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His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 366 - Party
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Sighing, she continued washing her mouth.

Nicklaus had asked that she shouldn't worry about it, since he wasn't worrying either. 

Worrying wasn't going to solve anything. 

After bathing, she had breakfast with Gwen and they left for the company together.

"Tiana!" Claire exclaimed when Tiana and Gwen stepped into the office and she embraced her in a friendly hug.

Tiana hugged her back,

"I'm so so happy for you, Claire."

She laughed, looking at her face with a smile. She was radiant and beautiful.

"Gwen, how are you?". Claire asked as she noticed Gwen standing beside Tiana.

"I'm fine. Congratulations, I heard the news from Tiana."

"Thanks dear, come in and take a seat."

Claire pointed towards the couch and they walked in.

"where is Leo?"

Tiana asked as she sat down and as she asked, Leo walked in,


Tiana beamed with a smile as she clapped for him. Leo laughed,

"thank you, Tiana." His eyes turned to Gwen when she congratulated him, he had not really talked with her but he knew she was Tiana's sister.

Leo sat on the couch beside Claire as they discussed.

"Yeah, that reminds me, Gwen wants to try modelling, I think she has the body and looks."

"Really? That's great! I was thinking about that too, she has the body and looks, I wondered why she didn't want to be a model, then I thought maybe she just wanted to makeup, that's why I didn't ask. But it's great, welcome to the team!"

Claire smiled at Gwen who nodded in appreciation,

"Thank you. I'll do my best."

She said, although smiling casually. She was bubbling inside.

Her eyes glanced at Tiana and she wondered who was prettier.

She had a more attractive look, and she would garner more attention as a model.

A smile found its way to her lips as she imagined how famous she was about to get.

"Yes, are you guys going for Ray's birthday?"

Gwen's eyes turned to Tiana the instant she asked the question. Her fingers gripped her bag tightly.

This was not meant to happen… how would she take Tiana away when Claire and Leo was there. And if anything went wrong, they could link it to her.

Her heart raced as she prayed that they wouldn't come.

"No, we aren't very close to him and we actually have somewhere to go to tonight." Claire replied and Gwen heaved a sigh of relief. She had spent so much on this already, it wasn't about to flop.

Oh… okay."

"you guys are going?" Claire asked with a frown. Tiana had never mentioned Stephen Ray, she was surprised she was going for the party.

"Yeah… Gwen is close to him and she doesn't want to be alone."

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She smiled faintly.

"Oh, okay."

They talked about other random things before leaving.

"We won't stay too long in the party."

Tiana said to Gwen as they stepped out of the room, there was a worried expression on her face and Gwen arched her brow,

"What's wrong?"

Tiana smiled, "Nothing, I don't know, I just don't feel fine. I'm just going there because of you."

"Don't worry, we won't stay long. We'll just greet him and come back home."


Diana woke up before Michael this time. Her eyes stared at his sleeping face.

His lips were stretched into a thin line and his brows

His lips were stretched into a thin line and his brows were relaxed. He was sleeping peacefully.

She smiled as she raised her hand and arranged his disheveled hair.

Kissing him on the chin, she stood up from the bed.

Her eyes widened when she saw the little red patch of blood that stained the sheets and she quickly lay back down.

They finally did it last night.

Diana couldn't fathom why she was smiling.

She was so happy. There was nothing between them anymore, he was hers and she belonged to him.

Smiling, she turned to look at him and her cheeks turned a shade of red when she saw he was awake now.

She greeted shyly,

"how was your night?"

Michael smirked and brushed her hair with his fingers, staring into her eyes,

"it was perfect…"

She chuckled,

"Mine too,"

They stayed like that staring at each other and smiling like teenagers in love.

"Are you very busy today?"

He asked, and Diana shook her head. Well, she had a few things to sort out in the company but she would prefer to be with him.

"Let's take the day off,"

She nodded.


Michael smiled and pecked her forehead,

"Let me fill the bath,"

Diana watched him stand and walk to the bathroom naked, her cheeks grew hot and she looked away when she saw he was naked, the events of the previous night coming back to her.

He had been gentle and sweet. The experience was nothing like she had thought of it. She expected it to be painful, and unbearable but she just felt a pain once and the rest was pleasure.

This was surely something she was going to get addicted to.

Remembering the patch of blood she saw she quickly hopped down from a bed and pulled the bed sheet off the bed, tossing it into the laundry basket.

Quickly changing the bedsheets, she lay back on the bed,

Michael stepped out of the bathroom after some minutes, her eyes flashed at his manhood and she looked away with bright red cheeks.

He laughed when he saw her expression.

"I can't believe you're still shy after last night."

Michael lifted her off the bed, earning a squeal from her.

"I'm not shy!"

Michael laughed as he placed her in the bath, the sweet scent of lavender and rose filling her nose.

Getting into the tub after her, he pulled her close so her back was against him.

"You're the shyest girl I've ever met, but you're nothing close to shy in your movies."

Diana smiled,

"that's because we need to get into character, and I have no feelings for the men I'm acting with so I can't be shy in front of them."

Michael smiled. He lathered her back slowly, his fingers playing with her hair.

"does it hurt?"

He asked, Diana frowned as she wondered what he was talking about.



He emphasized by touching her in between her legs. Diana gasped and she shook her head,

"No, it doesn't. It just feels uncomfortable a bit."

"Sorry okay?"

She nodded and breathed out an air she didn't know she was holding as his palm slid off her.

"should we announce our relationship to the public now?"

Diana asked, there was no need hiding it anymore.

"do you want us to do that?"

She nodded with a smile. The fact that he just did whatever she wanted made her smile.

After bathing, they wore casual clothes and made a meal together like newly we'd couples.

Caesar joined them midway. Diana was surprised he wasn't eyeing her like before, he was even playing with her more than Michael. It seems he had accepted her to be with his master.

As they sat for brunch,

Michael's phone rang on the table.

Diana's eyes flashed at it and her breath caught when she saw the caller.


Tiana put on her shoes as she checked herself out in the mirror.

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"You look gorgeous."

Gwen commented beside her.

"Thank you but I don't know if that's what I want to look right now." The last thing she wanted to was garner any attention. She didn't even want to be noticed.

Gwen smiled,

"don't worry, we'll be home even before you know it."

She smiled, patting on her back.

"Let's get going, it's already part six."

"Alright, give me a moment."

Tiana said with a smile and Gwen nodded, walking out of the room.

Tiana went to the table and called Nicklaus but she couldn't reach him. She sighed and sent a message over then walked out of the room to join Gwen.

"Hurry! We're late already!"

Tiana smiled as she walked to the open car. She wondered why Gwen was very excited. She already said she didn't like the man, why was she this excited to go to his party?

Maybe she liked him but she didn't want to say.

Gwen got in after her and shut the door.

Her plan was half done now. Just a while more and everything will be done.

There was no way their marriage would stand after a cheating scandal. One she wouldn't even know how to explain.

Gwen smiled and she turned to look at Tiana.

Tiana's eyes turned to her phone again,

Why was he not replying?

She wondered. But she remembered his meeting might have started she put her phone back into her bag.

She would call him when she came back.

"Was it Nick… Nicklaus?"

Gwen corrected herself quickly before Tiana noticed,

"Yeah, he's not picking, I think he's in a meeting."

"Yeah, you should call him when we get back home."


It was a fifteen minutes ride and finally their car drove into the hotel parking lot.

"We're here."

Gwen beamed as she stepped down from the car.

Tiana looked at her amused.

"I thought you said you didn't like him?"

Gwen shook her head,

"I don't."

"Oh really, then why are you so excited to be at his party?"

Gwen laughed when she heard her,

"Well, I don't know. I'm just excited. Maybe I do like him…"