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His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 371 - Back From The Dead
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Suddenly, she heard the sound of clinging keys from the right end of the room and her head turned towards it instantly.

The door creaked open in the dark room and she heard footsteps of a person walk in.

Gwen felt goosebumps wash through her whole body, she could barely see his silhouette in the darkness as he approached her.

Gwen shook on the chair as she muffled a scream through the tape tied across her lips as though that would help in a any way.

Tears gathered in her eyes as she watched the man walk to her and stop in front of her.

Gwen breathed heavily. How would she tell him that she wasn't Tiana.

Suddenly the lights came on in the room and her eyes shut in reflex. 

She blinked severally as she tried to get used to the sudden brightness. She looked at the man who had stood in front of her. 

Liam Wills…

She was still shocked by the fact that he was alive.

How did he survive and fool everyone into thinking that he was dead!

This means that they were all in trouble. He had something planned they were not even remotely prepared.

She only noticed there was a chair in front of her when he sat down on it. Now she looked at him, he had shaved his head and there was a scar by the side of his head, maybe where the bullet had passed through.

He crossed his legs in front of her, a smirk on his lips. Suddenly he leaned forward, Gwen arched backward but that was the farthest she could go, as she was pinned to the chair.

He clutched her hair up with his hands and tore out the tape across her mouth.

Gwen gasped.

"I'm not…" she breathed,

"I'm not Tiana, I'm her sister… please, don't hurt me."

Liam chuckled,

"I know… you look a lot like her, got me fooled for a second."

Gwen breathed out, thankfully he knew, but would that change anything?

Her eyes flashed at him in panic, he was surely not going to let her go because she was going to tell everyone that he was alive.

Gwen bit her lower lip, what would she do?

"You shouldn't have seen me Gwenivere, now you're leaving me with no choice but to kill you…"

"Please, wait… I can help you."

Gwen spoke immediately, her words breaking,

Liam frowned with a chuckle,


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Gwen thought,

"What do you want?"

She asked, a little too confident for someone tied to a chair.

Liam smiled,

"How in hell do you think I'll believe you?"

"Because I hate my sister."

Gwen looked at him fiercely,

"She gets everything I have to struggle so hard for so easily, and I won't forgive her for taking what was mine."

Liam leaned to the side,

"And which is?"

"Nicklaus… he chose me first but she had cunningly taken him and still pretends she did nothing, that's the most annoying part, every time I look at her face I'm filled with hate."

"Interesting." Liam chuckled.

"What if I tell you to kill her?"

He asked and Gwen's expression paled. Even though she wanted Nicklaus, it wasn't to the extent of killing her.

Her lips trembled but she could not speak,

Liam laughed,

"Don't mind me, I'm joking, I actually like her, did she tell you?."

Gwen shook her head, 

He smiled. "I suppose not. Well, I like her a lot and I want her."

Gwen's eyes lit up at his words, 

"You want Nicklaus Howells and I want Tiana, so it's a win-win."

"I know Tiana, she won't come to you."

Gwen said,

"That's not a problem. One thing I learnt from my half brother is that the dead is out of the suspect list."

Gwen watched him. He didn't seem like someone she could trust, not even close, but this was another chance of getting to Nicklaus and she couldn't let it slip, she might never get this chance again.

"What do you plan to do?"

"That is for me to think about, I just need you to do what I ask."

Gwen breathed.

"But what's your gain in all these?"

Liam smiled, "that's none of your business,"

He said standing up,

"You'll be closely followed, one slip up and you're dead. I'll send you the details of what you need to do, for now, I'll send someone to take you home."

Gwen watched him walk towards the door casually and shut it right after.

She breathed out.

She didn't even have a choice right now. She was torn in between betraying her sister and losing her life and she chose the better option. Besides, he wasn't going to kill her, so it was the best option.

Gwen nodded to herself.

Liam shut the door, and the smile on his chin disappeared.

Contrary to what he had told Gwen, he didn't haven any plan of keeping her alive.

That man had killed his mother, the only way of getting back at him was taking away what he loved the most.

He was going to squeeze the living life out of her and make him watch.

And as for the little brat, Michael, who betrayed him, and thinks he would get away with it,

He would tell him that a dog never barks at its master.

He didn't have any thing else to live for. He didn't think he would survive, but now that he did, he was going to get his revenge on those that killed his mother.

Gwen watched the black car drive off after dropping her off at her place. She had never felt so scared in her entire life.

Her legs moved forward into the house and she shut the door.

She did the right thing…

Gwen tried to console herself that it was the right thing to do, if she didn't choose to betray Tiana she would have lost her life and besides she was getting Nicklaus in return.

She smiled to herself. She would make sure to stick by his side when she is away and try to have his baby in case Tiana comes back, then it would be too late. Nicklaus would definitely choose the woman carrying his baby no matter what.

Gwen smiled as she lay on her bed, finally she was going to get what she wanted.

Three days later…

Michael looked up from his pc when he heard a commotion outside his office, before he could call his secretary to ask what was going in, his door flung open and Jade barged inside followed by a distraught looking secretary.

"I tried to stop her…"

He said, Michael sighed and waved at him to leave.

When he had left, his eyes turned to Jade angrily.

"What do you want?"

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He asked in the most irked tone she had ever had, Jade shuddered but immediately gained her composure.

Walking towards his table, she sat down without permission.

"Can you sit down and hear me out?"

"I didn't give you the permission to come into my office, so you better start talking unless you want me to call the security on you."

Jade looked up at him, her eyes watered, she bit her lip and took a deep breath,

"I saw that you made your relationship with that woman public."

Michael stared at her, he didn't even deem it fit to reply her.

"Is that what you caused all these commotion for?"

"If you would only pick my call, then I wouldn't have caused this commotion as you call it."

Michael brushed his hand through his hair,

"Jade, I love this woman so very much and nothing you do can change that. I respect you a lot but don't let me lose the respect I have for you by behaving this way. You're too beautiful to be going after a man who doesn't want you."

Jade smiled and looked at him,



Michael was surprised by her abrupt acceptance. Even though he wanted her to leave him alone, she didn't seem like someone who would easily let go.

"At least let's have a drink for the last time to say goodbyes."

Michael frowned,

"I can't."

"Why? You can tell Diana that we're hanging out, I have no ill thoughts, it's just for the last time and I'll not disturb you ever again, can't you do that?"

"I don't think it's necessary. There's nothing to talk about."

"She can come too if you think I have something in mind."

Michael was quiet. If Diana was going to come, then maybe she didn't have any ulterior motive.

"Fine. A drink it is."

Jade smiled and stood up,

"Thank you, which day? Tomorrow, next?"

"I'll ask Diana and get back to you."

Jade nodded,

"thank you." With that she turned around and walked out.

Michael sighed and sat back on his chair.

What did she want to hang out for? He couldn't help but wonder.

But since she said it was the last time, Michael decided to give her the benefit of doubt, at least she wouldn't disturb them again.