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Chapter 254 A Defender Of Justice!
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'Stupid Tians! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!'


Alice sent a stone flying with her low-heels.

On the fabulous gated community roads, she was already in her own world, strutting about with rage.

Anyone could see that she was angry about something.

She was so focused and annoyed that she didn't even notice that the same people had been going back and forth around her in circles.

First, they drove their vehicles far ahead of her before stepping out, bypassing her severally.

And each time, she would curse those in the Tian estate.

She also mumbled about exposing them too.

And of course, her biggest complaint was about her being some genius, tied down to the estate.

Honestly, they didn't need to ask her about her situation because her mouth had already answered it.

The playful-looking man looked at a few of his men tactfully before finally taking a fake badge from his vehicle.

It's been a long time since he had to use this identity.

Who knew it would come in handy so soon?

Little girl, since you want to expose the Tian estate so badly, then you would be more comfortable talking to a police officer, right?'

Very smoothly, the man pushed back his short dark raven hair before putting on a pair of clear glasses.

Psychologically, many people tend to take those wearing glasses seriously.

They subconsciously believed more in a person wearing one than a glassless individual.

One should look at their schools or workplaces.

How many people with glasses on are not taken seriously? The answer is almost zero.

And the more non-fashionable the glasses are, the more serious people would take them.

It was a very physiological aspect that people like him studied.

One couldn't be an average or high-paying killer registered in the darknet just by target shooting or tracking alone.

He studied psychology and other behavioral subjects too.

Avoiding the law was part of his job.

And as they say, to know one's enemy is to keep oneself alive.

Of course, being serious-looking didn't mean that one had to be ugly.


The playful man quickly took away his smile, looking very serious, but not too intimidating.

Glasses on his face, hair neatly styled, badge in his coat... He walked towards the angered Alice.

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Up the slanted sideways he went.

And when he was close enough, he quickly called out to her while showing his badge.

"Miss... I'm a police officer undercover. I need to speak to you about the Tian residence. There has been some illegal activity that's been taking place. And I've been sent to find the truth out for myself."


An uncover officer?

Illegal activities?

She knew it!

Alice's eyes lit up like a torch. And suddenly, her frown faded away as though it was never there in the first place.

Of course, looking at the man before her, she subconsciously believed in him... Especially when he said he was willing to show more credentials to prove his identity.

Alice shook her head vigorously from side to side. "No. I believe you."

How could she not believe when she too knew that those criminals in the Tians were doing something shady?

She felt more and more excited, feeling that she was suddenly the daughter of the world.

She wished for a way to expose these criminals of their shady practices not too long ago.

And now, wasn't her wish going to be fulfilled?

Once she brought them to justice not only will she be able to leave this dump, but she would also have credit under her name for going on an undercover mission.


The more Alice thought about it, the more excited she became.

Look left, look right.

Alice began scanning her surroundings like a rat in a sewer.

"Quickly, Mr. undercover agent. We have to find a private place to talk, or else we might get spotted."

Once was already on edge, walk-in g as fast as she could to heaven knows where.

"It's alright, miss. My teammates and I have vehicles parked a few blocks away. So let's go there."

Nodding her head vigorously, Alice couldn't agree more. "Right! Lead the way then."

Uncover agent! Undercover agent!


To think she would have such a surreal experience in her lifetime.

"You may call Mr. Green. That's my undercover name. Remember, act natural. They could be watching us even as we speak."


Alice felt nervous, feeling like she was now in some spy movie.


Her mind was spinning without countless imaginative scenarios of what the Tians would possibly be engaged with.

But at the same time, she sneered at how low they had done just because they were now paupers.


Like so, Alice tried her best to act natural, as though she had known Mr. Green for a long time.

And soon, she entered one of the ordinary black vehicles parked along the roads.

At the back of the vehicle, there were just 2 other men with papers, pens, and stern expressions too.

Some kept talking into their earpieces, reporting Tian activity.

"No signs of drug and weapon delivery. Sir! These Tians are a slippery bunch. But I promise you, Captain. We will do our best to bring them into justice!"


Alice, who had just entered the vehicle and heard this, was even more shocked and taken aback by how serious the situation was.

Drugs? Illegal transportation of firearms... Hold on. Could the Tians be involved with some mafia activity?

Alice's expression was grim. And Mr. Green began his question and answer session.


"Alice! You may call me Alice!" She replied, not realizing that her voice had gone up a notch.

Me. Green stared at her intensely.

"Alice... We desperately need your help to bring down these criminals. Don't worry; you will never be implicated. We have a sniper unit and many others on standby, ready to move in at any time... But before we do all this, there are some things we have to know about the estate... Through observation, we've seen that you're not involved with these criminals."

Of course she wasn't involved with them!

How could she?

Alice felt her body tremble even more.

She wasn't wrong.


They were all criminals!


Alice's face distorted the more she listened to Green's words.

To think she had been living with criminals for so long.

It wasn't like she wanted to bring them to justice for the sake of justice.


Before, she just wanted to leave. And now, hearing that these people were so crazy after falling and turning into paupers, she dared not stay for long in the estate.

Such desperate people might also sell her to a trafficking house if they badly needed money.

Alice was not willing to take that risk.

She had a bright future ahead of her. So why should she crush it all by working for these desperate paupers?

She knew that the Hous would-be believe her words without evidence... In short, no one might believe her without proof.

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This should also be the reason why the police chose to go undercover too.

It looks like because they were afraid that if too many people knew, then it might reach the ears of these criminals, alerting them.

Who knows... Maybe even within the police station, there are some dirty cops trying to cover for him instead.

Alice quickly figured things out the more she listened.

And of course, Green was quite the talker, being able to convince her very quickly.

First, he gave her a sense of reasoning for all she experienced during this time.

"Miss Alice, you may not be innocent. But not everyone is as clean as yourself."

Alice subconsciously tightened her grip on her seat." Me. Green... What do you mean?"

"It simply means apart from yourself and 2 others, those we observed exiting and entering the estate seemed to be secretly working for those in the estate. Miss Alice… In other words, there are some spies amongst your colleagues!"



The words hit her like a missile.

No wonder...

Alice felt her breathing heavy.

No wonder that no matter how she complained or tried to expose the Tians, nothing happened.

Now, she knew what she had to do.

How could she keep working in such a dangerous place? What if she got implicated.

Seeing her expression, Green secretly smiled playfully.

"Miss Alice! Before we charge in and arrest those criminals, there are still some things we need to know. And that's where you come in."

Cut... And scene!

Green had played with Alice's emotions like a pack of cards.

And by the time they sent her on their way, they gathered much more intel than expected.

Green chuckled, removing his fake glasses.

Playing such games almost seemed too easy.

He gave the signal, and one of the men at the back of the vehicle called everyone back via his earpiece.

One by one, they popped from inconspicuous locations, all heading back to the vehicles.

p For now, this was enough.

And just as planned, they would keep contact with Alice, their new inside eyes into the Tian estate.


"Let's go!"

Vrmmm! They were off.

But while their job seemed over for today, Dorian's was still far from over.

11 P.M.

It was time to head into the Forbidden Forest.