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His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 113 - Baby?
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The man's face drained of all color as he stared at Nicklaus. He couldn't even believe who was in front of him.

He had just gotten into the country for a business deal; he called a driver to take him to his hotel, but he realized that they were going to another venue, he asked the driver where they were heading to but he got no response, just when he wanted to call someone, another man, looking deathly stepped into the car, with a gun pointing to his skull and bound his eyes with a piece of cloth.

He had been promising tremendous amounts of money since they held him captive but none of them had said a word to him; he wondered who his captor was and what they wanted but he could not pin his head around anything; he didn't remember anyone wanting to get him, but when the cloth was pulled off his face, and he saw the person in front of him, he knew he was in great trouble.

''Oh Mr. Nicklaus… I didn't know you wanted to see me; else I would have come to you as soon as I got into the country, my bad ha ha. ''

He forced a weak smile to his face, although he was in trouble, he wanted to feign ignorance, but the vicious glare Nicklaus cast him, made his smile turn into grave panic, and sweat started dropping from his face,

Nicklaus looked away from him and picked up a knife from the table, and that was when the man saw that there was a table of knives and guns right in front of him.

This is not good…

He was visibly shaking now, almost like a drenched lost puppy. The smug look that was plastered on his face a few months ago was completely gone. Nicklaus scoffed;

''I told you we would meet again, Mr. Park. How was your flight? ''

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He spoke, his eyes on the very sharp blade in his hands; there was no emotion in his eyes, as bleak as midwinter.

''I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, Mr. Nicklaus. I didn't know she meant something to you, I regret ever looking at her, 'm sorry forgive me; please don't hurt me! I beg you! ’’'

''Have you wondered why it's over five hours and your business partner hasn't contacted you, Mr. Park?" Nicklaus walked closer to him and took a seat in the center of the room, a derisive smile on his lips.

Mr. Park felt his blood chilling cold, his heart was pumping erratically and his throat dried of all fluid.

He had heard that Nicklaus was a heartless beast, but he never expected that he could whisk out a plan to get him into the country so he would deal with him. If he was having double minds about being in trouble before, now he was certain that he was not leaving unscathed.

''Now I think about it, should I pluck out those eyes, those eyes used to stare lustfully at my woman, or should I cut off that tongue you used to speak those lecherous words? ''

Nicklaus thought, resting back on the chair, his eyes closed as though deep in thought;

''Mr. Nicklaus… ''

Mr. Park's face was white now. He was staring death in the face, and he couldn't even do a thing. He never thought Nicklaus would get back to him for what he did that day, if he had known he would have brought his guards along, but that might not even save him because this was Nicklaus' territory.

He was smart… He tactfully brought him into the US, before dealing with him, knowing fully well that his hands were tied here.

What was he going to do now?

''You invite me to your home, make me sit and eat with you even when it makes me sick, and instead of going on with the deal as planned, what do you do? You bargain on my woman! ''

Nicklaus completed bursting into a horrid laughter;

''I didn't know! I didn't know she was your woman, Mr. Nicklaus, you even introduced her as your secretary!''

Mr. Park tried to defend himself and Nicklaus eyes shifted from his knife to him;

''Now, now, I come with a woman to meet you and without respect for me or the woman whatsoever, you bid on her body, right in front of her and you have the guts to say you were thinking she was my secretary? Even if she is my secretary, does that give you the right to bid on her body?!!'' His eyes were filled with utmost rage and his veins were already popping out on the sides of his head;

''Now I know what to cut off, hold his mouth open!! ''

At his statement, the two guards in the room walked to Mr. Park; his eyes widened as he watched them approach;


Mr. Park screamed as he struggled to break free from the chair, his whole body quaking. The guards held him still and Nicklaus stood up from the chair in the center of the room; walking towards him;

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''I'll cut off your tongue so you won't speak so lecherously ever again. And I advise that you quietly go into retirement, get villa near the ocean or something and never think of coming to this state, because if you try, I promise you, I will wipe your two kids off the face of the earth!! Now, do you have any last words? ''

He seethed, walking close to him, making sure he could see the sharp edge of the blade;

Mr. Park's eyes widened. He never thought that day was going be the last time he would speak!

In a few seconds he would be dumb! DUMB!!


''Baby? ''

Nicklaus hands which were in the air froze when he heard a soft voice call him; he stopped instantly as though he was electrocuted;

''What's wrong?''

Tiana called again, her feet stepping closer to him;

Nicklaus turned around immediately, his face looking like he had seen a ghost;
