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His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 233 - An Asshole
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''What took you too long? '' Nicklaus asked as Tiana sat down in front of him.

She shook her head; ''oh, I didn't know I took too long. '' She smiled at him, her eyes flickered when she saw Adrian walk towards a table a few feet apart from them, and her eyes fell to the girl sitting on the table, and surprisingly, it wasn't the girl from the photos she had seen a few months ago; Tiana laughed, she couldn't hold it in anymore. Adrian was really an asshole!

''What's funny? '' Nicklaus wondered when he saw her laugh all of a sudden; Tiana shook her head;

''Nothing, don't mind me, I just remembered something. '' Even if she would tell him about Adrian it wasn't going to be here, she still didn't know what he told him that made him leave without a single word, she would ask him when they got back to the room.

Her eyes shifted to the duo again and at the moment, her eyes locked in Adrian's and she smiled; she liked the look of shock on his face, she can't even imagine what he would look like when he saw whom her said 'husband' is.

After a moment, Tiana turned to Nicklaus; ''Baby, let's get going now, I'm tired. '' she said, standing up from her seat; Nicklaus nodded and picked his phone from the table, taking her hand, he walked out of the restaurant. He didn't see Adrian, or even if he did, he could not remember him, so it was just Tiana who enjoyed the petrified look on his face as she watched him stare at them with shock.

She felt very satisfied watching his face drain of all color, he was an ass. Even if Nicklaus threatened him to leave, he was already an ass before then, she was so grateful for how everything turned out, if not she might have realized what an ass he was a little too late.

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''Hubby, guess who I saw today? '' Tiana finally said when they got to the hotel. Nicklaus slouched back on the couch and shifted his eyes from his phone to her; ''who? ''

Tiana slid into the duvet and turned to him with a grin; ''Adrian. ''

His brows creased as though wondering who Adrian was; ''who is that? Do I know him? ''

''My ex; ''

Nicklaus blinked as he remembered the man who kissed her in front of the company, and he swallowed;

''where did you see him? ''

''At the restaurant, I met him when I left the ladies restroom;

''Oh, that was what kept you for long? '' he asked and she nodded;

''Okay… '' Nicklaus said and turned back to his phone; Tiana lay lazily on the bed as she stared at him with a grin, waiting for him to ask what they talked about because she knew it was eating him up inside;

And after the longest time, he finally asked; ''so what did he say? ''

She laughed out loud, clearing her throat; ''well, we talked about a lot, but first, what did you tell him to make him leave? ''

Nicklaus brows etched at her question and he blinked;

''Nothing much, I just told him never to meet you again, it seems he doesn't value his life much. ''

Nicklaus replied, a frown forming on his forehead. Tiana laughed; ''I trust you aren't as jobless as to go after him because he met me coincidentally, we have a lot of other things to worry about okay, leave him, he is in the past, it's not like I even want to have anything to do him, I really wonder what I was doing with that kind of a person.''

Her reply irked his interest and he turned to her with a grin; ''why do you say so? ''

Tiana shook her head in surprise at her choice of love interest; ''Well, I just realized that I had been a fool in the past. '' She sat up on the bed, placing a pillow on her thighs;

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''You know, Adrian didn't contact me for five months until he was back from med school; when I asked, he said he was busy with exams but now I think about it, even though he was writing exams, it didn't stop him from using his phone, did it? I can't even believe that actually believed that story and took him back and then when that issue happened, he quickly got together with another person as though I didn't even mean anything; and as if that was not enough, today when he saw me, he was trying to get back to me as though I'm some old abandoned clothes, like hell! He acted as though he didn't do anything wrong! How foolish he must think I am!''

Nicklaus laughed as he watched her seethe in anger; ''so what did you do? ''

Tiana scoffed; ''Trust me, I slapped his stupid guts on his face when I told him my husband was waiting for me; you needed to see the shock on his face when he saw you. I can't even imagine that I was stupidly in love with him, he isn't even attractive at all, baby, he even had bald hair, bald hair! ''

Nicklaus burst into a fit of laughter; he held his stomach as he laughed. Her reaction as she said that was epic;

''God, beautiful, cut him some slack he is a human being; '’’ Nicklaus was happy hearing her talk about her ex like that; at first he was scared that there was some lingering feelings but now he was glad, there was no need going after him again, she didn't even want to have anything to do with him.

''Tch, strange people do exist. I'm so happy I ended things with him then; I can't even imagine being married to such a person, I would have cried for the rest of my life. ''

Tiana laughed at herself; right now, the best decision she had ever made was being his mistress, even if she was taken back in time, she would choose to be his mistress over and over again.

''How is your sister? ''
