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I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World (Web Novel)

Chapter 1426: Becoming A Chancellor Once Again
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Chapter 1426: Becoming A Chancellor Once Again

The army reform lasted till mid-November. During this time, Jiang Chen either traveled between the Sixth Street and the Fish Bone Base every day or stayed at the General’s Mansion. When he was busy, Yao Yao even prepared a lunch box for him and sent it to the General’s Mansion.

In the past two weeks or so, even Jiang Chen himself was surprised at how much work he had done.

As opposed to the effort, the returns brought by the army reform were also quite astonishing.

The bloated departments had been streamlined, and the communication between each army group with the General Command as the core had been greatly strengthened. The reorganized NAC Army was like a polished sword, ready to return to its former glory.

The combat effectiveness could not be intuitively demonstrated for the time being, but at least in terms of military expenditure, the effect was quite evident.

Based on the statistics provided by Wang Qing, the Minister of Logistics, the four major army groups after the reform had reduced their military budget by at least 13%. The newly enlisted soldiers had also been distributed to the division-level combat units, and each brigade was expanded, instead of before, where they were all waiting for order in the First Corps.

In addition to the reform itself, Han Junhua, the Chief of Staff, also put forward a supporting proposal.

With the expansion of the NAC territory, large-scale warfare would become less and less, while on the contrary, small-scale conflicts would intensify. Whether it was fighting against predators, mutants, cannibal tribes, there would only be many more channels for new officers to advance.

And this led to another issue, that was, the requirements for the professional knowledge and skills of officers. If military merits were used as the only criterion for promotion, and the training of the officers themselves was ignored, no one could guarantee that officers competent for small-scale operations would be capable of large-scale battle. No one could ensure the promoted “king of soldiers” could become outstanding generals.

After all, with the current development of the NAC, it was already difficult to meet a comparable opponent, and it was difficult to have conflicts that required a division of force, let alone combat at the army group scale. There were fewer and fewer opportunities to train senior officers in actual combat.

As a result, it could lead to the situation that talent among the senior officers would vary wildly; some would be extraordinary, while some would be incapable.

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To solve this problem, Han Junhua’s solution was also very simple.

It was time to create a military academy!

Since these officers could not be trained in actual combat, then at least they would be trained with theory!

“I have discussed with Chu Nan and plan to rebuild a university on the original site of Wanghai University, which will consist of five military academies and an engineering college,” As Jiang Chen spoke, he pulled out a document from the drawer and threw it onto the table, then he looked at Zheng Shanhe, who stood in front of the desk, smiled, and said, “From tomorrow onwards, you can go report at the Sixth Street.”

“How can I teach students with my ability,” Zheng Shanhe was stunned when he heard his new arrangement, and hurriedly said, “I can fight no problem, but to teach—”

“I’m not asking you to be a teacher, I’m asking you to be the vice-chancellor. Don’t worry, there are people from the theoretical school that can do the teaching.” Jiang Chen waved his hand to comfort Zheng Shanhe. “Your job is very simple; to focus on the ideological education of the students, as well as perform military management in the military academies.”

The theoretical school Jiang Chen referred to were naturally those Pan-Asia Cooperation officers and professors from military academies from before the war. It was a bit difficult to get these people to serve in the military government system, but they could certainly shine in the education system.

“Well, who is the chancellor?” When Zheng Shanhe saw that Jiang Chen had no plans to change his mind, he smiled bitterly and accepted the arrangement.

Although it was not Zheng Shanhe’s ambition to leave the army for education, for him as the Captain Guard, the command of the general was absolute.

“The chancellor? Is it necessary to ask?” Jiang Chen smiled, and pointed to himself in Zheng Shanhe’s surprised eyes, “Of course that’ll be me.”

Since it was a crucial position, of course, he had to have firm control over it. Even if he didn’t plan to do anything and would leave the work to the vice-chancellor and deans. As the General, he had to be named as the chancellor. After all, this place would become the talent training base for the NAC military government in the future, and its influence on the entire NAC system was self-evident.

Even if he didn’t consider any of these factors, in the future, if half of the officers in the NAC military system were his students, it would be a fact he could proudly brag about.

After Zheng Shanghe learned that the chancellor was Jiang Chen, the last bit of reluctance in his mind also disappeared. He thumped his chest with his right fist and gave a military salute to Jiang Chen. He then left the office, satisfied with his arrangement.

Although it was a bit regretful to leave the military system, at least he was not marginalized.

From the selection of the chancellor, it was evident the emphasis the General placed on the military school. Even though the position of the vice-chancellor gave him many regrets, if he performed well in this position, there would still be plenty of opportunities for promotion.

It was just that Zheng Shanhe had yet to realize how “painful” it would be to work for a boss that never showed up to work.

After he officially took office, he would find that the so-called chancellor would just give a speech at the opening ceremony. As for how the entire school would be run, what had to be done, and how differing opinions between professors would be settled… These issues that should have belonged to the chancellor would be all dumped onto the plate of the vice-chancellor.

Of course, that would be another story.

“In the blink of an eye, it’s already November.” Jiang Chen lied in the bed as he held onto the warmth in his arms. He looked out the window that was still murky and let out a soft sigh.

It was the end of September when he came, and two months had just passed by.

Jiang Chen, who had finally got off of his busy schedule, did not feel how fast time passed.

“Yeah, it’s been so long since you’ve been back here, and you haven’t stayed at home for a few days.” A few strands of her hair gently covered the flush on her cheeks, and Sun Jiao put her head against Jiang Chen’s chest, then bit his shoulder as she quietly complained, “You’re going to leave again in a few days, right?”

“Have I said that?” Jiang Chen smiled and touched Sun Jiao’s hair. “Besides, Lin Lin’s research will soon have conclusive results. I will take you there when the time comes.”

“What about here?” Sun Jiao looked to Jiang Chen.

Yeah, what about here?

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Jiang Chen was in deep thought.

He had not thought about this question before.

If he could take all his beloved people to another world, then would it be necessary for this world to exist? He had unearthed almost all the technology and the modern world that inherited the past of Gaia would only have more potential. Even if there were technologies yet to be discovered, it would only be a matter of time before they appeared with the support of advanced scientific theories.

But it would be a pity to just let this world go…

“You haven’t thought about it?” Sun Jiao carefully examined Jiang Chen’s face, and the corners of her lips turned up.

It was her favorite expression of Jiang Chen.

From her perspective, while Jiang Chen was in deep thought, he possessed a special attraction to her.

“Mhmm,” Jiang Chen sighed, smiled, and said, “I really didn’t think about it. Would you like to have an heir for me? I will pass the position of General to him?”

“Want to make me pregnant?” Sun Jiao raised her eyebrows teasingly and rubbed her finger against Jiang Chen’s chin, “Then you have to work hard.”

The birds on the branches outside the window dispersed and only left the swaying branches.

The gasps interrupted the soft-spoken love words, the dripping sweat, and morning dew soaked the sheets together.

Maybe she was disturbed by the movements of the two. Xiaorou, who was asleep on the side, scrunched her nose and her bright red mouth opened and closed. Then, her delicate body curled up under the quilt and turned over gently.

Whether it was her expression or her action, all were extremely similar to her sister.

Perhaps, she was also having a beautiful dream.