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His Lordship Alexander Kane

Chapter 154
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Chapter 0154

“Are you pleased?”

Lewis’s question hung in the air, and Amber froze in shock.

However, it was not just Amber, but everyone, save for Alexander, was utterly taken aback.

The mayor of Ol‘ Mare himself had cforward, offering Missus Thompson a villa in the nof neighborhood redevelopment. The demolition of the Habergam area was ages away. That was an outright gift!

Was that extravagant present from Mayor Christian for Missus Thompsons birthday all because Amber had put in a good word? That was beyond belief!

“Mister Christian, |... | don’t know what to say.” Amber looked uncomfortable and was at a loss for words.

Awhole villa!

Even with the redevelopment of Habergam, families would only get a commercial property and scash, around 50 thousand dollars at most. However, those villas at Valenders Pavilion, though not huge, were in a prspot, worth way more than a handful of commercial

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The birthday gift was overwhelmingly generous!

To top it off, Mayor Christian did not just offer that jaw-dropping gift. He actually sought Amber's approval, asking if it met her expectations.

Was that skind of alternate reality? It was downright incredible!

“This can’t be happening. It just can’t be real!”

Next to her, Carmela’s jealousy was about to boil over. Her fists clenched so tight she thought her chest might burst.

Her ego was bruised.

Alexander, Amber, Susanne, Patrick... were all nobodies, so why did Mayor Christian care about them so much? She was the one running the Braine family show, and she would not let anyone overshadow her.

“If Miss Chesire has no objections, then we're all set.”

Lewis, the seasoned mayor, had been through it all. He knew exactly how to handle the curveballs life threw his way. With a booming laugh, he acknowledged Amber, but as his gaze shifted to Gavin, his gaze turned to ice. “Gavin, you were saying something about not considering the New Chesire Group for the old town investments?”

“And just where did you get that idea? | want an explanation, now!” Gavin's whole body shook. His legs turned to jelly!

He had made up that story to put Alexander and Amber in their place, but he was way out of his league. Such big decisions were way above his pay grade, reserved for the city’s big shots.

Then, Gavin could not muster a single word with Lewis bearing down on him. “Go hand think long and hard about what you’ve done!”

Lewis eyed Gavin's pathetic state and huffed, “Miss Chesire is family to you, isn’t she? You’d be out of a job if not for her, How about a little gratitude?”

Gavin was a mess, swaying on his feet, lips trembling like leaves in the wind. “Mister Christian, |... |...” “Amber.”

Alexander shot Lewis a look of respect, then gently took Amber’s hand. He turned to Carmela with a playful grin and teased, “Missus Lowe, don’t you think we owe Amber a big thank you?”

Carmela was seething, yet she bit her tongue, breathing heavily, her eyes blazing with rage. The answer was simple but oh so +15 BONUS complicated. To thank Amber would be to admit that her family was second best, outdone by Amber, Susanne, and Patrick!

Alexander had orchestrated the whole scene, intent on making her swallow her pride and admit defeat. He wanted her to be the architect of her own downfall.

“Carmela, apologize now!!”

Gavin, witnessing Carmela’s predicament, went white as a sheet. He leaped forward, yanking Carmela into a bow before Amber, his voice quivering. “Amber... | mean, Miss Chesire! We're so grateful for your forgiveness. Your aunt and | were wrong!”

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“We were blinded by our own egos and lied through our teeth. The New Chesire Group is a force to be reckoned with, and we’re convinced It would bring the town fortunes!”

Carmela, with Gavin’s hand clamped on her neck, could not even raise her head, defiant to the end. Her anger inside threatened to

explode. Her lips slowly began to move...


In a fit of pent-up rage, she coughed up a mouthful of blood! “Aunt!”

Amber gasped, rushing forward, ready to catch Carmela. “Missus Lowe's fine.”

Alexander stepped in, gently holding back Amber's wrist, a slight smile on his face, “Missus Lowe's always been tough. Anger just got the better of her. Better out than in, | say. This ordeal might just be the lesson she needed.”

The relatives around them were as silent as a graveyard, none daring to utter a word.

It was clear to all that Carmela had brought that on herself. Had she not messed with Amber’s family, she would not be in that mess.

From that day forward, the Braine family would march to the beat of Amber’s drum. “Miss Chesire?”

Lewis shot a wary look at Alexander, biting his lip before finally sidling up to Amber. In a hushed tone, he said, “There’s something I’m not sure | should bring up, but since I’m here today...”

He dropped his voice even lower, “The other day, the bigwigs at Jacobsma Group from Province Town approached me. They're eyeing New Cheshire Group, wanting to buy us out. | turned them down flat.”

“I'm just worried they won’t take no for an answer and might try something against New Cheshire Group.”
