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His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 207 - Sick
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As expected, the internet was buzzing with their headlines and some paparazzi were already sending her messages, asking her if she was in any relationship with Michael, she had said no, but only a few of them had gone on to publish the truth, the rest went on with the lies.

She didn't care though, this wasn't the first time she was involved with another man, in fact, she had been paired with almost every actor her character had liked in a movie, she was only concerned about Michael, this was the first time he was involved with an actress; everything might be new to him.

Picking her phone from the couch, she decided to call and check up on him. His phone rang twice before he picked up;

''Hey! '' she said, curling on the couch;

''Diana, how was your night? '' Michael asked, his voice a little weak; Diana's brows creased with worry;

''It was fine, are you okay? You don't sound well. ''

''oh, I think I caught a fever, and I have a migraine, but I've taken medications, I should feel well in an hour or two. ''

''oh my god, so sorry, when did it begin? '' Diana asked looking very concerned;

''I woke up in the middle of the night with a tearing headache; and then a fever. ''

''I'm so sorry, should I come over? '' Diana asked unconsciously, she only realized what she had said when it left her lips;

Michael was quiet for a moment, he wanted her to come over, but he didn't want to agree quickly;

''Don't stress yourself, I have a house help; ''

''oh… '' she replied and a silence ensued; Michael groaned internally when she didn't say anything else, he instantly regretted telling her not to worry.

''but I can come to see you, as a friend, and I want to see Caesar too;'' Diana added after a while and Michael heaved an inaudible sigh of relief;

''Okay; I'll send someone to come pick you up; '' he replied immediately.

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''Alright, let me get dressed,'' she said and quickly ended the call. She went to her room and pulled off the crop top and shorts she was putting on and wore her bra, she threw a loose short gown over her body and brushed her hair, and then went to the mirror to look at her reflection. Letting her hair fall down her back, she put a little lip gloss on her lips. She was beautiful, so with a little or no makeup, she still looked stunning.

She sat down in the parlor impatiently as she waited for the driver to arrive, after about twenty minutes; she heard a car pull into the driveway. She hurriedly left the house after shouting to Mary that she would be out for a while.

The driver stepped out and held the door open for her, closing it after she got in. It was the same driver from last night but it was a different car. The drive was about fifteen minutes; Tiana looked forward when they drove into a compound.

Her eyes glanced around as she stepped down from the car. His house was made mostly of glass and there were a pool and fountain with a little garden in front.

It was quiet, so Diana imagined he lived alone with his dog and maybe the house help and the driver;

''This way, Ma'am; '' the driver called and Diana followed him into the house;

 The man led her down a corridor and stopped at the room at the end;

''You can go in, Ma'am. ''

He said and Diana nodded before he turned around and left. She turned to the door and stood still for a moment before she knocked, she waited for a second and then pulled the door open; ''Hi… ''a grin broadened her lips as she stepped into the room, Michael was lying on the bed, and when he heard someone call, he turned to the door; he smiled when he saw her.

''Jeez, you look so pale! '' Diana exclaimed as she sat beside him on the bed; she raised her hand to his forehead to feel his temperature; he was no more running a fever, but the strained expression on his face showed that he was still in pains from the migraine.

''Are you feeling any better?'' she asked, looking very worried;

Michael nodded; ''yeah, I'm feeling better now. ''

''have you had anything to eat? ''

''Mm; '' he said, his head hurt so he was unable to nod;

''so sorry, hope you didn't fall sick because of the event? ''

Her eyes looked guilty as she stared at him, she couldn't help but feel that it was her fault that he was sick.

Michael laughed lightly; ''No, I've been working my ass off in the company so a momentary breakdown can happen. ''

Diana nodded; ''okay, thank God tomorrow is Sunday; you can stay home and have enough rest. You should have gone to the hospital by the way.'' She pouted worriedly;

''My doctor came to check up on me earlier today, and he had prescribed the medications, so I'm okay.''

Diana opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by a knock on the door, it was pushed open after some seconds and a lady in her forties walked in with a tray of fruits. Her eyes glanced at Diana and surprise flashed through her eyes; Diana knew she recognized her.

The lady placed the tray on the stool by the bedside and walked out of the rom, closing it behind her.

''Tsh, one thing about being a celebrity is that you can't do a thing in secret, '' Diana pouted and Michael laughed sitting up on the bed;

'' don't worry, she won't say a thing. '' he assured her, taking the tray of fruits from the stool.

''Oh, let me help you, you are sick, so you shouldn't strain your arms; '' Diana said, taking the tray from him, Michael didn't know why, but he didn't want to stop her. He watched her keenly as she dug the fork into a cube of apple bringing it to his lips; 

Michael stared at her eyes which were fixated on his lips waiting for him to open up before he slowly opened his mouth and let her feed him.

It was awkward at first then they relaxed. ''where is Caesar? '' she asked after a while;

''he's in his room, he was here all morning, but just retired a few minutes before you came. ''

Diana pouted, ''okay, ''

''Don't worry, I'll take you to see him after eating, '' Diana's eyes lifted to him;

'' don't worry, I'll see him when I'm about to leave, you don't need to stress yourself.''

''He might bark at you, he doesn't like strangers, but if I'm there, he won't be so riled up. Don't worry, I can stand, I'm not so weak. ''

Michael chuckled and she nodded and then resumed feeding him;

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

''So tell me, why is there strife between you and Nicklaus? ''

Michael was not expecting the question but he was not surprised either, he blinked;

'' my mom is the Chairlady, so I actually take some orders from her. I don't really know why both companies are in constant fight, but I'm sure my mother knows. ''

Calling her mom made his heart squeeze, even this position he was occupying was not his, and he knew he would be kicked out sooner or later; it was just a matter of time. His eyes stared at Diana for a moment, she looked like someone he could trust but he wasn't sure yet, and he wasn't sure about what he wanted from her, so he decided to keep his secret to himself, maybe if they became closer, he might open up to her.

''Hmm, I wonder what she did to get on his bad side, Nicklaus is cold, but he doesn't have issues with a lot of people except you strike at him first. ''

Diana replied mindlessly; Michael did not reply. He didn't know Nicklaus too well but he was sure that his mother was not someone nice and she was capable of doing dangerous things. He couldn't even imagine what she must have done to Nicklaus to make him come after her so severely.

And he had overheard her that day saying that Liam had exposed his identity to him, why was she even hiding him in the first place? Michael wondered in his mind.

Diana kept the tray on the stool when she was done feeding him the fruits. They talked about other random stuff before Michael stood up from the bed;

''Let me take you to him; ''

Diana stood up from the bed, taking the plate with her; now he was standing he wasn't looking so sick;

''Does he really hate strangers? ''

She asked and Michael nodded, ''he barks at them a lot, but don't worry he won't hurt you; or are you scared? ''

Diana shook her head instantly, ''No, no, I'm excited, all the dogs I've met are sweet, so I think I want to meet one that will bark at me. ''

Michael laughed, stopping at a room; he turned to look at her, and in truth, she was really excited;

Pushing open the door, he called; ''Caesar!''

The room was decorated beautifully; one would think it belonged to a human, except that the bed was a little smaller. Diana's eyes searched the room for him, but he was not there;

''Did he go out? '' she asked, but as the words left her lips, she heard loud barking and a huge dog came running towards them.