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I Am The Luna

Chapter 297
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Chapter 0297

Gaultier snarls at me, and | smirk. “This is the path you chose. Are you ready for it, Gaultier?” | ask but my target

isn’t him... | plan to take out Gerard first...

Gaultier doesn’t need to know that, not yet anyway.

| pull the trigger, my eyes blazing as | force apart Gaultier’s barrier, allowing the bullet to whizz through. He

ducks, growling as Gerard falls off his back when the first bullet connects, hitting Gerard in the back.

The elder man groans as he tries to get up from the ground, failing to do so and motions for Gaultier to cto

him instead, but | don’t give him a chance to protect Gerard as | glare at the man who had hurt us all.

| get off Sebastian's back, and | nod at him silently.

‘I want to deal with Gerard.’ | tell him. He hesitates before he givesa nod.

‘Be careful,’ he warns before he gives chase to Gaultier, who is slowly but surely‘ backing away from us and

Gerard as if knowing he won't win this one.

“Zaia...” Gerard says as he tries to get up and that’s when | see his entire low leg is almost ripped off. Sebastian

sure did well. Perfect.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“You hurt my child. You ruined the first years of her life and played us all. | hope you burn in hell.” | say quietly as

| refill my gun with a new cartridge of bullets.

“I did what the goddess wanted! Why else did she create us?!” he snarls.

He doesn’t care! Not about my angel, not about anyone but himself!

| frown, remembering Agatha’s words about Zion... and what Zion himself said...

“I don’t know, but it’s twe end the fighting. Enough is enough.” | say.

“You think that... all that happened was for a good cause. You can’t really be thinking of ending my life, are you?”

he asks.

| narrow my eyes as | see his eyes dart towards the trees.

Even now he has no remorse and is plotting his escape.

“Of course... we-"

| pull the trigger, hitting him square in the throat, cutting off whatever he was about to say. T

His eyes widen as he drops backwards onto the ground, choking as blood spurts


from his neck.


Hearing running, | quickly reinforce the shield aroundjust as several wolves. cinto view, circling me.

He was trying to distract me!

| shoot him again, this tthrough the chest as | let out a menacing growl, throwing the wolves back.

| keep shooting, emptying the bullets into him, wishing he felt more pain, wishing he was able to experience

what my angel has been through.

| only stop when there are no more bullets and | glare at the wolves around me, none daring to approach.

“Zaia! Your dad is hurt! | can’t fucking get through!” Jai’s strained voice comes. Zade is a fucking beast! Fuck


My stomach twists.

| need to go to Dad!

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

‘Sebastian! Gerard is dead, and Dad! | need to go to Dad!"

‘Go, I'll handle Gaultier and these!‘ Sebastian says. ‘I'll catch up.’

I nod as | turn, rushing towards the eastern side, as another violent explosion goes off, sendingtumbling to

my knees.


‘Just you andGaultier, brother to fucking brother. Let's see who's the better fighter.’ | hear Sebastian's

menacing threat before the two menacing growls fill the air as they clash. “This tfor real.”

My heart skips a beat, and | look back. ‘Be careful... for the children.’ | say softly.

‘Hmm,’ he replies, and | speed up, using smore Moon Dust to guideto


As | run, | notice that everything aroundis destroyed... | look around the streets and the ground that is no

longer recognisable. It's one big demolition. zone, scattered with dead bodies, that makes my stomach churn.

‘Zaia..." Dad's voice comes in my head, but the tone in his voice is what shatters my heart.

It's the tone of a final goodbye...