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His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 373 - Crazily In Love With Him
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Michael drove to his house first, without parking properly he jumped out of the car, running into the house.

He pushed the doors open in a haste, screaming her name.

His feet stopped at a spot when he saw her step out of the kitchen.

She was holding a towel in hand and she wiped her wet hands, her hair was tied up and she looked like she was sweating.

When she saw him, she stretched her lips into a smile.

"I was waiting for you."

She said, beaming faintly as she placed the towel down and approached him.

Michael gasped as he watched her, dumbfoundedly,

He didn't expect her to be in his house, talk more of smiling like nothing happened.

He wanted to say something but he waited to see what she would do.

Diana stopped in front of him and she smiled,

"I prepared something for you to eat, are you hungry? Do you want to shower first?"

Michael stared at her helplessly.

He couldn't comprehend what she was thinking.

How was she not shouting at him? She just found him kissing Jade and she wasn't annoyed?

He couldn't form a word in his lips, he just watched her,

Diana's eyes wandered when she saw he wasn't saying anything.

"Um…" she stammered,

"You asked if I wanted to get married, I want to now. We can have as many children as you want…"

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Michael's heart broke into a thousand pieces as he stared at her face.

She must have thought he went to Jade because she wasn't giving him what he wanted.

Staring in her eyes which was clouded with pain she was trying so hard to mask, he sighed painfully as he closed the gap between them,

"I'm so sorry…"

Michael held her face as he sighed,

"I shouldn't have listened to her, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have trusted her."

He pleaded as he pulled her into his arms, hugging her tight.

Diana didn't move nor say a word.

"She made me inhale something, which made me weak and she took advantage of my weakness, I didn't touch her, babe. I didn't.

I'm sorry for making you worry so much."

Michael cried in her arms as he hugged her.

Diana blinked as tears clouded her gaze.

That day, she didn't know what to think. She had shut all reason and made a thousand excuses.

Right, she had loved so wholly again. Even when she wanted to be mad and blame him for kissing that woman, seeing him, the only thing she could think of was what she did wrong.

She had been so heartbroken but she couldn't leave. She loved him a little too much to leave.

So instead, she had stayed back and prepared a very nice meal, and waited for him.

She had heard him drive in, but she was too scared to meet him, afraid that he was going to ask her to leave.

Afraid he was going to give reasons for his actions.

But what she heard him say had shocked her,


She asked with a shaky voice.

Michael held her face,

"I can never ever cheat on you, Jesus, you're my fuckin life, how would I do that?"

His hands trembled as he spoke. Diana blinked,

"But Jade…"

"she called you to come to the office, from the moment she asked for the drink together, she already had something planned and I fell for it. I'm so sorry I couldn't even say a word earlier cause I couldn't speak. My whole body was paralyzed.

I just regained my strength now and I drove straight home,"

Her eyes brightened a little.,

"So... you didn't cheat on me?"

For a moment, she had thought she had wasted her time, again. But seeing a man who was almost begging on his knees, she knew, this was it, this was the man.

"How could I, how could I babe?"

He asked as he kissed her lips passionately,

"How would I breathe? You're my life babe, I could never do that, I'll get the cctv footage, you'll see for yourself. I can never hurt you."

Diana felt a weight lift off her chest and she smiled,

"I thought… I thought you didn't want us anymore."

Michael placed his forehead against hers,

"How could I not? You know how much I'm in love with you."

Diana smiled,

He was only talking but she didn't know why she had believed every single word that he had said.

"I'm sorry."

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Diana apologized, throwing her arms around him,

"I shouldn't have believed a stranger's message. I was insecure to have thought that you would be doing something behind my back and came to find that out without even calling, I'm so sorry."

Michael patted her back and kissed her forehead, eyes, nose and then lips, deepening it a little.

"It's okay. You don't know how worried I was, I'm sorry for even listening to her, okay?"

She nodded.

Michael held her face up and kissed her, passionately.

He wouldn't trade this woman for anything under the sun. If he didn't know how much she loved him, he knew now.

She had waited for him to come back and explain himself.

She even considered the options that could have made him go to another woman, God… he wasn't going to hurt her again.

"I love you, Diana. So much, so much."

He whispered in a breath, taking her lips once more, this time a little rough, as though unable to contain his desires.

Diana clutched his hair as she kissed him back, losing the will of her own.

Her breath became rapid as her fingers slid down to his shirt, undoing the buttons quickly.

She knew she was crazy, the fact that she believed every word that came out of his lips without any questions. Without doubt.

She was crazy. Crazily in love with him.

Michael propped her up, such that her legs went around him and he led her to the room, still kissing her.

Diana flung his shirt away, her hands sliding up his broad shoulders, she gasped as Michael pulled the gown off her, his fingers unclasping her bra with a click.

She watched his eyes grew dark with list as they met her breasts. Her toes curled.

A growl formed in his throat as his lips latched onto her breasts, exploring every inch of it.

Diana's back arched towards him as her eyes rolled backwards. Her sanity leaving her. 

She grabbed unto him tightly, as she supported herself from falling.

They were close to the bed now, but instead of placing her on the bed, he carried her into the bathroom.