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His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 238 - Promise Me
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''Grandma came; she made me eat a lot. '' Tiana groaned as she lay on the bed.''

''Grandma? '' Nicklaus asked, walking into the room; ''where is she? ''

''She left a while ago; she wanted to wait for you but I told her you were not going to be home soon, so she left, but not before I promised that we would come to visit. ''

Nicklaus smiled, going to the bed and kissing her cheeks; '' missed you; ''

Tiana pouted and she shifted on her position so she would kiss his lips; ''have you had dinner? ''

She asked looking concerned and Nicklaus shook his head; ''no, not yet. ''

''Alright, go take a shower, I'll have your meal ready before you come out. ''

''Alright; '' Nicklaus kissed her chin before he stood up and undressed.

Tiana watched him; today, while she spoke to Grandma, she asked him about Nicklaus's birthday, and she was surprised when Grandma said it was in the next two weeks. When he came back, she wanted to ask him about it, but after a second thought, she decided to surprise him.

She watched him enter the bathroom before she stood up to go get his meal.

By the time Nicklaus came out of the bathroom, the table was set.

He dressed quickly and came to sit on the dining, Tiana sitting down beside him;

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''aren't you going to eat? '' Nicklaus asked when he saw that she was just sitting and not eating;

She shook her head;

''I told you, Grandma made me eat a lot, my tummy still hurts; '' she rubbed on her tummy, showing how full she was already;

''Why did she make you eat so much? '' he asked, looking at her amused;

Tiana pouted; ''she says she didn't want her baby great-grandchild to be skinny, so she fed me, she said she would send food supplements every week to keep my body healthy for a baby, ''

Nicklaus laughed; '' didn't you tell her we aren't getting pregnant yet; ''

''I did! I even told her we aren't even trying for a baby yet but she would not listen, she says she wouldn't want us to be caught unawares, so it's better safe than sorry. ''

Nicklaus laughed; Grandma had always been that way, sweet and caring, he didn't blame her.

'' don't mind grandma okay? She can't help being that way, ''

''Yeah, I know, '' Tiana smiled; she knew grandma was like that because she had to act like a mom, and a grandmom for Nicklaus because Nicklaus's mother was no more so she didn't think too much of it. It was just what anyone would do in that position.

''I'll start work properly next week; '' Tiana said after a while; ''I've rested so much that my body feels numb ''

Nicklaus laughed; ''okay, it's fine as long as you are well guarded, ''

Tiana nodded; ''yeah…'' she said and thought for a while; ''Douglas has been eerily quiet; I'm getting very worried now. '’

Nicklaus grip on his fork tightened but then he continued eating;

''Heard he was out of the state for a while, I think he's back now. ''

''Oh… '' Tiana breathed, if he was back does that mean…

She watched her husband silently, and for a moment she imagined something happening to him and she quickly shook her head, no, no, if something happened to him, it would wreck her soul. Right now, he was what kept her moving, if anything happened to him, she wasn't sure she would be able to survive it.

Raising her hand, she rubbed on his arm;

''Take care of yourself for me, okay? ''

Nicklaus turned to her and his heart melted when he saw the sad look on her face.

He smiled and kissed her hand; ''Nothing will happen to me, don't look so sad. ''

He smiled at her and Tiana heaved a sigh; ''I just can't help getting worried. I feel like something bad would happen soon; '' She was having those woman instincts again; the same she felt the day she was coming back to the states from France, no matter how much she tried to ignore it, it was still there.

Nicklaus smiled; ''for something bad to happen, is a given, our concern is being able to survive it and surely, we will so don't bother yourself about the unknown.''

Tiana pouted; ''I'll really be sad if something happens to you, it'll wreck me. ''

Nicklaus sighed; she was just worrying herself too much; ''Love, I'll make sure nothing happens to me, I'll be very careful ''

Tears gathered in Tiana's eyes, she was just imagining the worst things right now;

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''Promise me? ''

Nicklaus laughed; ''I promise, now if you say another word, I'm gonna make you eat more food. ''

Tiana quickly shut her lips; she did not even want to dream of eating another spoon of food, her tummy would literally explode. That night, she held him close as they talked for a long while. Nicklaus listened to her talk about her childhood, the happy moments, and the sad times. When she was done talking, she made him talk about his too and how his life was living with Elizabeth. After the longest time, they finally slept off snuggled in each other's arms.

Diana peeked at her phone vibrating on the table and her lips thinned;

She had been avoiding his calls for a while now; not because she didn't want to pick but because she didn't know what to talk with him anymore. After contemplating for a while, she swiped the phone;

''Michael, hi, ''

''Diana, how are you, it's been a while; ''

"' Mm, I'm fine, hope you're good ''. Diana was surprised that he wasn't asking why she had not been picking his calls; maybe he already got the hint that she was avoiding him now.

''Are you done with work?''

She was about to leave for home but she knew if she said yes, he was going to ask to pick her, so she replied; ''No, not yet, still have a lot to do. Today's been very stressful. ''

''Oh, so sorry, don't overwork yourself, okay? ''

''yeah, I won't; thank you. '' Diana gulped, it's been a while she told a lie, she wasn't sure if she sounded convincing.

There was silence for a moment on the other side, after a while Michael spoke;

''When do you have time? We need to talk. ''