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I Am The Luna

Chapter 139
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61. An Unplanned Turn of Events or | Am The Luna Chapter 139 By Moonlight Muse


| duck another snowball as the boys pair off againstand Sia and I can’t help but chuckle when Xander falls

into the snow, but it does not deter him as he clambers to his feet, almost growling in annoyance.

But even as | enjoy this twith the kids, | can’t get the image of Zaia out of my head.

Why does she look sexier every t| see her? Those fitted black pants only emphasised her narrow waist and

curvy hips even more. The lace ivory top showed off enough cleavage to mess with my head and beca

struggle to keep my gaze on her face.

Although even her face is a fine treat too, and those lips.

She’s cut her hair, and it now falls just below her shoulders, which I like even more considering when she walks

away | get to enjoy the view of her sexy ass and the sway of her hips.

Every t| see her, it's so fucking hard. I still love her. Every day | think about her, but I'm waiting, giving her

the tthat she needs and wants... even if that means another decade or two. I'll wait right here because she

is the only woman | want.

The only woman | love and the one | want in my arms.

| want to make a move, but | promised her long ago | wouldn't...

Even today, | knew the chances ofgetting stuck here were high, but | wanted to... if | am meant to fly back |

will... but if not, and she allowsto stay here in this house then I'm not going to refuse.

A large ball of snow hits my face, bringingfrom my thoughts as Sia giggles.

“I thought you were on my side?”

“Sorry.” She replies, failing to stifle her giggle.

| smirk as | wipe my face and grab ssnow. “I'm going to have to get revenge for that one!” | call, just as

Zion, who had thrown that snowball, runs for cover.

“Watch your back, Dad, you're the target here!” Sia chuckles and | turn as a small ball hits my back.

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Xander stands there with a smug smile on his face. The wind does not bother him at all, although it is getting

harder to see out here.

“Daddy is not good at this,” he declares, his rosy cheeks red from the cold.

“Oh, yeah?” | counter, observing Zion as | pretend to focus on Xander and the moment he steps out from behind

the low hedge, | throw the ball at him, making him gasp as it hits his shoulder.

But it doesn’t phase him, having made a few balls of snow when he was hiding and starts throwing them at Sia

and me. Sia laughs as she throws a few back, one hitting Zion's head. She really is a different child since getting

better. Wild, energetic, and ready to take on the world.

We continue our gand Xander the tornado really has it out fortonight; | guess the delayed flight has

fuelled his annoyance but it’s rather amusing seeing his confidence as if he can take both Sia andsingle-

handed, but | got to give it to the kid, he doesn’t back down.

| throw another snowball at him just as Zaia opens the front door.

“Con in now, hot drinks are ready.”

“Not yet, Mommy! Daddy is bullying me, I am going to bury him in the snow, where no one will find him” Xander

says, glaring at me, his chubby cheeks making him look even cuter and his pouty lips pursed as he throws

another snowball at me.

“Let's call it a draw?” Zaia suggests, the wind blowing her hair. The urge to go over and brush it back is strong,

but instead, | raise my hands.

“I give up.”

Xander frowns. “This is not over.” He warns, throwing the last snowball he was holding at Sia who ducks.

“Ok!” she laughs as Xander huffs, stalking to the door and walking past Zaia.

“Shoes and coats off here.” She orders, holding out her hand for his coat as she helps him take his hat off. We all

step inside, and | bring up the rear, casting one glance around at the blizzard.

It's getting worse...

“Do you have the groceries and everything you need for the coming week?” | ask Zaia, especially ifand the

kids are going to be here. She'll need a lot more...

She looks atbefore glancing out the window.

“If all of you end up having to stay for longer, then | would need to do sshopping... | don’t think we can

drive in this blizzard,” she remarks.

“Letknow what you need. I'll go later and get whatever we need.” | offer.

She smiles, one that does something toand nods.

“Thanks.” She holds out her hand for my coat and | take it off slowly, shaking off the snow before holding it out

to her.

Our eyes meet as she takes it, our hands brush and | hear her breath hitch as sharp electrifying sparks rush

through us.

“Thanks,” | say smoothly as she jerks her hand away. She nods, her heart thumping. | turn away, walking past

her and heading the way the children have gone.

The table is laden with hot chocolate for the children, coffee for both Zaia andand there's a tray full of cakes.

The fire is roaring in the hearth and after the cold outside, it's a pleasant welcome.

Zion switches the TV on as | sit down, putting the news on, and Zaia passesa towel. | cock a brow before she

motions with her gorgeous eyes at my hair.

“All flights have been cancelled,” Zaia says, staring at the screen as the news reporter reports on the storm.

“Are they?” Sia asks, her eyes wide, as Xander frowns.

“No, they aren’t. I'm going to go with Daddy,” he states unhappily.

“I'm afraid even | can’t go anywhere unless the weather changes drastically and | don’t think that’s going to

happen,” | reply, trying to calm him down by ruffling his hair.

He frowns deeply. “Then what about my presents if we can’t go by Christmas?” he asks gloomily.

“Don’t worry, you'll get them,” | say, but it getsthinking. I look at the large tree that stands in the corner of

the room.

“I'm sure we can figure something out to make Christmas memorable if that happens,” Zaia says as she cups his

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face, tugging on his cheeks.

He smiles slightly and nods. “Yes, and that means | can have both Mommy and Daddy together for Christmas!”

Zaia and | look at one another before she looks away first.

Well, I think I like the sound of that...

‘I'll pop down to town and grab sgifts and groceries.’ | say to Zaia through the mind link, it feels strange

using it with her, but at the stime, it feels so right.

‘Are you sure? | mean, | could go instead. You had a long flight.” She replies, concern clear in those gorgeous

lavender-coloured eyes.

‘I don’t get tired so fast.’ | respond arrogantly. ‘I'm not old yet.”

‘I can see that.” She replies, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips as her eyes dip down before she looks away


| can’t help but smirk as | cock a brow.

‘Oh yeah?’

A faint blush tints her creamy skin, and she tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear.

‘Yes.’ She doesn’t look atas she says that one word, but it really does makefeel good.

‘Then let's make this a Christmas the kids won't forget.”

Or us...

She looks over atand smiles, nodding.

‘Sounds like a plan. She responds, her eyes locking with mine and deep down, | pray that the blizzard only gets

worse | want to spend Christmas here.

With her.

A/N: Hi everyone! Just want to say a big welcto all my new readers! You can find more of my work and

update schedules on my social page. I* - Author.Muse F*. Author Muse. Please don’t forget to vote if you enjoyed

this chapter.