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His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 306 - Six
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''Leo… '' Claire's voice trembled. He was staring at her as though she was a stranger. No, he was staring at her like he was trying to mask what he was feeling, as though there was someone making him do what he's doing.

Claire gulped and walked closer to him;

''don't… don't come any further. '' his voice trembled as he spoke, making Claire stop on her spot.

''Leo… what's wrong? You can talk to me… please… ''

Leo's heartbeat raced. He saw her when she came, he didn't know if he could be able to pull it through but he couldn't risk flopping and most importantly now.

 Her father would be very alert now since he knew she was coming to see him, he was sure he had people watching them, so he had to act the part.

It broke him in two seeing her that way but he couldn't do anything.

''Claire, it's over between us. ''

Claire felt her whole body freeze at his words; 

''what? '’ she blinked;

''it's over, Claire, I don't want this anymore. You should listen to what your father says, he wants the best for you… I'm no good… ''

''Stop… please stop… '' her head was pounding, everything that has happened was already weighing her down, and he was the only one she had hopes to comfort her and now this.

Leo clenched his fists, why was she not seeing through him? Did she believe everything he said?

At that moment, he wished he could just open his heart and let her see. Damn, what was he going to do if she didn't understand?

Leo felt sweat break out his forehead; she was crying now and it was tearing him apart.

''I know we are not meant to see or talk, but I missed you, can't you at least be friendly and let me in, this once? ''

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Her voice broke him, if she continued crying, he wasn't sure he was going to keep up.

''Are you angry that I didn't come to see you when you came to the white house? It was not my fault, he locked me up so I wouldn't see you. If I knew you were going to come, I would have found a way to leave the room, but I didn't know. I'm so sorry. ''

''Claire, that's not it, I… ''

''Did he tell you anything? Did he say that I'm getting married? It's a lie, don't believe anything he says, I'm not getting married to anyone, I haven't even met anyone, please believe me… ''

Her face was red now and she was slightly trembling, all he wanted to do was hug her and tell her everything he said was a lie. But he couldn't… he would have every right to be with her if he could just wait till the sixth month, but if he failed now before he even started, he would have given up the right to be with her.

''Claire, it is none of those things. I just… I just don't want this anymore. I know I told you I loved you but there's a limit to it, I can't continue to run for my life because I love you, I can't… ''

Claire nearly fainted, for a second, she thought she was dreaming. What did her father say to him to change him so much? Even if he heard that she killed someone was it enough to treat her like a beast without at least hearing what she had to say?

Claire shook her head,

''No, no, this is not happening; '' without a second thought, she closed the gap between them and hugged him tight out of nowhere.

''Leo, please, don't do this. I can't take it, please. Please, we can talk about it; you don't have to treat me this way… I love you. ''

She cried as she held unto him, he wasn't going to leave her after everything. How would he give up on their love so easily? He loved her for years, how was he giving up on them without a fight?

He even refused to leave when her father threatened his life, why was he eager to leave her now?

She was so confused and angry,

''Claire, let go of me, we are done… '' Leo said and tried to pull her away, but in the process, he leaned closer to her ear and whispered;


He couldn't risk saying so many words, but at the same time he couldn't just let her go so hurt. At least she should be smart to figure out what he meant, but what if she wasn't?

Claire was confused by what he said, so she let go of him and opened her lips to ask, but knowing what she was going to say, he scolded;

''It's over between us Claire, it's over. Find someone else and be happy. Don't come looking for me ever again and don't ever call me. Goodbye. ''

With that, he turned back into his house and slammed the door to her face.

Claire was stunned , she was stuck between, what he just said and what he said earlier.

What was the meaning of 'six?'

Six what?

Ignoring it, she started to bang on his door.

''Leo, please, let's talk! I love you! I love you so much! Please don't do this to me! Please! ''

She cried as she banged on the door. But when he didn't respond, she finally gave up and left in her car.

Her eyes were swollen by the time she got home and she knew she was going to fall sick the next morning. She hadn't felt this hurt in a long time.

Claire prepared a hot bath and soaked inside as she wept;

She cried so much that she did not know when she slept off in the bath tub, when she woke up; it was past one the next day. Dragging her limp body out of the water, she dried herself and wore her nighties and fell on her bed.

She wasn't feeling sleepy anymore, and her head was a little clear now.

Her mind went back to what happened the previous night and then she remembered what Leo said.

He had leaned close to her ears and whispered 'six' out of nowhere. Was he trying to tell her something? Claire thought as she lay on her back and gazed at the ceiling.

What did they do that involved six? 

She thought silently, and then suddenly she sat up on the bed.

Six! Six months!

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Was he trying to tell her to wait for six months? Was that what he discussed with her father?

Claire tried to connect the dots.

Maybe her father told him not to be with her for six months, if she wasn't married then, they could be together. Was that it?

Her hands covered her lips reflexively. That was the only sane reason she could find in all these.

Now that defined the look in his eyes. Even though he said one thing, his eyes were saying another. She couldn't even believe that he was saying all those things, how could he stop loving her in a blink of an eye? That was not how love worked.

Claire laughed at herself as she imagined having cried for hours for nothing.

So that was what he was trying to tell her. A smile brightened her lips. Now she knew, she was going to lead her father on and drag it on, till the six months was over.

Her stomach grumbled and she realized how hungry she was, she didn't even eat since the previous afternoon. Ignoring the time, she skipped to the kitchen to make herself some cereal.

Leo just made her day. He was so smart! Claire giggled to herself as she ate. She imagined what must be going on in his mind right now, wondering if she had figured it out or not.

''You're so pretty, and your skin looks delicate! ''

Even though it was an obvious question, Veronica couldn't help asking.

Gwen smiled as she covered the pot sitting on the cooker, some maids were in the kitchen with her, when she said she wanted to prepare dinner, they didn't know she meant it.

They had accompanied her but they didn't know how to start a conversation, but when she talked with them, they all became free and starting chatting. Now, they could talk about all the things they had gossiped about her at her back.

''Stop, it's just as soft as yours, don't flatter me. '' Gwen laughed as she felt Veronica's skin.

Veronica smiled. Everyone liked Gwen already, she was so sweet and talked to them freely.

''You are so pretty, Tiana is pretty too, but I think you're prettier. ''

One of the maids spoke, and everyone kept mute. They didn't expect that anyone would openly compare her to Tiana. They didn't know if she would get annoyed.

Gwen smiled but she quietly said; ''I think I'm pretty, but let's not compare my gorgeous sister I'm not even as half as fine as her. ''

She smiled shyly. On the face of it, she was supporting Tiana, but her words carried a hidden meaning.