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His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 226 - My Darling Wife
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The bar exploded in a round of applause at the manager's words.

''and in addition, the couple gets a week free meals at the restaurant. ''

They clapped again, Tiana couldn't help looking around. There were so many couples around, some were very cute, and she wondered who would win.

''So the best couple of the night goes to… ''

Nicklaus sipped from his cup, his eyes keen on Tiana. He pushed some strands of hair away from her face, staring at his beautiful wife.

''Table 17! ''

Everyone stood and Tiana joined them clapping elatedly; she looked around, waiting for the couple on the table to step out. She had clapped for a moment when she noticed that all eyes were turned to her and they were smiling brightly. 

Her brows creased and she looked down at her table only to see that they were on table 17.

''oh my god… '' her hands flew over her mouth as a light chuckle left her lips; she turned to Nicklaus, who just realized what happened and stood up.

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The room erupted in applause again as they walked to the center of the bar where the manager stood with the staff.

''We were almost done with the selection when this couple walked right in, and oh wow, we can all see the perfection in front of us. ''

The people screamed with sheer admiration as they watched them, if humans could be perfect, they were real perfection and looked good together. Tiana was red all over; she didn't expect that they would be called, not even the slightest.

''You have earned a one-week free meal at the restaurant and of course this wine. ''

Everyone clapped as a waiter brought the wine wrapped in a beautiful box to them.

''What do you have to say to us?''

The manager beamed at them and Tiana smiled brightly; ''thank you, thank you so much. The truth is, we didn't even know there was an event here, and we just came to have drinks. I was so shocked when we were called. We are so grateful for the gifts. ''

She smiled cutely and they couldn't help but admire her. She was so pretty and her voice was a melody to the ears, they wished she could continue talking but sadly she was done.

''Okay, '' Nicklaus laughed when he noticed that all eyes were on him, waiting for his speech.

''I didn't even know what this was about until I was standing in front of you, that's because I was staring at this beauty beside me, my darling wife. ''

"Awnn… '' Everyone grinned at his public display of affection, their minds already picturing how stunning a baby they would make, would be, an epitome of everything beautiful. Tiana's face tainted a dark shade of red when she heard him and she turned away from him.

''I'm grateful for the gifts, and I'll make sure we get drunk with the wine. ''

Everyone applauded, Nicklaus thought for a second, and then he whispered something in Tiana's ears, she nodded with a smile, and he continued; ''we are on our honeymoon so we might not be able to come here for the free meal, so we would like to donate it to another couple here if it's accepted? ''

He turned to the manager and the manager nodded;

''Yes, yes. It is! ''

''Alright, I'll let my wife make the choice. '' Tiana smiled and her eyes turned to the people in front of her. Everyone stared at her elatedly hoping to be chosen, Tiana's eyes fell on a young couple, they were wearing couple clothes and she wanted to choose them when suddenly her eyes flashed on an old couple, wearing matching clothes. 

They looked in their seventies, as they couldn't keep standing with the others. Tiana imagined her and Nicklaus growing old together and still wearing couple wears, it was something she wanted so without a second thought, she pointed at them, ''the couple on table 4. ''

 Tiana could see the shock that flashed through the old lady's eyes, and she turned to her husband. They slowly stood up and walked to the center of the bar. The old lady had a beautiful smile on her face, it was clear she wasn't expecting to be chosen.

She held Tiana's hand and smiled, Tiana covered her hand, beaming at her.

''Alright, the privilege is transferred to the couple on table 4, a round of applause please. ''

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Everyone clapped again and after a little more talk, they all returned their tables and continued with the night.

Diana tossed in bed, her eyes blinking open. She stared at the ceiling for a second before she jumped out of bed;

'Michael is here!' her eyes turned to the wall clock and she saw it was past 9. It was Sunday, she wasn't sure if he had anything doing, but either way, she didn't want him waking up before her so she quickly jumped out of bed. Quickly brushing her teeth she washed her face and arranged her hair before walking out of her room.

As she opened the door, the sweet smell of egg and sardine hit her nostrils and her eyes widened;

Not only was he up, he was also making breakfast!

Diana didn't know if she should be happy or ashamed of herself, she slowly turned to the kitchen.

''Good morning; ''

Diana leaned on the door with a grin on her lips; Michael turned to look at the direction of the voice. His hair looked damp as he turned to her like he already had a bath. He wasn't putting on any shirt and his well-chiseled abs warmed her eyes; Diana gulped and she quickly pulled her eyes from his body, not wanting to be caught staring again.

''Morning, you just waking up? ''

He smiled at her as he watched her walk to him; ''yeah, didn't know you wake up so early, I would have put on my alarm, I feel embarrassed. ''

 Michael laughed; ''you don't have to be, just woke up a few minutes ago, ''