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I Never Run Out of Mana

Chapter 249: All Out Attack (4)
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With the successful resurrection from the youngest’s skill, the total members gathered became five, including Min-Cheol.

The increased number of clones made it easy to block Mithrael’s charge, whereas it was difficult for just the three of them before.

The barrier that had many cracks and was tattered regained its original shape, and did not show even the tiniest of cracks even after the second impact.

Mithrael was rather shocked at the change in momentum.

He had realized how quickly the situation had changed far too late.

The clones did not wait for the fourth oldest clone to be summoned and charged at Mithrael.

It was because they had enough combat capabilities to deal a great amount of damage with just the current members.

The power of the Flame Dragon’s talisman and the Cursed Scroll.

While the power gained from the Cursed Scroll was permanent, there was no way to know what would happen with the Flame Dragon’s talisman.

If they didn’t push with this momentum to take down Mithrael quickly, the tables could turn at any given moment.

That’s why Min-Cheol did not want to lose the chance at victory he had obtained with great difficulty.

He could not afford to lose it.

Even the time spent waiting for the last clone to revive felt wasteful.

The clones charged at the massive body of the dragon, but Min-Cheol stayed at his position.

And he opened his Mobile Storage to open two Return Scrolls.

Tearing the scrolls to the point where it would rip in half with the slightest amount of additional force, Min-Cheol grasped one in his hand and charged.

He shoved the remaining scroll at the waist of his armor.

He had given up on freeing one of his hands that could’ve been used as a weapon to focus on attacking and held the scroll for safety instead.

With the momentum rising as much as it could, their attacks were ferocious.

It went beyond making Mithrael panic, making his life feel threatened.

Each of the clones created swords in each of their hands and enhanced them.

The dragon’s limbs that seemed impossible to sever were now being cut through by them like how an axe struck a tree.

This situation was drastically different before, where they were having trouble just cutting through the tough and thick hide.

The black blood from the dragon sprayed everywhere, and the sound of chipping and cutting bone could be heard.

At the same, an ear splitting Dragon’s Fear rang out.


“A lizard’s tail grows when it is cut. But not with you.”

“Yeah, go ahead and channel your stupid personality on to him.”


As the firstborn had said, his wounds did not heal.

Wounds that he could not recover from were continuing to pile on.

Mithrael’s current form was absolutely destroyed.

Starting with the thin and weak points, like the ends of his wings or tail, his injuries were spreading bit by bit to the thicker parts of his body.

His body that had let out a bright blue glow was slowly being dyed in his black blood.

It was then.

Mithrael shook his limbs with great force to shake off all the clones attached to him like leeches.

Min-Cheol and his clones stabbed their blades into his body and tried to hold on, but because of how strong the resistance he put up was, they couldn’t help but sprawl onto the floor.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Anyone could see that it was a violent movement in preparation for either a defensive maneuver or an attack.

He had only used his breath attack and his front legs to attack so far.

Min-Cheol was very suspicious of his simple and repetitive attack pattern.

As long as he remained careful of the breath attack, it was true that Mithrael wasn’t that dangerous currently.

And it wasn’t as if he could continuously use his breath attack either.

Min-Cheol shouted to his clones, who had formed an enclosed circle with the dragon in the center.

“It’s not time yet for the breath attack. Do not be afraid.”

“I’m aware as well. I think the lizard-dragon is upset.”

“There’s no use!”

“Damn. Have you eaten a boiled train piece? You can ease down breathing with your stomach. I recognize how loud your voice is.” 1

“Ha! Ha!”

“Everyone is strange without exception…”


After the second breath attack, Min-Cheol was able to keep track roughly of the cooldown between each breath attack.

After the first breath attack, the dragon took off into the sky and breathed flames after 9 to 10 minutes.

A little bit of error can be present, but Mithrael couldn’t use his breath attack for now.

However, he had folded his wings to cover his body, even tucking his head in to completely protect the core on his forehead, making it impossible to determine what he would do next.

Keeping on eye on Mithrael, they prepared to defend themselves.

It didn’t take long to sate the curiosity of what Mithrael would do next.

It wasn’t an attempt at defending.

The talons at the end of his wings covering his body.

Those sharp blue talons started to grow unevenly, like rakes.

With how sharp and pointy these talons were, it seemed that anything that came into contact with them would be sliced apart with ease.

Following that, he started to spin, picking up speed.


It seemed threatening as if the blades of a mixer were sticking out.

There was a skill even amongst Awakeneds that had this kind of motion and effect.

It was Whirlwind.

The only difference was that the skill used weapons such as swords to deal the attack instead of talons.

However, Min-Cheol knew the weakness of such an attack clearly.

He had seen many instances of it back on Earth, and it was obvious because he had faced off against many enemies that used it.

And on top of that, it was one of the skills that he had obtained.

Whirlwind was a skill that was truly effective only at extreme close range.

The power behind it was through its quick spins, and while it was capable of both offense and defense, it was pointless if it could not make contact with the enemy.

Even if the talons that acted as the weapons of the Whirlwind skill grew long, it was still far too short to reach where Min-Cheol and his clones were.

It seemed as though he did not have any ranged attacks other than his breath attack.

Min-Cheol felt relieved and spoke.

“We’ll attack him from range. As long as we don’t give him the distance…”

“W-We’re behind sucked in!”

“Hang on! If we get sucked in, it’s over!”

This situation was something that no one had expected.

Due to the pull from his spin, everything nearby was being sucked in.

And it didn’t take long for anything sucked in to become thoroughly ground to dust.

The shock didn’t last long though.

They shared a look with one another and then jumped suddenly into the air.

It would’ve been difficult enough to keep their positions with their feet on the ground, but they had tossed themselves in the air.

Losing their balance in the air as expected, the Whirlwind sucked them in with great force.

It was then.

A horrific sound of flesh being torn was heard.

However, this wasn’t the sound of Min-Cheol and his clones being ripped apart by the Whirlwind.

It was the sound made from 9 blades piercing through the dragon’s neck, excluding Min-Cheol’s one hand that clutched a Return Scroll.

Right before being torn apart by Mithrael’s spinning talons, they had used Blink to teleport above his head.

And using the area that wasn’t affected by the spin, which could be described as the eye of the storm, they attacked.

You could say that they changed a crisis into an opportunity.


The dragon’s roar that was nearly a scream covered the entire Larkenta area.

Not only did they sank their swords into the back of his neck, but they blasted lightning magic through it on top of that.

No matter how strong he was and how much endurance he had, it was obvious that receiving this attack completely with his body would be too much.

It seemed as though their attack wouldn’t end until Mithrael would kneel and lose his life.

And during this attack, Min-Cheol used his cloning skill that was finally off cooldown to summon the fourth oldest clone again.

Confirming his vastly increased strength, the fourth oldest clone followed his fellow brothers and partook in the attack.


“Do not stop! We continue until he’s dead!”

“Today’s lunch is roasted lizard-dragon!”


Even though the youngest’s loud roar and the magic attacks continued, he did not seem close to kneeling at all.

Min-Cheol thought to himself.

He believed that the only way to defeat him was to destroy the core embedded in his forehead.

This was true.

The dragon’s power came fully from that core.

No matter how many times his body was cut and blown off, if he was able to protect the core, he would be able to continue gathering his energy again.

Min-Cheol’s thought was transmitted to his clones before long.

Pulling out their swords from his body at the same time, the clones used Blink once more to head towards his head.

Since he couldn’t put up a fight already, they had expected him to not put up a resistance.

However, unlike what they had predicted, he put up a last bit of struggle.

He was trying to use his Hell Breath attack that was ready to use due to the cooldown being over at the same time that Min-Cheol’s clone skill was ready to be used again.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Currently, they were all gathered close in a single spot.

And they were positioned right in front of the dragon’s jaw where the breath attack came from.

Before they could even think, his mouth opened and a fierce Hell Breath came forth.

Right as each of them turned their bodies to leave their current location…

Min-Cheol recalled all of his clones and tore the scroll in his hand.


“10… 9… 8…”

“Have you succeeded?”

“7… No, it’s still in progress. And I’ll be successful soon. 5…”

“Huh? What do you… And why are you continuing to mutter numbers?”

“There’s a reason for this. 2… 1… Ding. It’s done. I’ll come back after finishing this.”

“Huh? Sure…”

The reason why Min-Cheol had kept one of his hands free instead of using it to attack and kept holding onto the scroll was this.

He had experienced how difficult it was to avoid the dragon’s Hell Breath attack.

Even being in the general range of his breath attack would deal damage nearly beyond description.

Even though they had obtained power through the Cursed Scroll, they would not be able to endure the breath attack.

That’s why Min-Cheol tore the scroll to return back home right when he used his breath attack.

He had even recalled his clones so that they were all able to avoid it.

Due to how simple Mithrael’s attack pattern was, Min-Cheol had been able to read into his next move.

Tearing another scroll to return back to the battlefield, Min-Cheol arrived after the Hell Breath finished.

The area around was burning away from the intense heat, but this level of flames did not pose a problem for them.

On the other hand, the dragon had expanded everything he had.

However, leaving him alone for even a little bit would allow him to gather power through his core again, so they could not allow him the time to do so.

Min-Cheol summoned his clones again.

Because they hadn’t been killed by an outside force, they immediately appeared at Min-Cheol’s call.

Mithrael could only breathe out smoke through his nostrils with great strain, head on the floor.

“It’s time to return home. You. And me.”



Min-Cheol and his clones rushed forward in a blink of an eye, plunging their swords into the gem embedded in his forehead.

The core that seemed impenetrable shattered from their swords and disintegrated while letting off the brightest of light.

At the same time, Mithrael’s massive form disappeared into light as well.

And just like that, Min-Cheol and his clones absorbed the dragon’s power with all of their bodies.

“I can see the end.”

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  1. An old saying involving the metal piece inside the older coal driven trains that made very loud noises.