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His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 244 - Smart But Smarter
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The man led him to an abandoned building that he didn't know existed.

''get down! '' he said and Michael stepped down from the car. He didn't need anyone to tell him why they had taken him.

''Kneel! '' The man commanded and Michael fell to his knees, his head bowed.

After a few minutes, Catherine stepped out of the house and walked to him in a catwalk, her hips arching as she moved;

''Oh my, why is he on the floor? '' she asked with a hint of mockery which only Michael could catch.

''Please stand, I told you to get him, didn't tell you to make him kneel. '' She smiled as she watched Michael stand up. She was a tall woman but Michael was a few inches taller, so she stared up to his face with a grin on her chin.

''Son, what have you done? ''

Catherine asked, raising her hand to his chin. Michael's heart slammed against his chest; did she know everything he told Diana?

God, he was done for if she did. He was actually going to die now if he made the wrong move. Michael breathed out slowly, stabling himself. Catherine was smart, he had watched her interrogate her prey, and some of the time she didn't have any tangible information, but she made them give themselves away with the way she spoke.

He wasn't sure if this was the case but he wasn't about to fall into a perfectly laid trap.

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''Mom, I'm sorry for meeting with Diana again, but how would you send armed men to come to get me? What exactly is happening? ''

Michael asked as though oblivious of anything. Catherine stared into his eyes, searching for any sign that he was lying, but Michael gave nothing away.

He stared back at her looking as sincere as he could. When Catherine saw that he wasn't lying, she faked a sad sigh;

''I was scared I had lost you; I'm in a fight with Nicklaus, and you make friends with someone from his family, how do you want me to feel son? '' She asked, rubbing his chin, and faking a sad gaze.

Michael stared down at the woman in front of him. How gullible he was all these years to have fallen for this act. Every single time she had pretended to care, pretended to love him as her own but all the while it was just an act. She was indeed devilish.

''Mom, I'm sorry. I won't ever meet her again. I didn't know you would be this hurt about it, I'm very sorry, but you shouldn't have sent armed men, you got me scared for a second. ''

Michael laughed, turning to the huge man who was still standing behind him.

Suddenly Catherine feigned ignorance.

''armed? '' she turned to the man behind him with rage;

''Did you point your gun at my son? '' She left him and walked towards the man as though she meant it, before he could reply, she raised her hand and slapped him across the face, her silver bangle hitting his face and giving him a cut;

''Mom, it's alright. Don't take it out on him, it's not his fault. ''

Michael quickly pulled her back, holding her from slapping him again. He didn't realize he could act so flawlessly until now.

Catherine stared at the man for a second and she turned back to Michael;

''I'm so sorry, did he hurt you? '' she peered at his face and Michael shook his head.

''No, not at all ''

Catherine heaved a sigh of relief; ''Thank goodness, I won't even survive it if anything happens to you, come, come; let's go in and eat. ''

She said, taking Michael's hand and leading him into the house.

Although Michael had eaten, Michael ate with them, Liam was not there and he wondered where he was. For a moment, Michael wondered how stupid Catherine was to actually bring him to her hideout.

Now he thought about it, if he had slipped just a bit, he would have been dead by now. He couldn't help the shivers that ran down his spine.

''Mom, I've been wondering, what exactly is the issue between you and Nicklaus? ''

Michael asked in the middle of the meal; ''I really don't like to see you so stressed out. ''

Catherine paused and smiled at him; ''Michael, I don't want to bore you with the details, just know everything would be fine soon, I promise.''

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Michael nodded and continued eating as though he actually believed her. He kept on the fake smile until he bid her farewell and entered his car to go home. Catherine stood on the front porch as she watched him drive out.

As soon as his car disappeared into the distance, the smile on her chin eased and was replaced with a menacing look.

She heard footsteps behind her, and when she felt the person stand beside her, she said;

''He doesn't know anything yet. '' She paused; ''sorry, for the slap, I had to make it look real. ''

The man rubbed on his chin as he stared at the spot Michael just disappeared from.

''I don't believe that I've always known you as someone who doesn't take chances. Why don't you just end him already? He's no longer needed; ''

The man did not like Michael at all; he just received a hot slap because of him. Catherine thought for a moment;

''I would have killed him at this moment if he knew anything he shouldn't know. But it seems he is still oblivious. He's going to die anyway, why the rush? Besides, I still need him in the company now. ''

She said and turned back to the house;

''Keep an eye on him still, report to me if he still contacts that woman. ''

The man stared at his boss's retreating figure. She wasn't one to take chances, she had warned Michael about meeting Diana but he still met with her, how did she just believe every word that came out of his lips without a second thought?

Something did not just fit in. The man thought, but he could do nothing about it, he just prayed it would not be too late when they found out.