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His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 212 - Obsession
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Tiana walked down from the private jet, excitement written on her face, she was finally going to see him; she couldn't contain her joy. She quickly called him as she walked away from the rest, her eyes scanning around, the call was not connecting and she pouted.

Peeking at her phone, she saw that there was no network service, and her brows creased. How was there no service at all?

She groaned angrily as she walked further, raising the phone high, looking for a connection, but just when she was about to lose it, she heard a familiar voice call her and she turned towards the voice instantly;

He was standing on the other side of the road, his hands in his pockets and a beautiful smile on his lips. Tiana's lips stretched into an excited smile and she leaped forward, running towards him.

Nicklaus started walking forward, but suddenly everything stopped. It happened so fast, and for a split second, it felt like a trance. Nicklaus watched her run towards him, and abruptly, a van drove in front of her making her stop, but when the van passed by, she was no longer there.

Nicklaus world stopped in a beat, and he shook his head as though he was not seeing clearly, he lifted his eyes back to the spot she was standing but she was no longer there. For a second, he didn't want to believe that he had seen her at all; he thought everything was an illusion until he saw the sling purse in her hand on the ground.

In a split second, five black Hilux raced after the van with great speed, but Nicklaus could not move from his spot, he just stood there staring blankly at the spot she was standing as though he just watched a horror movie. After a few seconds, he walked to the other side of the road and picked up her sling purse from the floor and as though struck by lightning, his legs got weak and he fell on his knees, his eyes staring at the purse;

They took her…

Those words resounded in his head, as though trying to understand what just happened;

They took her…

His throat felt dry as he hummed the words again. He had done his possible best to protect her, but just in a split second of ease, she was pried out of his sight. Nicklaus stood up from the floor, stabling himself. He did not want to think of the thousand things that could happen to her, because it would fuckin kill him, he needed to muster all courage he has to think straight. 

Nicklaus turned around to his car, getting in, he called the gang leader;

''who was that? '' his voice was deathly as death could be and his eyes dark as he stared ahead;

''Boss, we have not confirmed yet. ''

Nicklaus took in a deep breath as his hands fisted;

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''the only task I gave you, you could not do… ''

''I'm sorry boss, we'll get her back this night; ''

''Yes, you'll be sorry when I wipe your whole family from the surface of the earth by the time I call you next and she's not with you.''

Nicklaus ended the call, he breathed in heavily, and the next second, he was slamming his fists against his steering; gripping his hair with both hands, he screamed painfully.

The only person he vowed to protect was taken in front of him.

He could not protect the person he loved, how could he say he loved her?

Nicklaus felt a thousand needles pierce at his heart; his head fell on the steering as he shut his eyes, thinking.

 He had two enemies who would dare to touch her, Douglas and Catherine, which one was it?

Nicklaus rattled his brain on who would try to strike first. The only person who would strike now was Douglas and if he was with her, it was a little easy to get her back, but if it is Catherine?

Nicklaus paused, taking his phone out of his pocket; he called the ring leader again.

''Boss, we lost them. Twenty vans with the same plate number hit the road and when we caught up to the few, they were on autopilot. But not to worry, the IT team is tracing them this instant, we'll strike immediately we get the address. ''

Nicklaus gripped his phone firmly in his hand, his throat becoming dry, 

'' don't do anything, just let me on if there's any news, I don't want her getting hurt. ''

He spoke quietly, feeling his eyes getting wet. If anything happened to her, he wasn't going to forgive himself.

Tiana felt a cloth go over her nose, she struggled to breathe but as soon as she took in air, she felt her head go blank and she passed out.

She didn't know how long it was, but when she woke up she was tied to a chair. She struggled to free herself but her body was tightly bound, and as she struggled, she hurt herself. A light whimper left her lips when she tried to pull her hands and realized it was tied behind her back with ropes so strong. She could feel her blood seizing on her wrists,

Tiana bit her lower lip tightly as she remembered Nicklaus. She could imagine how much he must be blaming himself right now. 

She wished she could tell him it was not his fault; she wished she could tell him not to blame himself for anything. Tears gathered up her eyes as she thought of who could have kidnapped her.

Suddenly, she heard the door creak open and she lifted her eyes to look; and that instant all blood drained from her face.

''Darling, you are awake. ''

He had a devilish smile on his lips and the wicked look in his eyes was a sharp contrast to anything she had ever seen on him.

''Li… Liam?'' Tiana called weakly, now she opened her lips, she realized how dry she sounded, how long has she been passed out?

A peal of mocking laughter left his lips as he walked towards her.

''Tiana, oh Tiana, never knew seeing you again could cost me this much. ''

He walked to her, pushing strands of her hair away from her face.

''Liam? Why are you doing this? What's wrong with you? '' Tiana asked, her voice shaky, she wouldn't in her wildest dreams imagined that it was him who had kidnapped her.

Liam laughed again, ''Save your strength, love, you would need it later. ''

''Liam, what did I do to you?''

Liam turned to her with a deathly glare, '' did you just ask me that?'' 

his voice resonated in the room, making Tiana tremble on the chair; '' did you just ask me what you did? Ha ha''

Liam chuckled huskily, then he walked to a chair, dragging it to her, he sat down in front of her;

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''I liked you, I liked you very much but you didn't feel the same way about me, and instead of telling me that, you used me as a shoulder to cry on, and after getting back to the love of your life, you dumped my ass. And you sit there and ask me what you did to me? ''

Tiana's lips fell open in shock as her heart slammed against her chest;

Did Liam perhaps inherit his mother's obsessive trait?

She gulped, but her throat was too dry to swallow any saliva; ''Liam, I told you I didn't have any feelings for you at that time, I didn't use you in any way, I just needed a friend, how can you say that? ''

Tiana's eyes watered as she watched him, she could not even believe this was even happening;

''And you said that you didn't have a problem with trying to know each other, and even when I got back with Nicklaus, you said you were fine, why then are you saying all these?''

Liam chuckled; ''how foolish of you I must say. Did you expect me to tell you I wasn't fine with it? Listen Tiana, no woman, and I repeat, no woman on earth has ever said no to me, and you aren't going to be the first. ''

Tiana's eyes widened in shock; ''what… what do you mean? ''

Liam smiled then he pushed some strands of her hair to the back of her ear,

''I'm going to make you mine, Tiana, in every fuckin way possible. I'm going to mark you so much that Nicklaus would not want to glance at you. I'm going to taste every inch of your skin, and video every single step of the way, then send it to him. You think he loves you right? Let's see what he would do when he realizes that I've taken his woman in every way possible. ''

Liam burst out in laughter, and Tiana couldn't control the tears that fell from her eyes;

''Liam, you're going to regret this. Let me go now that you still have the chance. ''

''Oh, really? Do you think he's going to save you? Haha, the only way I'll release you is if he hands over the company to me, '' Liam burst into laughter again;

''Let's see how much he loves you then if he's willing to hand over the company, then he truly loves you, but if he's not, then you made the wrong choice by choosing him. '' Liam stood up to walk away;

Tiana bit her lower lip tightly; ''Nicklaus would fuckin' kill you. '' She spoke through her teeth as her eyes brewed with anger;

Liam turned around with mocking laughter; ''Hmm, I'll love him to try, but before then, let me start by marking your lips first, ''

In a flash, Liam closed the gap between them, clasping her hair, he kissed her lips fiercely.

...read the author's note!!