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I Am a Corpse Collector In the World of Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 161: Mahayana?
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  Chapter 161 Mahayana?

   "I have mastered nine almost complete rules, and I must be able to pass through the rule land, but to be on the safe side, I'd better master one more." Chen Shen thought.

  Cultivation has already broken through to the completion of crossing the catastrophe. With his current strength, no one in the world can resist the Nine Dragon Sword.

oh? Why? Why is it that Chen Shen is not as good as the Nine Laws?

  The rule of the Nine Dragon Sword is to be cut off once it is complete, and he has not reached this level, so it is naturally not as good.

   Of course, this is what he thinks on the one hand.

  Actually, it may not be impossible to operate the Unrivaled Emperor's Law and blend the power of unity of spirit, energy and spirit with the law.

  Ten years later.


  Over the sky of Dongzhou, shocking fluctuations came out.

  The movement came and went quickly, but a few days later someone reported that it was the battle of Dujie Wushuang.

   Dao Zong Wushuang fought with Ning Tian.

   "It is rumored that the two fought with their own strength without the aid of Taoist weapons, and Ning Tian won!" Someone whispered.

  The first battle shocked the world, and the ethereal Dujie Wushuang began to show his might.

  The disciples of the sect are also arrogant, and they have long been fearless of joining forces with other immortal sects.

  If it was the last **** battle, Piao Miao still needed the help of Wushuang Sword Cultivator to survive, but if he fought again this time, he would not need to rely on external forces.

   "Let it be ethereal for thousands of years, and in less than ten thousand years, we can still look down on the world."

  The major immortal sects and Daxia communicated with each other in their respective territories in order to prevent emergencies. As long as one party is suddenly attacked and killed by Misty, the rest of the forces can quickly rush to help.

   "Fortunately, Chu Yuyan has embarked on the 'wrong path', otherwise we will still be under pressure." A strong man from the immortal sect chuckled.

"Master, please also tell the disciples about the origin of that Wushuang Sword Cultivator. I will borrow the five-line Dao artifact from him. Together, you and I, master and apprentice, each hold a five-line Tao artifact, and we will surely destroy those fairy sects .”

  In the Misty Sect, Ning Tian was full of confidence, and said to Bai Ling who was in the high position.

   "Are you going to borrow a weapon, or do you want to fight with him?" Bai Ling looked down at him and said.

   "All of them!" Ning Tian replied straightforwardly.

  He has not forgotten how Chen Shen grabbed his neck back then, and his double sword is still in this person's hand.

  If you go, it is not as simple as using a channel.

   "If you really talk about the Tao with sincerity, I don't mind if you go to him, but if you have other ideas, I advise you to accept it." Bai Ling shook his head and said:

   "Did you forget that he pushed thirteen superpowers horizontally with a single sword back then, ask yourself, now you hold five lines of Taoism, can you do it?"

   "Naturally!" Ning Tian said resolutely, and immediately, there was a surge of energy and blood.

  He is not only unparalleled, but also bears the supreme body!

  He has never exposed this matter, and it is the first time it has been revealed in front of people today.

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   "The same real dragon body as Akihito!" Bai Ling was taken aback, a little surprised.

   "Master, believe me, I have never used the power of the king's body even when I defeated Daozong Wushuang. He was able to kill ten Dujies back then, so naturally I can kill them too."

   "No, you can't!" Bai Ling still shook his head:

   "If you really have this belief, you would have taken the five-way pattern Taoist artifact from the Temple of Time to kill Daozong, why bother to borrow the Taoist artifact, you have to join hands with me to feel confident."

   "You know, at that time, he had the idea of ​​being invincible. After nearly two thousand years, don't you think that one will become stronger?"

  She, the former Mahayana, did not believe in evil, and challenged Chen Shen twice, but failed twice.

  Chen Shen used the third-level cultivation base of crossing the catastrophe to push thirteen people easily and freely. She asked herself, now that her cultivation base is in the late stage of crossing the catastrophe, she has no confidence to do it.

   "What's more, based on my understanding of him, this person will never borrow the five-way pattern tool, and it will be useless if you go."

   "Doesn't that mean that the two of us will not be able to avenge the sect?" Ning Tian expressed unwillingness.

  But Bai Ling looked calm and said:

   "Just wait."

   Years passed, and another four hundred years passed.

  Akihito two thousand nine hundred years.

   "Brother Chen, Brother Duan, I won't be able to drink with you in the future." Shi Can was dying, lying weakly on the bed.

   "I buried Zhang Ping when I was alive, and after I died, I might have to drink with him. The underworld is lonely, so I forgive him for the things in this life, and you all come down quickly. We will cook a table of underworld dishes for you, so we can accompany you on the road to Huangquan."

   "." The two white-bearded old men squatting on the bed were silent for a while.

   "It's very lucky to meet you two friends in this life. I won't see you anymore. Come down with me later. I really can't bear to part with this wonderful world."

  When Shi Can spoke, his pupils began to dilate.

   "To be honest, why didn't I send you off, but you sent me off." His tone became weaker.

   Not long after, Saint Master Shi Can swallowed his last breath.

  The two were silent for a long time, Chen Shen reached out and closed his eyes.

  After that, there was a sad wail in the courtyard.

  The two left and did not come to comfort Shi Can's spirit until the day of the burial.

  In the next few years, Chen Shen did not retreat, but often drank with Duan Li.

  Five years later, he also sent Duan Li away.

   "Everything that happened back then seems to have happened yesterday." He sprinkled paper money and sighed.

  Ten years later, Chen Shen, the most talented luck master of the contemporary era, "sitting up"!

  In fact, he can find any reason to break through the fusion, and stay in the imperial mausoleum naturally, no one will doubt it.

  However, all his close friends died, almost all his contemporaries died, and only Li Wu, whom he knew well, remained in the imperial tomb.

   It's not necessary, it's better to say goodbye to the luck master and practice with peace of mind.

  To Chen Shen's surprise, a certain person came from thousands of miles to visit him.

  Chu Wushuang, after Zhang Hua separated at the wedding that year, he has never seen each other again, and the two parties have no contact.

  Chen knew that he was attacking the three-in-one, so he didn't bother.

   Now, after the other party learned of his 'death', he immediately came out of customs.

  Although Piaomiao had already gotten into trouble with Daxia, Huangling still gave Chu Yuyan face and asked him to pay respects to Chen Shen's grave.

   "You luck masters, why did you all die young?" Chu Yuyan said.

   "." Chen Shen, who was spying secretly, was a little speechless. He lived for three thousand years and died young?

   "To be honest, when I saw you back then, I had an intuition that you are extraordinary and you have a secret in your heart, but I didn't expect that you were really just an ordinary luck master."

  Chu Yuyan poured a bowl of wine and sighed.

   "Your intuition is right. If you feel something is wrong, you can pick up my grave. If you pick it up, I will show up."

   Chen Shen had a weird face, thinking in his heart.

  Anyway, Bai Ling knows all his secrets, so it doesn't matter if this old acquaintance knows.

   On the contrary, I still want to see the wonderful expression of the other party.

   "See you no more." Then Chu Yuyan left.

  A few years later, Chen Shen's face changed, and he walked out of the Wuyuan, pretending to be Chen Xiaoshen, while Mu Xiaojin was with him as his new wife, Lin Shujin.

   "It turned out to be the heir of Master Chen, he got a son when he was old!" The neighbor in the neighborhood said with relief.

  Akihito three thousand years.


  Chen Shen operated the emperor's law and approached the main body of heaven again.

  He walked in the dark space, traveling at the pace of time.

   The speed is faster. It would have taken more than a year to approach the ruled land, but this time it only takes three months.

  In the familiar rule space, countless different rules merge, blend, and repel, producing indescribable power.

  He protected himself with five lines of lines, and ten laws were superimposed at the same time, forming a deep wall of light.

  In Chen Shen's eyes, the white celestial ball became bigger and bigger, like an incomparably huge star.

  Of course, this stage is not the time to watch this ball, and the rules have not yet passed.


  The majestic rules are raging. He once saw a terrifying beam of light blooming from a distance. It seems to be a collection of hundreds of rules. It is terrifying and frightening, and it is far from what he can approach.

  As it gets deeper and deeper, the power of this fusion of hundreds of rules becomes obvious, and there are many.


  In a boundary of the Land of Rules, there is a collection of rules with a width and height of tens of thousands of feet, and there are more than a thousand rules blended together.

  It is almost as terrifying as a black hole that devours everything, and everything around it is swallowed up.

  Chen Shen was frightened half to death, and immediately moved away from it crazily, because this aggregate is not a dead thing, but a moving one.

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  Of course, compared with the ball covering half of the sky in front of it, this collection of rules looks very small, like dust.

  Ten years later, he experienced countless dangers and finally crossed the regular land.


  Ahead, there are obstacles in the way.

  It's a catastrophe!

   "Could it be that I break through the Mahayana, and I want to overcome the tribulation in this way?" Chen Shen looked at the sea of ​​hundreds of millions of thunders, and said in a concentrated voice.

   There is no other way, if you want to become Mahayana, you have to wade through the sea of ​​calamity.


  However, when he stepped into Jiehai, the imperial law in his body was working, and all the breath returned to his body, Jiehai retreated, giving him a broad road.

   "This thunder calamity is actually a bluff, but in fact it only needs to cross a foot." Chen Shen crossed the sea of ​​calamity, looked back, and said to himself.

  But if other monks who have stepped into Mahayana heard what he said, they would definitely yell, "Fuck your mother!"

   The hardships involved, how can you understand the hardships?

  Chen Shen will never be able to understand it, he is already close to the body of heaven.

   Huge, magnificent, magnificent, it is difficult to describe in words.

  Facing this giant, he is not even a speck of dust.

   On the colossal monster, there are many shining lights, not runes, but should be the imprints inscribed by the former Mahayanas.

   Some are about the size of a human being, flickering.

   And some, the imprint is like a mountain, very dazzling.

   There is even a majestic imprint, in front of which, the surrounding Mahayana imprints and runes are obviously dim.

   "Just engrave your own mark on it, is it Mahayana?" Chen Shen whispered.

   "However, there is a gap in my way of thinking. If I engrave it, can I achieve Mahayana?" He asked again.

   "Try first?"

   Immediately, he condensed a mark of his own and let it approach the sphere.

  Perhaps, after engraving it, Chen Shen can immediately become a Mahayana.

  However, when he was about to engrave it, he hesitated again, feeling something in his heart, and always felt that it was wrong.

   At this moment, the bright sphere in front of him went dark instantly.


  A force is loaded on him, and at this moment, he can look down on the entire body of Heavenly Dao.

   Right now, Chen Shen discovered an extremely frightening thing.

  The heavenly sphere is only a small half!

   The Dao of Heaven, which should have been a round sphere, seemed to be cut open by someone, and less than half of it stood in front of him!

  (end of this chapter)