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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 431
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S31 174. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Poppy hummed a little while doing her nails. Occasionally, she looked out the window. Her gesture seemed

relaxed. Only when she saw that the window in the next cabin was tightly closed did she straighten her


“Shania, | think they went out.”

The girl who was lying down with a beauty mask on her face instantly sat up on the bed. “What did you say?”

“Your prince is out of his cabin.”

Without having tto take off her mask, she walked over to her friend. Seeing that the window in the next

cabin no longer had a gap, she turned to the front window. Philip and Barbara turned out to be walking hand in


“Where are they going?” Shania furrowed her eyebrows. A moment later, she patted her friend's shoulder.

“Poppy, this is the time. Let’s get ready. We can’t lose track of t

“Now?” Poppy raised her eyebrows. Her nail polish hadn't even d completely.

While rushing to change clothes, Shania glanced over. “Of cours Con!”

Still with straightened fingers, Poppy took her small bag. Then,

without changing clothes, she accompanied Shania, following the man of her dreams.

“Babe, do you want to ride the kayak alone or together?” Philip asked while stroking Barbara's back.


“If we're both in one kayak, | can’t see your face and you can only see my back. We can’t chat freely then. What

about one person in one kayak?”

“Are you sure you want to ride it yourself?”

Barbara nodded without thinking. “Yes. Don’t say you doubt me?”

“No.” Philip shook his head quickly. “I just still can’t believe how much my wife has improved. You've beca

brave girl now.”

Barbara blushed. At that time, a young man handed them life jackets. When Barbara was about to accept it,

Philip took them both.

“Letput this on you.”

Barbara smiled faintly. “Thank you. After this, letput your life jacket on.”

“That's a great idea.” Philip spread out the life jacket and motioned for Barbara to turn around. Barbara happily

did so while inserting one arm through one hole.

“Wow, wow.... Usually, a wife serves her husband. But you gu the opposite?”

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Philip and Barbara turned their heads. Seeing the blonde and redh their expressions turned flat.

“Shania, you're here?” Barbara's voice sounded suspicious.

“Yes, we intend to explore the sea around here by kayak. Do you guys too?” Shania rolled her eyes, pretending

to be surprised.

Barbara sighed in disbelief. “What do you think? Anyone plans to climb a mountain in a life jacket?”

Shania froze. In her heart, she admitted that she just made a stupid remark.


“How is it, Babe?” Philip's voice interrupted her thoughts. “Does it feel tight? Should I loosen it?”

Barbara shook her head. “I think it’s perfect. Thanks, Phil. Now, it’s your turn.”

Barbara grabbed another life jacket. Philip turned around without being told. Feeling ignored, Shania almost


“How many kayaks did you guys rent?” she asked while gesturing for Poppy to get a life jacket.

“Two,” Barbara said quickly. “We want to explore the sea side by side.”

Hearing that answer, Shania smiled. “I didn’t expect that you are brave too. Women do have to be independent.

They can’t always depend on men.”

Even though she didn’t like Shania, Barbara still nodded. “Yes, | am trying to be the best woman for Philip,” she

said, hooking her

husband's life jacket.

“No need to try, you are the best woman for me, Babe. That’ chose you.”

Barbara looked up with a high arched eyebrow. Seeing Philip's she smiled sweeter. “I'm very lucky then.”

Philip kissed Barbara's forehead. The sight made Shania look aw She felt like she was going to vomit,

“Shania, this is your life jacket.” Poppy handed one over.

Instead of accepting, Shania rejected it. “Oh, no need, Poppy. Have you forgotten? Your best friend is an excellent

swimmer. Besides, I'm used to using a kayak.”

While Poppy was wide-eyed, Shania glanced at Philip. She thought the man would pay attention to her. It turned

out that no! The man was



busy teaching his wife how to row.

“Is this your first experience of riding a kayak?” Shania deliberately increased her voice. She sounded excited,

but the fact, it was


“Yes, | didn’t like doing outdoor activities. My hobbies were going to the salon and shopping.”

too,” Poppy said, who was only halfway through putting on her life jacket. She didn’t realize that Shania had

glanced at her


“But after getting to know Philip,” Barbara continued, “my lifestyle started to change. I'd rather do something

challenging, something I've never done before. | want to develop outside my comfort zone.”

Again, Philip smiled at his wife. Annoyed, Shania continued with the


“Then, let's test how far you can get out of your comfort zone,” she said before taking off her t-shirt.

Seeing what was wrapped tightly under the bikini, the guves widened. He involuntarily let out a faint sigh,

amazed at th that seemed so soft for his fingers to play with.

Barbara also widened her eyes, surprised by her bold action her eyes found the blonde’s big assets, she

immediately looked

at her own.

“There's no need to feel intimidated” Philip whispered unexpected | prefer yours. Feels right in hand. Bigger

doesn’t mean better.”

Barbara threw back her head. Her eyes opened wider. “Did you see he



Philip blinked innocently. “She was undressing right in front of us. | had a split second before looking away. Are

you jealous?”



lips moved forward. After a brief moment of contemplation, she shook her head and patted Philip on the

shoulder. “It’s not your fault. How about we go down to the water now? Let's get away from that strange girl.”

Philip nodded with a faint smile. Then, he patted the young guide on the arm. The man flinched and quickly

covered his mouth.

“Yes, Sir?”

“Just take care of them. You don’t need to guide us. Letguide my wife.”

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The curve of the guide’s lips widened. “Is that okay? | can call my other colleagues.”

Philip shook his head casually. “Enjoy your work.”

“Okay, thank you, Sir.” He rushed to help the new couple push the kayak into the water. After that, he took care

of Shania and Poppy.

“Philip....” Barbara called when she had rowed far enough.

“Yes, Babe?”

“Did I do it right? | feel like it’s a little wobbly.”

Philip laughed at his wife who only dared to face the front. “That's how it is, Babe. Even when you look right and

left, it doesn’t matter either. It won't tip over.”

“Really?” Barbara glanced thinly.

“Watch this.” Philip rowed faster, circling her kayak. The ripple of the water from his paddle scared Barbara.

“Philip...!"” Barbara held on tightly. She didn’t dare to move.

Philip laughed out loud. However, seeing who was driving towards them, his joy was suppressed. Quickly, he

returned to his previous


position, ‘on the left side of his wife.


“Baby, let's go that way. The view will definitely be more beautiful.”

“Okay, but don’t go aroundagain”

Philip chuckled. “Okay. How about we race? | will use 25% of my strength.”

“Are you teasing me? I'm not that bad. I'm at least 50% the sas you.” Barbara quietly rowed faster.

Seeing Barbara was already ahead, Philip let out an amused sigh. ” Hey, | haven't given you the signal yet.”

Barbara laughed heartily. “Three, two, one, start!” she exclaimed in just one second. Then, she used all her

strength to surpass her

husband who kept appearing by her side.

Seeing the new couple getting further ahead, Shania snorted displeasedly. She glanced at her best friend,

asking, “Can you row faster?”

Poppy shook her head slowly. “I'm afraid I'll ruin my nails.”

“Then I'll have to leave you. | can’t leave them alone.”

Seeing how fast Shania was going, Poppy widened her eyes. “Sha wait! Don’t leave me!”

Poppy rowed faster, leaving the guide who had just lowered his kaya and was amazed at Shania’s prowess. He

was even more amazed by
