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I Am The Luna

Chapter 412
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hapter 0412

ADRIANA: Is that option to have your Doctor Luna help us, still open? Ada’s getting worse. If yes, here's the


| frown, glancing at the address. It's not too far, but it does look like ssort of block of flats. Keeping my eyes

on the laptop screen, | slip my phone back into my pocket. | don’t plan to let them know if | will be showing up or

not - just in


I know Valerie will not have an issue with it, but I still plan to fill her in beforehand. I look at the screen, forty-

seven percent downloaded and another four minutes...

It feels like years as tpasses slowly.

Three minutes...

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

| glance at my watch. Con...

Two minutes...

There's less than twenty-five percent left to d****+*d when suddenly the screen flashes red.


I pull out the memory stick, cutting the inteconnection as fast as possible. | don’t know how much important

information | have missed out on, but | can’t risk it. If there's even a small chance that they realised someone

had managed to infiltrate their database, they may take precautions and | can’t afford to lose them again.

Any information I've retrieved will be something | will show to the Supernatural Council, and if they do nothing...

then | will release every damn thing | have in my possession online and let it wreak havoc.

Standing up, | pull back the bedding, punching the pillow a few times to look like someone has slept there.

Grabbing my things, | scan the room, making sure I've gathered everything before | leave. Luckily, the woman is

on the phone, and | drop my key there.

“Hey wait, can | get your number?” she whispers with urgency covering the mouthpiece.

“I got to run,” | say, not sparing her a glance. Getting out, | make my way back to



the car and get in, tossing my bag into the passenger seat.

Driving away, | take off my cap and hoodie and put on a leather jacket. Parking the car where | picked it up from,

| walk down the road to my own truck, tossing my bag in and getting in, | drive away.

Now to get hand check exactly what | managed to get and do a full check on the hospital staff.

It's past six and I'm leaning against my bike outside the hospital entrance. Yeah, I'm a little early, but a part of

| glance at my watch, keeping an eye on the entrance, when | see Valerie step out with a man. He's talking to

her animatedly, wearing a brown smart coat.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Don’t tellthis is the doc... | almost smirk but hide it. Maybe a couple weeks ago | might have thought that

they are a good match, but they arent. We're perfect for one another and my girl definitely prefers a bad boy

over a good boy.

“... work today. | think we should continue from there tomorrow. I'll check on these. It’s alright to call you later if |

have to?”

Valerie's spotted me, her eyes lighting up before she glances back at the man. ” Sure, that’s fine. | got to go.”

The man follows her gaze until our eyes meet and | stand tall.

| might as well go introduce myself...

Walking over to them, | keep my eyes on Valerie, her cheeks flushing as she closes the gap between us and

flings her arms around my neck and | catch her.

“Zade, you're here already!” she tugsdown, pecking my lips as I catch her around her waist.

“Always...” | say quietly, my gaze drifting to the man who looks like he’s swallowed poison.