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Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 215 47.6 - Her Change
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Chapter 215 Chapter 47.6 - Her Change

?215 Chapter 47.6 - Her Change

Maya found herself in a small, dimly lit room, facing the two officers from the Local Awakened Security, Harlan and Margareta.

The atmosphere was tense, and Maya could sense their scrutiny as they prepared to question her.

Harlan leaned forward, his stern gaze fixed on Maya. "Miss Maya, we've been informed of the recent events. We need you to provide a detailed account of what transpired."

Maya took a deep breath and began recounting the harrowing experience. She described how she was ambushed and kidnapped by a vampire and the terror she felt as she realized the danger she was in.

Her eyes flickered with a mixture of 'fear' and 'determination' as she continued, revealing how she managed to turn the tables.

"I had an artifact hidden as a trump card," Maya explained. "It was a powerful enchanted weapon that allowed me to get rid of the vampire's restraints. And then, with its help, I was able to escape and, ultimately, eliminate the threat."

She had already returned to her usual demeanor now that the events transpired had become far, long away.

Margareta raised an eyebrow. "An enchanted weapon? You were well-prepared, Miss Maya."

"It is all thanks to our academy."

"Yes. We know you are a senior from the Arcadia Hunter Academy."

Maya nodded in acknowledgment. "Yes, my training at the Arcadia Hunter Academy has been invaluable."

Harlan's stern expression softened slightly with a slight respect. "We understand the importance of being well-

prepared, especially for someone of your caliber."

Margareta interjected, "Miss Maya, we've dispatched an investigation team to the tunnels you mentioned. They'll assess the situation and gather any additional evidence. We've also notified the families of the kidnapped victims about the developments."

Maya felt a sense of relief that the authorities were taking swift action. "Thank you for your prompt response. I hope the investigation yields useful information."

Harlan then revisited Maya's earlier testimony. "You mentioned witnessing other victims in the tunnels—people the vampire had killed. Can you provide any more details about what you saw?"

Maya hesitated for a moment, the memory still vivid in her mind. "The victims were suspended from the ceiling, lifeless. It was a gruesome scene. The vampire seemed to revel in displaying the aftermath of its action."

Harlan and Margareta exchanged glances, their expressions growing grave. After all, they knew a vampire was something that was normal. Hunter could face alone, and they knew what kind of danger this girl before them had defeated.

After a moment of contemplative silence, Harlan spoke with a newfound respect in his voice, "Miss Maya, facing a vampire is no small feat. It's a challenge that even seasoned hunters approach with caution. What you've accomplished here is beyond commendable."

Margareta chimed in, her expression reflecting the admiration they both felt, "Indeed, it's not every day we witness a young hunter confronting and overcoming such a formidable adversary. You've not only saved yourself but potentially prevented further tragedies. Your bravery won't go unnoticed."

Maya nodded, but her expression didn't move, as if she wasn't happy with the compliments.

In fact, she wasn't since she wasn't the one who achieved this feat but was here because of his request.

"Thank you. I did what I had to do to survive and protect others. But there's still much to uncover about the events in those tunnels."

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However, she still acted her part, explaining the truth as if she was the one who had done that.

Harlan's tone shifted to a more serious note. "Miss Maya, I understand the gravity of the situation, and your actions are commendable. However, given the nature of your encounter with a vampire, we need to ensure there are no signs of infection or any lingering effects. It's a precautionary measure, considering the potential risks involved."

Maya's eyes flickered with a hint of discomfort, but she nodded in understanding. After all, he had also informed her about this, but he said trust was the most important.

According to what he said, this incident had already become too big, and if they had learned this from another source, it would have been a lot worse. They would probably target her.

"I know. It's necessary to be sure."

Margareta gestured towards the door. "If you could follow us to the medical bay, we'll conduct a thorough examination. It won't take long, and it's a standard procedure after encounters with demons." Even though there weren't many records of vampires, encountering a demon and staying alive meant two things.

Either the said person was on the demon's side, or they were a spy; thus, an investigation was needed.

Maya stood up, her resolve evident. "Lead the way."

Maya followed Harlan and Margareta to the medical bay, the sterile environment contrasting with the recent chaos in the tunnels. As she settled onto the examination bed, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

The gravity of the situation weighed on her, knowing that this examination wasn't just a routine check-up. He also informed her about this procedure on the way in the tunnels while they planned how much they would reveal.

"Please start the check-up."

Harlan and Margareta watched as the personnel began the examination, their movements professional and precise.

Various magical detection tools were used to scan Maya's aura, searching for any traces of demonic energy. Despite the hidden goals of the acts, the procedure seemed like a routine medical examination.

Maya tried to remain calm, but the tension in the room was palpable.

Her mind raced with thoughts of trust, secrecy, and the delicate balance they were trying to maintain.

'Everything will be okay. It will be even better if you act like you don't know why this had happened to you.'

She recalled what he said to her and remembered the importance of her 'honest' act.

As the examination progressed, Harlan and Margareta exchanged subtle glances. They were seasoned officers, so they knew there was a high chance that Maya was affected by that demon.

However, to their surprise, the results showed no signs of demonic energy in Maya.

Harlan, maintaining his professional demeanor, couldn't help but express his surprise. "This is..."

"Thank god." Margareta sighed and smiled. She somehow felt quite fond of this girl since she was the one who fought with the vampire. She sincerely wanted this girl to be as normal and honest as she looked, and her expectations didn't disappoint her.


But the most surprising one was Maya.

'He said they would detect that I was a vampire.'

After all, she herself drank his blood, and she knew sooner or later she would be found. So, she decided to reveal this to authorities, even though she knew the road would be thorny.

But this was different from what they expected, and it was a welcomed one.

Harlan smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, Miss Maya. It seems whatever you faced didn't leave a lasting mark on you. You're in the clear."

Margareta added, "You've been through a lot, and we appreciate your cooperation. We'll continue our investigation, and if you remember anything else, don't hesitate to contact us."

Just like that, Maya, somehow feeling relieved, left the room.


"Astron Natusalune, correct?"

The man standing before me had an air of authority that radiated from his very being. His hair, once likely a dark shade, was now a pristine white, and wrinkles etched the map of time on his face.

Despite the aging signs, there was an undeniable strength in his presence, an overwhelming vibe that demanded respect.

But I knew for one fact that this guy before me wasn't someone worthy of respect. Follow current ɴᴏᴠᴇʟs on NoᴠelFɪre.net


A traitor bastard who sold the information of the hunters and acted as a spy. He was a rat, a rat I wanted to choke with my bare hands.

"Yes, I'm Astron Natusalune," I replied, meeting his gaze directly.

"I am Director Benjamin, an investigator under the Demonic Human Bureau," he introduced himself with a firm tone, and his piercing gaze bore into mine.

This guy was a demonic human who knew how to hide himself very well.

At this exact moment, I imagined killing him, cutting his face, stabbing his chest countless times, dismembering his organs, and displaying them to the world.

However, I didn't have the strength. After all, he was at least a mid-rank-10 hunter who couldn't even be compared to the academy students right now.

Thus, I kept my cool, my face unchanging.

"You were called here in order to move with the investigation related to the demonic human attack that had targeted student Sylvie."

As Director Benjamin opened his mouth, my mind worked swiftly to conduct a visual analysis of the investigator before me.

His appearance spoke volumes about the recent events that had unfolded in his life.

Firstly, his eyes revealed a weariness that couldn't be concealed. Dark circles clung to the lower lids, and the subtle twitch in his right eye suggested a lack of sleep. It was evident that he had been pushing himself beyond normal limits, possibly fueled by the urgency of the investigation.

The faint scent of cigarette smoke lingered in the air around him, confirming my suspicion that he had recently indulged in the habit.

A crumpled pack of cigarettes protruded from the inner pocket of his suit, its presence hinting at moments of contemplation amidst the chaos.

The cuff of his left sleeve bore a faint smudge of dirt, perhaps remnants of an explosive situation or a scuffle.

The well-polished shoes hinted at recent visits to places less pristine than an investigator's office, possibly a scene with explosives.

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His smartphone, a device for government officials, barely visible in the inner pocket, emitted a faint glow.

A brief glance told me that he had just concluded a call with his superiors, a conversation that likely contained critical information or directives related to our current investigation.

The hem of his overcoat bore a dampness that hadn't fully dissipated, and a lingering chill seemed to emanate from his very presence.

The city had experienced an unusually cold night just last night, and the dampness on his coat suggested exposure to the chilly air. The fact that he had entered the city during such weather conditions spoke volumes about the urgency and immediacy of the situation.

All of them made me understand that he had just recently come to this city, possibly at night.

'The investigation team most likely transferred the case to the Demonic Human Bureau, and he just came to the city last night with the order from higher-ups.'

If that was the case, it was even impressive that he came to the conclusion that I was a suspect, most likely from a former case.

'Fred's disappearance.'

The last time Fred was seen was when he entered the same dungeon as us, and he must have remembered the list and my name.

'Makes sense.'

I knew for a fact that Sylvie was also called before me, and she was also questioned. Of course, she was asked some questions about the event and the identity of the demonic humans that had attacked her and me.

"Yes, Sir Benjamin."

I bent my pride and paid my respects.

"I won't keep you here for a long time." He said, his eyes looking at me. "Do you know anything about the masked attacker that had targeted the Demonic Humans and killed them?"

I maintained a calm demeanor as I met Director Benjamin's scrutinizing gaze. The questions he posed were direct, and I could sense the undercurrent of suspicion in his words.

Even though he was a professional and almost had perfect control over his body, the small hints that he gave couldn't escape my eyes.

"Masked attacker targeting Demonic Humans? Even though I had been informed by Sylvie and Officer Margaret, I'm afraid I don't have any information on that," I replied, feigning ignorance with a touch of sincerity.

It was a delicate dance, a careful balance between appearing cooperative and deflecting suspicion.

The answer to that question wasn't the important thing. What he was looking for wasn't the oral answer but actually the response given by my body, and I knew that well.

Benjamin's eyes narrowed slightly, his gaze intense. I knew he was trying to gauge my reactions, searching for any sign of deception.

'You won't find one.'

One of the first things I had trained aside from my body was my poker face. Even with [Perceptive Insight] assisting me, I didn't get lazy and paid the utmost importance to being able to control every little detail of my body.

The mask I wore was one of composure and innocence, concealing the turbulent thoughts beneath.

"Is that so?"

And it seemed he concluded that I wasn't someone that needed to be suspected. After all, I made sure of that. It was not that hard.

"Thank you for your cooperation. You are free to leave."

Especially if you knew of that bastard's skill….