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Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 297 70.2 - Award Ceremony
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For Irina, from the moment she was born, she had never had a good relationship with her parents.

Her mother, who held the strongest position in the family as the matriarch, had just recently subdued her sisters and brothers when she was born. It was a very long successor fight, according to the words of her nannies.

Therefore, when she was born, her mother was a lot busier than compared to before. Considering the fact that she needed to stabilize the family and the finances, it made sense, but as a child, she was deprived of her mother's love.

Yet, there was someone there. A person who could be called a parent to her. A woman who gave her the care that she needed, a woman who was beside her when she was a child and sought parental love.

She had filled the emptiness that came from the lack of parental interest, and naturally, the young Irina couldn't help but somehow connect her figure with her mother.

It was like she was her second mother.

Yet, the reality crumbled really fast. As she passed the age of the certain threshold, suddenly, that person left her side.

Then, Irina realized. Even from the beginning, she had never been a parental figure for her. The person she thought of as a second mother was, in fact, just an attendant who was sent by her mother.

That was all she was for her. And, naturally, the young Irina didn't take it well. Her mother might have wanted to teach her the harshness of life, and she was successful at it. Maybe the biggest reason for her acting like an arrogant noblegirl was this.

Yet, now, that said person stood there, facing her in the back of the crowd.


The memories flashed in front of her eyes as her face hardened.

'Why is she here?'

She asked herself as she saw one of her childhood figures. Yet, just as she was about to drown in her thoughts, she felt a touch on the right side of her waist. A pair of fingers grabbed her from there, making her squirm a little.



She exclaimed inwardly, barely suppressing the moan that was about to escape from her mouth. Turning her attention to the source of the touch, her eyes met with a pair of purple ones.

[Calm down.]

As his lips moved silently, she read what he said and realized the face she was making in front of a crowd.

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'That is right. I mustn't show any weakness.'

Whatever the reason that woman was here, she could care less. With that thought, she once again steadied herself, looking directly at the crowd with her usual arrogant expression.

'How did he realize that quickly?'

Yet, she couldn't help but ponder inwardly. That guy's perception was surely one of the most dangerous aspects of him, to the point it was scary.

As she tried to shake off her feelings, the commentator's voice once again filled the air.

"And now, let us acknowledge two more outstanding students who have demonstrated remarkable bravery. Astron Natusalune and Sylvie Gracewind, please step forward!"

His introduction for them was blatantly less, as the two were fairly less known compared to Irina, and naturally, the commenter was aware of that as well.

'Just as he said.'

Irina observed the crowd's reaction and noticed nobody was even paying attention to Sylvie and him aside from some scouts. Most of the eyes were on her.

The commentator continued with the ceremony, "And now, to present the reward to our extraordinary students, let us welcome a distinguished guest from the association, a seasoned Hunter who has been a guiding light in our community."

The crowd hushed, and a distinguished figure stepped forward, his posture radiating authority. As he approached, Irina's attention sharpened. The man, known for his formidable reputation, was none other than Captain Melwin "Abyssal Tide" Howell.

Irina maintained her composed exterior, but an unsettling feeling gnawed at her as Captain Howell reached her side. His smile, though seemingly pleasant, sent shivers down her spine.

"As we honor Irina Emberheart for her outstanding bravery, we believe the future is in good hands with individuals like her," Captain Howell declared, his voice carrying an undertone that Irina couldn't quite decipher.


As he handed her the commendation and reward, his fingers brushed against hers, sending a chill through her.


The smile on his face remained, but Irina couldn't shake off the creeping sensation that there was more behind it than mere courtesy.

'What is this feeling?'

"Congratulations, Irina Emberheart. Your actions have showcased remarkable potential. The association is proud to have individuals of your caliber," he continued, his eyes holding an intensity that made Irina uncomfortable.

"Thank you, Captain Howell," Irina responded politely, though her mind raced with an unspoken unease.

As if insects were crawling on her skin, she wanted to scratch it so badly. The urge to puke was raised, and she averted her gaze to the side.

There, she noticed him glaring at the Hunter. His purple eyes were wide open. It was only for a second, a split second that would go unnoticed if she hadn't accidentally seen it.


As Captain Howell retreated, Irina's gaze lingered on him. The commentator's words and the ceremony's spotlight couldn't mask the subtle feeling of discomfort that had settled within her.

'Why was he looking at him like that? Just what was it?'

She asked herself, raising those questions. His face was now returned to its normal demeanor, the same expressionless face, yet Irina couldn't help but constantly compare his calm face with the one she had just seen before.

But, before she could ponder about it any longer, the commenter's voice echoed once again.

"And with that, we conclude this ceremony of bravery and excellence. Let us applaud once again for the remarkable students who have showcased exceptional courage. Thank you all for joining us today."


The applause swelled, and the commentator gestured for the students to leave the stage. Irina, alongside Astron and Sylvie, made her way down, still feeling the remnants of discomfort from the encounter with Captain Howell.

As they left the stage, the applause followed them, and the commentator's voice faded into the background.


In the backstage area, the atmosphere was buzzing with a mix of excitement and relief. Irina, Astron, and Sylvie navigated through the crowd, the applause still echoing in their ears. Irina's mind, however, was preoccupied with the unsettling encounter with Captain Howell, as well as the person she had just seen.

Just as she was about to continue walking, she saw Esme standing at a distance, her gaze fixed on Irina. The memories of their past encounters and the revelation that Esme was nothing more than an attendant sent by her mother flooded Irina's mind.

Irina's steps faltered as she noticed Esme standing amidst the bustling backstage area. Her gaze lingered on Astron, who had also cast a knowing glance in Esme's direction. Sylvie, on the other hand, seemed a bit overwhelmed by the recent ceremony, her demeanor shy and reserved.

Sparing a brief nod to Astron, Irina gestured towards Sylvie. "You two can head back. I need a moment alone."

Understanding Irina's unspoken request, Astron nodded and guided Sylvie away from the backstage chaos. As they left, Irina felt a mixture of gratitude and apprehension. She took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for the impending conversation with Esme.

Turning her attention back to Esme, Irina walked towards her, her expression guarded.

"Esme," Irina called out stiffly, her tone laced with a mixture of surprise and coldness. "What are you doing here?"

Esme remained silent for a moment, her eyes locked with Irina's. The air between them seemed charged with unspoken tension. Irina couldn't help but feel a knot forming in her stomach, a blend of resentment and confusion.

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"Why are you here?" Irina repeated, her voice more assertive this time. The echoes of the applause served as an eerie backdrop to their confrontation.

Esme finally broke her silence, her voice calm but carrying an undertone of intensity. "Irina, it's been a long time."

Irina narrowed her eyes, her composure momentarily faltering. "Cut the pleasantries. Why are you here?"ᴛʜɪs ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɪs ᴜᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇ ʙʏ novelenglish.net . Fir(e).nᴇt

Esme's gaze softened for a moment before returning to its steely resolve. "Irina, I wanted to see you. To see how much you've grown."

Irina scoffed, a bitter smile playing on her lips. "Grown? Is that what you call it? Leaving me when I needed someone the most? Bullshit." She spat her tongue venomously. "Or rather, this is what that woman calls 'growth,' right?"

Esme's eyes narrowed slightly, her composure unwavering despite Irina's outburst. She locked eyes with Irina, a silent exchange of emotions passing between them.

"The Matriarch was pleased with your recent achievements, Young Miss," Esme said, her voice carrying a subtle weight. "She's proud of you as an Emberheart."

'Heh….Now, you are calling me Young Miss. Are you implying that you are no different than any other servant of our house? What you did wasn't out of your own feelings but because you were ordered to. Yeah, it was my fault to expect anything different.'

Irina scoffed again, a bitter laugh escaping her lips. "Proud, you say? Is that what this is about? Her pride in the family name? I don't need her empty praises."

'It wasn't even me who have done it.'

The disgust in her chest raised more and more, yet she couldn't say anything to match his wish.

Esme's gaze remained stern and devoid of any warmth as she responded to Irina's bitter laughter. "The Matriarch is watching you, Young Miss, and she's genuinely looking forward to your potential. It's not just empty praises. She believes in what you can achieve for the Emberheart legacy."

Irina met Esme's gaze, a mixture of skepticism and resentment in her eyes. "Believes, you say? More like she's shaping me into her ideal puppet. But go ahead, tell me more about the Matriarch's expectations."

Esme sighed, acknowledging the frustration in Irina's tone. "The Matriarch has high hopes for you. She sees a future where you lead the Emberheart name with strength and honor. Your recent accomplishments are just the beginning."

Irina tilted her head, a sarcastic smile playing on her lips. "Accomplishments, or the tasks she set for me? There's a difference, Esme."

Ignoring Irina's cynicism, Esme reached into a small box that materialized from her spatial bracelet. "The Matriarch wanted me to give you this," she said, handing the box to Irina. "It's a symbol of her appreciation for your efforts."

Irina eyed the box suspiciously, her fingers hesitating before taking it, yet she didn't open it.

Esme continued, "She knows you have the strength to overcome any challenges, Young Miss. This is a reminder of the faith she places in you."

Without another word, Esme turned to leave, her departure silent and leaving behind an air of unresolved tension, but just as she was about to finish leaving, she stopped and turned to take one last look into Irina.

"Young miss, be mindful of whom you associate yourself with," Esme cautioned. "Not everyone deserves to be in the same space as an Emberheart. Remember, the legacy you carry is not to be tainted by those with severed roots and no discernible future."

Irina's eyes narrowed at the thinly veiled warning, her grip tightening on the unopened box as she knew whom Esme was referring to.

'A person with severed roots and no discernible future knows me more than my own mother.'

The words were stuck in her heart, as she watched Esme leaving.