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I Never Run Out of Mana

Chapter 248: All Out Attack (3)
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The clones that Mithrael stepped on perished on the spot.

They had been helplessly done in by Mithrael’s attack before being able to recover from his breath attack.

Because they had been annihilated by an outside forced instead of being retrieved, Min-Cheol could not summon them again right away.

And it wasn’t as if Min-Cheol and his clones could wait until the youngest clone’s special ability of resurrection would activate.

The resurrection skill had a 5 minute cooldown and a 5 minute casting time.

That meant that a total of 10 minutes was required.

The only ones that had recovered were Min-Cheol and the second oldest clone in charge of healing.

It was obvious that the two of them alone could not stop this massive dragon.

It was possible that they could flee using the Return Scroll if the situation wasn’t favorable.

However, the reason why Min-Cheol could not do so was that he believed that the Flame Dragon’s talisman had a time limit.

This talisman obtained through hunting an elite monster was very inconvenient to use.

While the Awakened Min-Cheol could not tell the stats a talisman provided, a Protector could see all of it.

However, that wasn’t the case with the Flame Dragon’s talisman.

No one could tell what its stats were, the conditions required to activate it, and how long it lasted.

The dragon before them was the size of a house.

He couldn’t use his breath attack for some time.

However, taking out the gravely injured clones with just his massive front legs would be a piece of cake.

It was nowhere enough with six, but what could two do?

His head became further jumbled with thoughts in a short amount of time.

Min-Cheol couldn’t help but be surprised with how calm the second oldest was, continuing to channel his healing abilities.

Having come to a decision, Min-Cheol opened his storage.

In a brief moment later.

As commanded by Min-Cheol, the Mobile Storage pushed something out.

In his hand was a scroll.

While most would guess that he had chosen to escape, it was not a Return Scroll.

It was the Cursed Scroll that the old woman, who had played a huge part in healing the Dragon’s Scar, gave to him.

It was an item that could be considered as a last resort that Min-Cheol believed in.

It was only a last resort in name, as Min-Cheol planned to avoid using it if possible.

He wasn’t sure about its effects, and the old woman’s identity remained a mystery.

However, he had to use it now.

It wasn’t as if there were any other options, and he had gained a little bit of faith in the old woman who had greatly helped in his recovery.

If what the old woman said was true, then he would obtain twice the amount of power he currently had after using the scroll.

Not only would the body become stronger, but the skills used would also be empowered.

And while it was possible to do so right now, it was possible to use the scroll to focus the empowerment on possessions or a certain part of the body.

To put it simply, it was possible to perform an enhancement.

With the scroll in his hand, Min-Cheol spoke towards the second oldest.

“After you finish healing the first and the youngest, we resurrect those who have fallen.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Yep. Got it. But can we hold that long?”

“We just have to hold for 5 minutes. Since the cooldown time is over, we just have to buy time for the casting duration. We resurrect one using the youngest’s resurrection skill, and I just have to summon the remaining one again.”

“Almost done healing this idiot as well.”

“Good. Proceed as fast as you can.”


Min-Cheol looked towards the scroll with a determined expression.

The scroll shook with the groaning sounds of a rusted machinery rumbling to life, as if implying that it had existed long before monsters had appeared.

And like the other skill scrolls, the Cursed Scroll disappeared into a thick mist.

The mist was absorbed by Min-Cheol, and the scroll took affect.

The red smoke that came off of Min-Cheol and his clone became larger, stronger and burning with greater intensity that could not be compared to before.

It wasn’t just the visual effects that became grander.

Min-Cheol and the second oldest clone felt something incredible.

They felt that the amount of power flowing into their bodies became that much stronger, and that the amount of healing they were outputting became far greater.

And because the clones who were injured also became stronger, their recovery seemed to hasten as well.

With a shocked look on his face, Min-Cheol spoke.

“That old woman wasn’t spouting nonsense…”

“With this much power, we can hold out. And if we hold out while bringing back those who have fallen…”

“Yeah. We can win. We can completely destroy a dragon like that.”

“Hurry and focus on the youngest.”

Min-Cheol saw hope through using the scroll.

No, this wasn’t just hope.

If all the clones got back on their feet and the six of them charged together, then he knew that they would have enough power to destroy Mithrael and have power leftover.

With his skills empowered through the Cursed Scroll, the second oldest healed the firstborn clone with great speed.

Following that, he completely finished healing the youngest as well.

“Kururu… So you have something still left to show me? That’s fine. I have only finished warming up.”

“Thank you then. For giving us time to heal ourselves and all.”

“Do you need time to heal the little ants I’ve squashed as well? Kururu…”

“No. I don’t think you need to go that far. If you give us that much leniency and we win, then I won’t feel satisfied.”

“Kururu. Now, let’s continue. This is nowhere enough to satisfy me of all that I’ve been holding back!”

“As you wish.”

Min-Cheol, the firstborn, and the second oldest clone prepared an all out attack on the dragon, Mithrael.

Min-Cheol then gave a look towards the recovered youngest clone to have him start casting the resurrection spell.

While the corpse had disappeared without a trace, it seemed that resurrection was possible but not healing.

With a nod, the youngest clone ran to the corner of the battlefield and started muttering something.

It was the incantation for the revival spell.

He had to stay that way without receiving any interruptions for 5 minutes.

Thankfully it seemed that Mithrael was focused for now on enjoying this battle where he was overwhelmingly stronger, and thus not likely to interrupt the youngest’s resurrection spell.

However, that wouldn’t last long.

If he received an attack that was very different from before, then he could change his mind.

There was more than 5 minutes remaining before Mithrael would use his breath attack again.

While Min-Cheol and his clones had obtained double the power, the ones that could participate in the attack had been cut in half.

This meant that they were at the same fighting capabilities as when all 6 of them charged together.

While their combat capabilities were the same, the amount of power output each individual brought out were twofold.

That meant that each strike of the sword and each hit from magic would affect him that much more.

And if they were able to hold out for 5 minutes and succeeded in the resurrection, and if Min-Cheol succeeded in summoning his clone again?

Then the fight would shift towards their favor without exception.

“Let’s go!”

Min-Cheol dealt with him from the front, while the first and second oldest clones dealt with each of his wings.

While the plan to divert his attention did not change, Min-Cheol would not make a risky attack on his core.

The plan was to buy 5 minutes of time until the resurrection spell finished.

And the clones by each of his wings had to prevent him from flapping his wings.

While it was a simple movement of moving air, the destructive force behind the shock waves generated were beyond the imagination.

While it wasn’t enough to damage Min-Cheol and his clones, if it managed to interrupt the youngest clone’s resurrection spell, then the breath attack’s cooldown would be over before the resurrection could be finished, resulting in the same wipeout from before.

Knowing full well of what would happen, the first and the second oldest used all the strength they had to sink their blades into his wings.

Because Min-Cheol had to get Mithrael’s attention focused on him, he proceeded with drastic attacks.

He had dropped a Meteor Call right on his head.

With the Flame Dragon’s talisman and the Cursed Scroll empowering it, the meteor was far bigger and stronger.

Landing right on his head that glowed blue, the Meteor exploded nonstop and ate away at his skin.

It seemed that Mithrael was a bit shocked that Min-Cheol’s attack had changed.

Quickly dealing with the flames, he attacked Min-Cheol with much greater speeds than before.

While his front legs flew towards Min-Cheol with great speeds, but it was pointless.

The situation had changed from when he was dodging with a paper thin margin.

To Min-Cheol, his attacks felt more like he was slowly waving his hand through thin air.

On the other hand, with the noticeably increased combat capabilities, the amount of damage that Mithrael took multiplied.

The firstborn and second oldest clones that were in charge of the wings were not only tearing through the hide, but were leaving wounds deep enough to cut into the bone.

As if trying to swat at a swarm of bees charging at him, Mithrael stumbled around.

Only one minute remained before the resurrection spell would be complete.

Mithrael began to flap his wings like before.

At the same time, Min-Cheol and his two clones suddenly got a lot more busier.

It was because they had to prevent the youngest’s resurrection spell from being interrupted.

“Barriers! Put up barriers around the youngest clone!”


The clones that relentlessly stabbed their swords put their blades away and headed for where the youngest was.

It was only 1 minute. Only 60 seconds remained.

If they could hold out for that long, then they would be able to deal a much more destructive attack. They would be able to land a much more lethal attack.

They would be able to execute an attack that would end in victory.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Mithrael realized that something was wrong, and instead of flapping his wings to fly into the air, charged forwards.

His target was the youngest who was muttering the resurrection incantation.

“We have to stop him! Do whatever it takes to stop him!”

“Crazy lizard!”

“He’s a dragon, you idiot!”

Mithrael charged towards their barrier.

With a massive body, weight, and speed, he was charging forwards.

Putting up as many shields and barriers they could summon, they stood in his path.

“We’re giving everything we got. Please take care of the healing!”

“Idiot. That’s obvious! Don’t say that and act.”

“Complaining no matter what I do…”


“No. Nothing. Oraaa!”

The firstborn put every ounce of strength he had into the barrier.

While he was able to enhance his own body before, being able to empower anything outside his body became possible after consuming the Cursed Scroll.

It was extraordinary how quickly he determined his new abilities and acted.

Thanks to that, the barrier became that much more strengthened.

Not paying attention the firstborn clone that was stumbling due to having expended all his energy, Mithrael smashed into the barrier with his head.

“Ugh! It hasn’t been fully broken! Repair the barrier!”

“He’s coming again. He’s preparing to charge again.”

Similar to a bullet proof glass with bullets in it, the barrier had cracks.

However, as Min-Cheol had said, it wasn’t completely broken.

Mithrael was preparing for a follow up attack immediately.

They weren’t sure if they could endure this attack.

He leaped back and flapped his wings.

Mithrael did not give any time for respite and charged with all the strength he could muster.

And right before the second attack was about to connect with the barrier.

The youngest who had been completely silent yelled very loudly with great force.


Turning around in response to his loud roar, Min-Cheol could see the youngest who had finished his resurrection spell and the third oldest who was proudly defending the barrier.

The firstborn, second oldest, and Min-Cheol were all smiles.

The second oldest healed the firstborn, who had expended all his strength, and the third oldest and youngest helped Min-Cheol stop Mithrael’s attack.



“Did you practice breathing with your stomach? Your voice is really loud and strong.”


“Let’s go and finish this!”

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