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His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 211 - Don’t Look At Another Woman
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Three days later…

In three days everything was rounded up. Tiana couldn't believe it when she watched the short clip of the campaign video. It felt like a dream when she saw herself there The main model was Claire, then one of the French models, she and Larissa were merely supporting but to her it was a very big role. 

She knew she might not be noticed but seeing herself on TV and billboards was something she could never have imagined.

Their flight was the next day, and damn she could not wait to go home. She had missed Nicklaus so very much. Although she made them talk through the nights, and even leaving the call connected while she slept, it could not compare to being with him physically. She wanted to hug him and feel him wrap his arms around her again.

She packed her bags slowly, humming a beautiful song. Everything had been going fine lately, and even though she was happy; she couldn't help the feeling that something bad was about to happen. Tiana took out the gift she got for Nicklaus from the drawer, a smile washing her lips; she could just imagine the smile on his face when she gave it to him.

When she was through packing her bags, she lay on the bed and called him.

''Baby; '' she smiled as the call connected; this man right here was her joy giver.

Nicklaus was having breakfast; ''what are you eating? '' she asked;

''Macaroni and cheese with sausage and uh hash browns. ''

''Hmm, tasty, ''

''Come eat with me… '' Nicklaus smiled and Tiana pouted;

'' don't worry; we'll be eating together in less than 24 hours. ''

''Yeah, I can't wait, I'm so going to kiss the hell out of you,'' Nicklaus replied with a slight groan at the back of his throat. Tiana grinned as her toes curled, imagining a thousand things they would do when they got back.

''I'm going to eat you alive baby, just make sure you take enough carbohydrate for energy before I get back because I'm not going to let you go until you are wasted. ''

Nicklaus burst out in laughter, his voice echoing in the room.

''beautiful, you know you are a bad girl right?'' 

Tiana's cheeks reddened, and she rolled over on the bed, such that she leaning on her arm;

''As long as it's with you, I can be a bad girl. Just know I'm not going to spare you a minute of rest. ''

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''This woman… '' Nicklaus laughed; he didn't know why, but he just liked it when she was being shameless and possessive. 

''be safe at work okay?''

''Okay; ''

''And make sure you have your lunch, okay?''

''Okay. ''

And you should go to the salon your hair is getting thick. '' Tiana advised like a dutiful wife taking care of her husband.

''Yes wifey, anything else you want me to do?'' she chuckled;

''And don't look at any other woman. ''

Nicklaus laughed; 

''But I can't control where my eyes go… '' he teased her and Tiana glared at him;

''I don't care; just don't look at any other woman, even if your eyes tempt you to look, close them right away! '' she said, Nicklaus didn't know if she was joking or not, but the look in her eyes showed a slight seriousness.

''Beautiful, you know I only see you, right? ''

Tiana paused, then she nodded; ''I know, it's just… '' her eyes fluttered;

''It's just that you're handsome and hot, any woman would want you, and there are some crazy women who go after what they want, and even if you only see me, these women can go to any lengths to have what they want, I'm not saying anything would happen, I just don't want… ''

Her words hitched on her throat;

Nicklaus watched her for a second, ''are you scared of what happened with my parents? ''

Tiana didn't want to say it, but that was her fear. It could happen, no-one knew the future, neither did they have any superpowers to change it; if something like that happened, whether she liked him or not, there would always be the other woman.

Arghh, maybe she was just overthinking things. But then, she couldn't help but get worried, the last thing she wanted was to share him with another woman. 

''Beautiful, look at me… '' Nicklaus called, she was staring at her thighs , not wanting to see his face;

''Beautiful, please…'' Tiana couldn't help but lift her eyes to him when he pleaded;

''I'm sorry, I know I'm overthinking things; let's forget about what I said. ''

Her heart raced, would he see her as a nagging wife? Men didn't like nagging women.

''No, you're not overthinking anything. Things like that happen, it happened to my father when he was least expecting it which brought us to where we are now, it can happen to anyone, no-one is above such unforeseen circumstances. I'm glad you reminded me, I'll make sure not to let any woman come that close, okay? ''

Seeing the concerned look on his face, Tiana felt like a spoilt baby, did she go too far?

''I'm sorry, I trust you very much, I just… ''

'' Shh… it is okay, will see you tomorrow alright? ''

Nicklaus quickly changed the topic; he didn't want to drag it on.

Tiana nodded; ''Take care of yourself, okay? And call me when you get back. ''

''I will; love you. ''

''Love you too. '' Tiana replied before she ended the call.

Claire pulled her luggage out of her room and at the same time Leo stepped out; she paused in her tracks when she saw him. She was about to say something when he beat her to it;

''Claire, you haven't gone down yet? '' his eyes glanced at her bag, it didn't look heavy, so he offered;

''Let me help you with that. '' He said, stretching his hand forward to take the bag from her;

''No, it is fine; it's not heavy besides, you have yours to carry already. ''

She smiled at him, holding the handle of her bag firmly;

''Alright, '' Leo nodded; ''let's go. ''

Claire's lips thinned; truly everything had changed; before he would have insisted and even taken the bag from her, but now when she turned him down he agreed. Her heart squeezed.

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Fine, she didn't like him; must he make it obvious that he was not going to be too loving anymore?

Claire cussed in her heart as they walked into the elevator; her teeth biting the insides of her lower lip tightly.

But thinking about it, he didn't do anything wrong; in truth, if he had insisted, it would seem as though he was being too close, so he was just being careful and keeping up to his words of not making her feel uncomfortable about his feelings for her, so what the hell was wrong with her!

''Claire! '' Leo called when he stepped out of the elevator and saw Claire still spaced out. She shook slightly and quickly hopped out of the elevator before it closed;

''what's wrong? Is there any problem? '' Leo asked, his brows creasing worriedly;

She had been spacing out a lot recently and he had noticed; did something happen?

''Oh, am I?'' She asked; her voice shaky. The last thing she wanted was for him to know that she didn't like his recent behavior, she had clearly asked for it.

''No… it's just…'' she paused, thinking of the perfect lie; ''Mom's anniversary is on Friday, I've just been thinking about the past recently. ''

Leo paused; he remembered her real mom's anniversary but he didn't want to talk about it until that day, it was a very touchy subject.

Well, true her mom's anniversary was on Friday but that was not why she was moody, but then it was the perfect lie.

''I'm so sorry; hope it's not weighing you down? '' Leo asked looking seriously concerned; he didn't want her to be alone these trying times, but she might feel troubled with his closeness if he was to stay around with her and comfort her. It was messed up but he would do the best he could as a friend.

Claire shook her head, ''No, it's fine. ''

'' don't think about it too much okay? And make sure to call me if you need anything. ''

She nodded as they walked out to the black van waiting for them.

The ride was not as hectic as it was when coming, Tiana couldn't stop smiling, she spoke to Nicklaus just before getting into the jet, and she told him he was the first person she wanted to see when she got into the country.

She could not wait to be in his arms again; and to take away her edginess, she laughed and chatted with the others as the time passed by.

Larissa stared at Tiana intently, her head resting on the headrest. Why would someone offer such an amount just to know her whereabouts, she didn't pass as someone so important neither did she seem like someone who could have gotten in the bad graces of a high profile person.

Her eyes fell on the ring on her finger and her eyes widened when she realized what ring it was;

She quickly looked back at her face; who was she really?

The rumors said she was scouted by Leo, but the ring on her finger, worth over $10 million dollars said differently. Well, that wasn't her business, as long as she would get back at her for what she did to her, she was fine.