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I Became the Hero Who Banished the Protagonist-Novel

Chapter 34: The Stroff Family. (2)
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You guys better thank Peanut for this chapter.

“You must be the Hero’s party who has come to defeat the Disaster.”

The first to greet us was the Archduke’s wife. She doesn’t look like someone from the North. Her hazel-colored hair was neatly framed and tied back. She was probably in her late 40s, about the same age as the Archduke, but she only looked to be in her early to mid-30s when she smiled at us.

“I am Hela Stroff, wife of Archduke Quenor Stroff.”

She spoke and gestured gracefully with the etiquette that befits a noblewoman. Rather than the sheltered life of a greenhouse plant, her demeanor came from the experience of someone who had been through all types of political struggles. It was far from the roughness of the North. Still, the aura she exuded had a charisma that could easily overpower that harshness.

“They aren’t just here to attack the Disaster.”

Archduke Quenor said, placing a hand on my shoulder. He seemed to be pretending to be more friendly in front of his family than he really was, but I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.

“It’s also been a while since I’ve seen you treat a guest so well.”

The Archduchess smiled broadly.

“Welcome to Evernode, and I hope you’ll make yourself at home during your stay.”

With that, she turned to her children. First, the oldest son stepped forward and offered me his hand. I took it and shook it awkwardly.

“I am Luke Stroff, Deputy Knight Commander of the Knights of Evernode.”

The Archduke’s son introduced himself by his title. The man who would be the next Lord of Avernod. He looked a lot like Archduke Quenor, right down to that stern face and how he eyed me suspiciously.

“Your tales have reached the North, and I heard more of you when I was in the Capital.”

Luke glanced around the party as he spoke, his gaze furrowing slightly at Daphne and Marianne in her nun’s habit before returning to me.

“…I suppose the rumors about the Saintess were true.”

“There were many circumstances. I’m sure you heard about them while you were there.”

“I’ll take your word for it, Hero. May you and Evernode successfully defeat the Fourth Disaster this time.”

With that, Luke nudged his sister forward. The child that was called ‘Ironblood Princess.’ It sounded like a joke. Her eyes darted from one place to another, and she made eye contact with me only when Luke nudged her waist. Her hair was jet-black, like the Archduke’s, and her eyes were the green of the Archduchess.

“Karin Stroff.”

The daughter of the Archduke spoke in a refined but unsteady voice. The knights probably overprotected her, but she didn’t look pampered.

Karin mumbled after saying her name, unable to come up with a greeting like her brother’s or mother’s. She then suddenly held out her hand to me like Luke. I smiled sheepishly and took the tiny hand, and shook it. Karin’s face lit up as she shook my hand.

“Nice to meet you.”

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“Good to meet you too. I’ll be in your care.”

“Karin Stroff, what a cute name….”

Daphne looked like she wanted to hug Karin. Seeing Daphne staring at her with twinkling eyes, Karin seemed a little more frightened and stepped back. Finally, Karin looked at the expressionless Marianne with eyes of admiration.

“My daughter is a supporter of yours. Is there a child who doesn’t like the Hero?

Archduke Quenor said. I glanced around and saw Karin staring at me. The Archduke seemed to be conscious of everyone’s gazes, even without having to look around.

“I want you to make time to talk with my daughter for a while later, but….”

“Don’t worry. It is not a bother. It would be an honor to talk with your family.”

“Thank you, Elroy.”

The Archduke left my side to catch up with his family. Then, Rhys came up beside me.

“As you can see, Lady Karin is the Archduke’s youngest daughter. She is nine years old this year… To the knights and soldiers of Evernode, she is as close as a niece, and I’m sure some old knights consider her a great-niece. I think it’s safe to say that the entire citadel beloves her.”

Rhys looked at the family, happily talking.

“…I wonder if the people were so unusually hostile because the lady was fond of me.”

He turned to me and shrugged.

“I’m sure other knights felt that way, wanting to find out who stole our lady’s heart.”

“Childish things for men of your age to do.”

I snorted, and Rhys scratched his head in embarrassment, “Well, it’s better than those court nobles who insisted on putting a leash around my neck.”

“Why is she called the Ironblood Princess anyways?”

A nine-year-old is the exact opposite of the ‘iron-blooded’ I know. At my question, Rhys chuckled.

“It was three years ago when she was six years old. She was in the library at Stroff Manor, just beginning to learn about the world.”

“Then, somewhere along the way, she must have read a story about the old Grand Master of the Ironblood, and ever since then, the word ‘ironblood’ has stuck with her, and she’s been telling knights with a stern look on her face, ‘Call me the Ironblood Princess!”

Knights, soldiers, and vassals began to call Karin “The Iron Blood Princess” in disbelief. Even those not fond of her had no choice but to call her that.

“…How embarrassed she’ll be when she grows up and remembers this.”

“Actually, we’re all looking forward to it. Give it another six years, and the word ‘ironblood’ will be banned throughout Evernode.”

As Rhys and I chuckled and chatted, a figure approached me.


It was Luke Stroff, and while he didn’t look particularly hostile, he did look a little confused. I wasn’t surprised by his reaction. Since he’d just come from the capital, he’d know Elroy’s old reputation better than the North’s knights.

“I’ve seen your departure ceremony. I should have come to Evernode with you to greet you as a representative of Evernode, but I had other commitments.”

“I don’t mind it. The knights of Evernode gave our party a warm welcome, so-”

“I’m making myself at home here.”

“…Is that so?”

Luke stared at me with a nervous expression, but then he took a step forward with a look of determination in his eyes.

“Hero, why don’t you cross swords with me once?”

At the words that came out of Luke’s mouth, the ears of every knight and soldier in the area perked up like the ears of a hound that had caught sight of its prey.

“A fight?”

“Who’s contesting who, the Hero and the young Lord.”

“We get to watch a big match! Shit!”

“First, you two go and clean up the arena!”

Fights and duels are the best entertainment for an army. I stared in disbelief at the soldiers disappearing at the speed of light and the knights suddenly gathering, even though I hadn’t accepted the challenge. Rhys, who had been chatting animatedly with me a moment ago, was gone, and Georg was now following the northern knights without looking at me.

“The knights of Evernode are not usually so welcoming to outsiders.”

Luke looked at me with faint hostility in his eyes. I’d gotten so used to that gaze by now it was almost morbid.

“I’d like to know what is wrong with having a light spar with the Hero.”

“…Sure, I won’t be so petty to reject the duel.”

The two youngest soldiers in the squadron made a spectacle of themselves. I stretched my stiff muscles and bones from my long ride.

‘Even if it means I get crushed?’

At the Holy Sword’s serious advice, I let out a smirk. At that moment, a referee approached me and held out an iron sword.

“What is this?”

“…I don’t think using the Holy Sword in a duel is a good idea.”

As he said this, the referee raised his gaze to my back. As I frowned, wondering what he was talking about, a sound like boos came from behind me.

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“That’s right, Hero, if you don’t intend to end this duel in ten seconds, put down your Holy Sword and fight!”

“It’s been a long time since we’ve had a duel. Shouldn’t we enjoy it!”

I quickly handed the Holy Sword to the referee before it could get any angrier. I was worried it would take it out on this knight for nothing, but that didn’t happen. I smiled bitterly and took the ordinary iron sword from the referee. With a clanking sound, an unfamiliar sheath was placed in my hand.

Come to think of it, this was the first time I’d held a sword that wasn’t the Holy Sword since I arrived here. I stared at the blade, which had a distinctly different weight and feel. The leather band around the hilt was soft and moist, and the grip was shorter and lighter than the Holy sword. Would it get mad at me for comparing it with a standard sword?

“Get ready.”

Luke’s voice came from across the arena. Luke looked quite happy that I was fighting him without the Holy Sword.

I turned around to see my party cheering me on. Daphne was the only one cheering for me, as I knew Georg secretly rooted for Luke. Marianne was staring at me, expressionless. I smirked, thinking it was her own kind of cheering. Archduke Quenor, who was now in the middle of the crowd, remained neutral. At the same time, Karin, the Ironblood Princess, stood next to him, alternately looking at me and Luke with sparkling eyes.

“Take care.”

Ignoring my greeting, walked to one side of the area. I smirked and took up my position.

I hear boos and cheers.

“Both fighters ready.”.

The sound of Luke’s feet crunched the ground. I don’t even hear the word to begin. Using Luke’s footsteps as a cue, I raised my sword to deflect the incoming blade. I could see the tip of the incoming blade with pinpoint accuracy.

Then, an idea flashed through my mind.

I thrust my sword down. Luke deflected the blade and parried it. This time, Luke’s attack catches me. I moved my foot back as I imitated Marianne’s movements. Like a leaf slicing through the veins of a tree, I slash with the tip of my sword.

The tip of my sword hit the face of Luke’s blade. It would have been disappointing if he fell to an attack like that. Luke’s face contorted as he rushed me. I had no choice but to switch to defense. I stared into his face, which was even more distorted.

I blocked his attack and exhaled. I slowly regained my breath while looking for an opening. After having a few more exchanges, Luke raised his mana and pushed me back. The blade of the sword Luke had lifted was wrapped in magical blue light. It was an aura.

“He’s going to fight at full strength now.”

“Man, this will be a fight I won’t forget.”

I looked at Luke’s sword and frowned.

Come to think of it, I couldn’t put an aura on the Holy Sword.

I then looked down at my own iron sword. It had taken a beating, and the blade was a little dull.

Luke lunged at me. He knew my sword would shatter in a few strikes, so he attacked at full power. I raised my mana and parried his attacks by a narrow margin.


It was a new feeling. The feeling that the sword and I are connected. The feeling that I was in complete control, the sword as a part of me. The sense of becoming a tree and taking root in the land.

I dodge the aura-infused blade again. I exhale long and hard, feeling the remnants of my mana flowing through me. A handful of it flows out of my heart and into the hilt.

A loud bang resounded like a lightning strike. I could no longer feel the weight of the sword in my hand. Luke had a puzzled expression on his face.

“…This works.”

The blade’s hilt glowed with a faint silver aura.