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His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 398 - You Were In Love With Him
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"Did I like him?"

Tiana asked,

"No you didn't. You were in Love! Madly baby girl. Wait, you don't feel anything when you look at him?"

Tiana shook her head,

"Mm, he looks good, he feels close, but that's all I can't even remember anything or anywhere we've been to together."

"Oh my, that's really bad, make sure you don't tell him this, it'll break him. He's been waiting for you for over a year?!"

"I think I'm hurting him by being this way, I wish I could remember."

Tiana sighed. Why was everything so complicated.

Claire patted her arm,

"Don't worry you'll remember soon, but for now you have to do your best to keep him happy. He's been by your side all these while, that's the least you can do."

Tiana nodded.

"I will try,". Claire smiled.

"What of my sister? Nicklaus said she's out of the country."

Claire paused, Nicklaus had told them what Gwen did, and already briefed her on what say if she asked.

"Yeah, she did."

"Mm, I wonder why she's not calling. Did no one tell her I'm awake?"

Tiana asked with a small frown.

Claire cleared her throat.

"She's really busy now, with so many shoots. And Nicklaus doesn't want it to get out to the public yet that you're awake, so he's waiting for her to come back."

"Oh, okay." Tiana nodded.

"now tell me how I met you cause I cant remember."

Claire laughed and stood up,

"That's a story for another day, I have to take Zayne for checkup, see you next week."

"no, that's too far away, you are the only one I remember, you should come see me everyday."

Claire laughed,

"Okay dear, I'll see you tomorrow, I can't wait for you to be on your feet again. You need to come back to work. Everyone's been waiting."

Tiana smiled.

"Ill try my best."


She waved at them as she watched them leave the room.

20 minutes after they left, Nicklaus walked into a room,

Tiana's eyes followed the bag in his hands,

"how are you feeling?"

He asked as he watched her every move.

Tiana smiled,

"I'm feeling great. Can't wait to be out of here."

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Nicklaus smiled,

"The doctor said you'll be out very soon, once you start walking again."

He said as he sat down beside her.

"What are those?" Tiana asked, Claire had said she shouldn't be too distant, and if she really was in love with him, she wouldn't want to hurt him by treating him like a stranger.

"Oh, I got you a new phone."

He said taking out the phone from the bag and giving it to her.

Tiana smiled,

"Thank you,"

She said.

He had been scared to give her a phone since she might try to contact Gwen but he didn't want her to be bored, and doing nothing all the time and the doctor had said seeing some pictures and places she had been to would help her remember. And she would soon ask for it, he didn't want to wait till she did.

He watched her unwrap the phone.

"I've installed the basics and your storage is intact."

Tiana nodded.

"She turned it on and went to her gallery first, scrolling through the pictures, they were mostly pictures of Nicklaus, ones she had taken of him, unawares.

Tiana watched them, a smile on her chin.

A few of them were of both of them, kissing, hugging, cuddling.

She looked in love.

Tiana blushed and looked at him.

"How did we meet?"

She asked. She wondered how she had met such good looking rich man in the poor world of hers, and got him to fall in love with her.

That was some Disney world imagination.

"Our meeting wasn't that exciting,"

Nicklaus said,

"You hated me for the most part of it."

Tiana laughed,

"these pictures doesn't seem like it."

"Yeah, we fell in love along the line."

Tiana nodded.

"Why did I hate you?"

Nicklaus smiled faintly, "let's not go into that, now. Maybe some other time."

She glanced at him and smiled, then kept the phone away and turned to him fully. If she was going to stay married to this man, she would at least know him well,

"Tell me about you, what do you like?"


Nicklaus answered, his eyes staring straight in her eyes. Tiana blinked and looked away, a faint blush formed on her chin.

"I'm serious." She said,

"Finally I get to see that again,"

Nicklaus said and she looked at him confused,


He raised his hand and caressed her cheeks with his thumb,

"Your blush, I finally get to see it again."

Tiana looked down at her hands, the part where his thumb was, getting redder.

Nicklaus smiled.

"I missed you so much, beautiful, so much, I was almost crazy."


It rang in her head, but she couldn't remember where she knew it.

Tiana smiled, as she let him take her hand and kiss it.

"Can I hug you?"

He asked out of nowhere and she blinked, then nodded.

If he had waited a year, he would want to hug her so bad, Tiana couldn't even refuse.

Nicklaus stood up and embraced her in a tight hug.

Tiana breathed in his cologne as his arms wrapped around her.

He smelt so good. Her eyes closed as she raised her hands slowly and hug him back.

That moment felt very familiar like she had been in his arms before.

She liked it. She didn't want him to stop.

Nicklaus didn't want to stop either.

"Thank you for coming back, thank you."

Tiana smiled as her head lay on his chest, as her eyes remained close.

She didn't know how long they stayed like that but when she woke up, it was night outside.

A light chuckle left her lips when she realized she had slept off in his arms.

He was sitting beside her when she opened her eyes and she laughed.

"Did I fall asleep?"


She blushed, "I've been sleeping for a year, and my body still feels like sleeping during the day incredible!"

Nicklaus laughed. He was surprised when she slept off in his arms, he tried to make her lie down but she had held tightly around the waists.

It made him smile. It seemed her subconscious didn't forget him at all.

"And I want to use the rest room," Tiana said before she could think about it.

She didn't expect him to call a help for her when he was he was her husband, did she?

"Oh, okay, let me help you."

Nicklaus stood up and helped her stand up from the bed.

Tiana's legs shook and she sat down back on the bed,

"I forgot your legs aren't strong yet, I'll carry you."

Nicklaus said, and before Tiana could ready herself he had lifted her off the ground.

Her arms went around his neck reflexively as she shut her eyes.

Nicklaus smirked,

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"why are you closing your eyes?"

He whispered as he carried her to the restroom,

"Um… nothing,"

Tiana's eyes opened instantly,

Nicklaus let her down when they got to the toilet, but he still held her waists so she could stand straight.

"what do you want to do?"

He asked, in a calm voice.

Tiana swallowed, she should have just asked him to call the help.

Was he going to stand there and watch her ease herself?

"I want to ease myself." She replied,

Nicklaus nodded, and carried her close to the WC,

"I'll be outside, call me when you're done."

Tiana breathed out in relief when he walked out and closed the door.

She quickly eased her self and washed her hands, drying them after.


This was the first time she had called him out loud.

What did she call him in the past?

Nicklaus helped her back to the bed, as he lay her back down, her eyes fell on his lips.

They looked kissable.

She swallowed.

He leaned to the side to raise the bed and her eyes followed him,

Wait… what was she doing?!

Tiana shook herself back to order. Was she already drooling. So self control of any sort!

She rolled her eyes. It was her hormones in action. They had not seen sex for a year, they must want to grab the nearest man and get him laid.

"The doctors say you can start having solid food,"

Nicklaus said, bringing her back from her thoughts.

Tiana nodded.

"that's great, I was already tired of the liquids."

"You might not see me in the morning when you wake up,"

He said, cutting Tiana's smile short.

"I have a very important meeting in another state but I'll be back before late."

Tiana nodded. Why was she feeling a little sad?

Was she already getting used to him?

"When will my sister be back?"

Tiana asked, after a minute of silence.

"In a month's time."

Nicklaus said.

By then she would have recovered fully and be able to comprehend whatever he was going to say.

"That's a really long time, can't I speak with her on the phone, I'm sure she wants to hear my voice."