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I Never Run Out of Mana

Chapter 246: All Out Attack
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Noticing the change in Min-Cheol, Mithrael said that the dragon’s energy were of six.

That meant that the not only Min-Cheol, but the clones all have obtained the power of a dragon.

Mithrael was able to accurately determine so only because he was able to sense the power of his kin.

The clones perfectly copied the power of the original, Min-Cheol.

While they did not take damage when the original body was injured, the power was copied perfectly.

And so, they had all grown stronger as much as the Flame Dragon’s Talisman allowed them to.

A blue haze came off Mithrael’s body, while a red energy emanated from Min-Cheol and his clones’ bodies.

Right now, Min-Cheol and his clones hadn’t realized the amount of power they had obtained through the Flame Dragon’s Talisman.

However, if it is Min-Cheol, he should be able to utilize 100% of that power during battle.

After all, the ability to use all owned abilities freely was part of the Fragment of Space and Time.

Min-Cheol wasn’t the only case that this applied to.

There was a likelihood that his clones, who were very sensible, would use the power of the Flame Dragon properly first.

Mithrael stared at Min-Cheol with great excitement in his expression.

From his point of view, Min-Cheol and his clones were definitely his kin.

After all, they were radiating energy that could be summed up as the manifestation of a dragon’s combat capability.

Mithrael wanted to enjoy this moment that he did not know if it would come again.

It was true that because Min-Cheol and his clones had the numbers advantage, Mithrael was at a disadvantage.

However, perhaps unconcerned by such things, he had a lively smile going for him.

“Kaha! Now, let’s enjoy this.”

“I think it’ll be over quickly, so what’s the rush?”

“Yes. Good. Go ahead and use everything you got behind your attack. Use that power to its limits and try taking me down.”

“I was going to do that even if you didn’t tell me to. You see, this power really seems strong to the point of surprise.”

“Now… Come. Sink your sword into my body and bombard me with your magic!”

Min-Cheol and his clones prepared to battle.

Nothing changed on the surface for them.

That is, other than how a red aura began to pour out from their bodies.

However, this would mean that each sword aura and each skill fired would be empowered by the Flame Dragon’s power.

Before charging at Mithrael, Min-Cheol spoke to the clones.

“This will be the most difficult fight yet. Even still, do not flinch. Well, I don’t think you guys are the type to.”

“Do not worry. That lizard. I kill.”

“Good. Do not forget each of your tasks I delegated to each of you before. The firstborn will handle debuffs and attacks.”


“The second oldest needs to prioritize healing.”

“I know. Do you think I would forget something as simple as that?”

“Grumpy as always. The third and fourth oldest are in charge of buffs and attacking.”


“Lastly, when the worst comes to worst. The youngest will flee as out of the way as possible and focus on resurrecting. And the rest of you will protect him until he is done casting his skill. Alright?”

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“Good. Let’s go.”

Min-Cheol and his clones charged at Mithrael at the same time.

It was quite the sight.

From just looking at each of their combat capabilities alone, they had enough strength to be undefeated even if every Awakened back on Earth charged at the same time.

Not only would the attacks of an Awakened fail to chip at their shields, but it would dissipate before even reaching the shields.

It wouldn’t matter if their skills involved throwing projectiles or using their sword aura.

Even if the demonic realm got involved, it wouldn’t change.

If Min-Cheol went to the celestial plane with the power he held right now, he had enough strength to beat all the gods at the same time excluding Karupedan and Barub.

The growth he achieved in hell was vast, and the Flame Dragon’s power was great as well.

Mithrael also prepared for battle.

He did not hold a weapon.

All he did was to pull back his cape and was desperately waiting for Min-Cheol and his clones to charge.

With his arms wide open, he seemed as though he was feeling the energy of his kin with his entire body.

His relaxed and arrogant expression was also a way of taunting Min-Cheol and his clones, giving them the opportunity to attack first and to try whatever they want.

And in that completely white space where it was impossible to tell where the walls, floor, and ceiling was, the battle began.

Human and dragon. The battle between dragon and god.

Charging at their target in an instant, Min-Cheol and his clones swung their swords.

The sword aura that was bathed in a red glow was fast enough to surprise them and had become a more powerful attack.

The firstborn’s debuff was already on Mithrael, and Min-Cheol and his clones were covered in several buffs.

The blades accurately plunged into Mithrael’s body and they felt the force behind landing a solid blow.

Wounds appeared all over his body and it was enough to turn his clothes into tatters.

Following up on the momentum, they stabbed at his body from various angles.

During that entire time, Mithrael did not lose his smile and didn’t try to stop any attacks.

Almost as if he couldn’t fight against an overwhelming power and could only accept the onslaught of attacks.

Or perhaps it was that he was simply playing along with a feeble attempt that was more akin to playing house.

And just like that, their swords sunk into Mithrael’s body with great speed.


“Good. Take him down in an instant!”

“Right… This is the feeling. This is the power of a dragon!”


“Kuhahaha! How long have I waited. How much have I yearned.”

The blades of Min-Cheol and his clones had pierced through Mithrael’s form and ended up the other side of his body.

It was an attack that accurately aimed at his vitals, and it went beyond a fatal wound that wouldn’t be strange if it caused him to die immediately.

The sensation they felt through the sword as they cut him only confirmed that.

However, he simply raised his voice and continued to laugh.

Almost as if he had lost his mind.

While this spectacle was unnerving, they twisted the blades embedded in his body to leave deep wounds that would be impossible to recover.

Then they made distance and prepared to pour down a torrent of skills.

Mithrael was still laughing, but Min-Cheol and his clones believed that he had taken a massive amount of damage.

Enclosing him in a circle formation, each of them prepared their own attack skill.

It was to pour down the maximum amount of attacks possible in order to grasp victory.

Like when Min-Cheol had coughed up black blood, black liquid poured out from all over Mithrael’s body.

A pitch black darkness was pouring out from all the locations where he had been attacked.

To be fair, it would be strange if he was fine after receiving all those attacks.

Confirming the damage that Mithrael had taken, Min-Cheol signaled to his clones with his eyes.

While each of them had different skills being prepared to cast, each of them kept out any type of skills that would cancel each other out if they met.

After all, they were able to communicate with each other as if their thoughts were connected on an unidentifiable signal.

And then.

Focused fire rained down on Mithrael.

It was an all out attack that could be considered merciless and cruel.

However, he did not dodge and accepted the attack with his whole body.

Was it because he didn’t have time to avoid it?

The completely white space had become a mess in an instant.

It was obvious, since Min-Cheol and his clones had executed their attacks with every bit of offensive capability they could muster.

It wasn’t long before the flames and thick dust cleared.

Unaware that they were frowning, Min-Cheol and his clones focused their sights on where Mithrael was before.

“Has the lizard died?”


“You idiot. We haven’t felt his power being absorbed.”

“Ah? The lizard is gone.”

“He’s still alive. It really is frustrating that I can’t use the Eye of Insight in a situation like this.”

“O-Over there! He’s still there!”

“Has our attack worked?”

The firstborn pointed at the location where all the attacks were focused towards, and there was Mithrael.

No, would it be more accurate to say his remains were?

His form as a human had been completely annihilated.

Torn and burnt by the destructive force of fierce skills, he had disappeared without a trace.

Up to here, this result was normal and an obvious outcome after receiving the combined attack of Min-Cheol and his clones.

However, there was something else remaining that had taken his place.

It was darkness.

Whatever that had flowed out of his body from his wounds had remained.

In the first meeting with Mithrael before, Min-Cheol had seen his body.

His body of burning darkness that seemed capable of swallowing anything up, that is.

That’s why Min-Cheol was not unfamiliar to this darkness.

And it wasn’t difficult to see that this darkness was the enemy they had to face.

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Reflexively crouching, they took a defensive stance.

“Prepare yourselves. The real battle starts now.”


Following Min-Cheol’s command, they clones focused on defense.

It was then.

The dark liquid that was squirming around as if burning suddenly vaporized and dyed the pure white battlefield black.

The black smoke instantly spread out as if from burning a tire and began to take shape.

It was as if it was foretelling that the real battle would be starting soon.

As expected, it wasn’t long before what appeared before them was a dragon.

It was a massive dragon, big enough to make this large space feel claustrophobic.

From that darkness came Mithrael’s voice.

“How long has it been? How long since I’ve been freed from this cramped body…”

“L-Lizard… Has gotten big!”

“You’re still calling him a lizard, idiot? That’s a dragon. Stop making a stupid expression and get ready!”



“How pleasing. Is this the power of a Flame Dragon? Kuuha! With six, it would be more than enough to free me. Wonderful.”


“However, this isn’t your full combat capabilities, right? Do not disappoint me, human.”

Min-Cheol did predict that he would turn into a dragon, but he was shocked that the attack from him and his clones did not work at all.

Their attacks were impossible to recover from.

That was the power that he had obtained from the Fragment of Time and Space.

It was quite the powerful attack.

However, he did not care about such a thing and had changed his form as he had planned.

Since the inability to heal was a rule that the absolute god had decided on, even a dragon shouldn’t be able to break it.

Min-Cheol could only come to the conclusion that they had only dealt enough damage to chip a tiny bit of ice from a massive iceberg.

It was a moment of fear for Mithrael’s latent potential.

Mithrael turned his massive body.

Because his appearance was quite overwhelming, Min-Cheol and his clones could not attack recklessly.

Appearing as if he was shaking his head with great force, he let out a great breath of flame towards the ceiling.

His mouth the size of a house let out a stream of blue flames, completely melting the entire castle.

It was because he felt frustrated from the small battlefield that got in his way.

The rubble from the structure fell down like rain, and a blue sky and scorching sun shined down upon them.

“Now it’ll be the real deal. Try amusing me more.”

“Lizard-dragon… Really big.”

“The only thing that has changed is his size. Let’s go!”

Each of the clones let out a battle cry and rousted themselves into a frenzy.

And like that, they charged at Mithrael’s massive form, towards his overwhelming power like moths to a flame.

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