratched his temple, Louis patted his hand. “It's okay, Daddy. There's no need to be embarrassed.

You're just trying to do your best. That's good.”

Emily reached out and rubbed her father’s arm. “Louis is right. You just think too much about Savior. It’s okay,


Frank smiled faintly. He kissed the twins one by one, whispering, ”

Thank you, Kids.”

“You're welcome, Daddy.” The two toddlers smiled proudly.

Then, Frank lifted his chin. His eyes seemed mocking. “Did you hear

that? | did it for the Savior. You should understand that.”

“Yes, we totally understand. We're not cornering you, Frank,” Jer said, teasing. Inwardly, he felt amused. Who

would have thought Frank could turn into what he was now? The old Frank would h

been furious if someone criticized him about that.

“Instead of teasing Daddy, it’s better if you answer my question earlier, Uncle.” Louis put his hands on his hips

and nodded. “Where are you and Aunt Ava going on your honeymoon?”

“You want to follow?” Barbara asked with a high arched eyebrow.

Louis’ lips pursed. “No. Why will we follow? The honeymoon is a

special tfor couples to spend ttogether. When Daddy and Mommy went on their honeymoon, we didn’t


“Then why do you want to know so much? That's suspicious.” Barbara raised an eyebrow.

Louis shook his head. “As a lesson. Since Mommy and Daddy went on their honeymoon, I've been interested in

developing a business related to that. | can work with Emily if that happens.”

Everyone's eyes widened spontaneously. Several people were


“You're just like your father, Little Businessman,” Vivian sighed, making Louis smile a little. “His brain is always

full of creative ideas.”

“Daddy is my role model. When | grow up, | will be a great Savior leader too, along with Emily of course.” Louis

folded his arms across his chest and nodded firmly. His style made everyone excited.

However, the little girl on Kara's lap just blinked innocently. She wasn’t in the mood to brag. Looking at Jeremy,

she asked, “So where will you be on your honeymoon, Uncle? I'm curious.”

Jeremy smiled faintly. “You'll find out later. Now, we'd better focus on our wedding and breakfast. Look! The food

is starting to get cold.”

Louis immediately leaned against his father. His lips pursed in disappointment. “Why do people like to make me


“Remember, Louis. Don’t complain. Live every moment happily,” E said before getting off Kara's lap. “Let's go

back to our seats and happily.”

After a breath, Louis cdown, following his younger sister. His face sunk. His brain kept guessing. Where

would his uncle go on his honeymoon?

Apparently, Louis wasn’t the only one who couldn't stop thinking about the honeymoon. Barbara too! She kept

imagining what fun she would have with Philip later. Even until she and Philip drove to the he and Philip drove to


apartment, her thoughts were still wandering.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I've often visited big cities in Europe, but I've never visited the city we're going to. | really can’t wait to go there,


Philip glanced over with a faint smile. Seeing his wife's bright face, he chuckled. “Do you have any idea what we

are going to do there?”

Barbara nodded enthusiastically before looking down at her phone. “I was just checking. There are lots of things

we can do-things I've never tried but you'll love.”

Philip furrowed one eyebrow. “What are they?”

“Definitely not shopping because the scenery there is much more attractive than the shopping center.

Philip's eyes widened again. “You want to explore nature?”

Barbara smiled mysteriously. “You like it, right? I think it will be very challenging.”

“Are you sure, Babe? Your feet will blister and your body will be flooded with sweat. You will also be very tired.”

“That's why | want to try it. You don’t mind helping me, right? | promise it won't be too much trouble. I'll show

you my tough s the twins can’t underestimateanymore.”

Barbara raised one hand to show off her flat bicep. Seeing that, P let out an amused sigh.

“Okay. Let's prepare everything well. Now,” Philip stopped the car in the parking lot of their apartment, “let's

focus on our hfirst.”


When she got out of the car, Philip immediately carried her. Receiving such treatment, Barbara's laughter was in

the air.

“Philip? Is this necessary? What if someone sees?”

“Then they will know that we are newlyweds. Please press the elevator button, Babe.”

Barbara happily complied with her husband's request. In the elevator, they whispered and laughed. Their

affection was so thick in the air.

However, when they arrived at their floor, Philip and Barbara flinched. Their joy slowly faded. Philip had to put

Barbara down before they entered. The door in front of them was not closed properly!