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I Never Run Out of Mana

Chapter 250: Reunion
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After Mithrael fell, the power from the Flame Dragon’s talisman disappeared.

It could have been a coincidence that the activation time ended right then, or that a person could not hold more than one dragon’s power in their body and vanished.

However, Min-Cheol had now grown strong enough to not need the power of the Flame Dragon’s talisman anymore.

Mithrael. He had absorbed every ounce of power from the dragon’s true form after all.

And like that, Min-Cheol and his clones were able to overcome this difficult trial, obtaining a great reward worthy of that challenge.

Min-Cheol took out the watch he had been cradling.

“Many things have changed, but… Seems only this is stuck pointing at Earth’s time.”

Only an hour remained before returning back to the celestial plane.

One hundred days had passed in a flash.

No one in that frozen time back on Earth would be able to guess what Min-Cheol had to go through.

And there were no plans to tell anyone.

Even if he did speak up about it, it would be extremely difficult for anyone to believe in it.

Every day in Hell was a chain of nonstop battles, bathed in blood.

It was time to finish things and return back.

“Good work.”

“Is it over?”

“No. It seems that I’ll have to ask all of your help once more in a bit.”

“As much as you need. Sure.”


“Whew… Seems there’s another idiot now. One is an idiot without thought, and the other is an idiot with just a loud voice. I wonder who they resemble to be so equally lacking?”

“If you’re going to stare at me so obviously and barely pretend, then just say it to my face. I’m sorry.”

“Well, despite being a little bit tiresome, it’s not too bad.”

“Make sure to call us after.”

“Yeah. It’ll be brief, but rest for now.”

“Shall I begin preparations to wrap up everything here?”



“Master! Why are you going back and forth as if you’ve left something behind?”

“The last time was to flee, and this time is just me returning after succeeding.”

“Well, that means… The castellan. No, have you really defeated Mithrael?”

“Is it really over now, master?”

“Yep. It’s over.”


Hearing that Mithrael had been defeated, Dan and Count Audu immediately sat on the ground due their legs giving out.

While Dan had some faith, it was true that Audu was half sure and half doubtful.

Achieving more than what Audu had hoped for. Audu looked towards Min-Cheol with respect in his eyes, for he had realized his dreams.

Min-Cheol hurried up Dan, who sat on the ground, dazed.

It was because he did not have much time left to stay.

“We don’t have time for you to stay dazed like that.”

“How long do you have left?”

“At the longest, an hour.”


“Shouldn’t I at least wrap everything up before I leave?”

“Yes. I shall come with you.”

“Count Audu.”

“Yes. Please speak your mind.”

“The world that you wanted is about to start, Sir Count.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Thank you. Thank you so much.”

“Sir Count, you are the only remaining count left in Larkenta. That would mean that there is no one left here that could overpower you.”

“Yes, it seems so.”

“That’s why you are also someone who needs to disappear. After all, you are the only person left with rank and political authority. However, I’ve decided to try trusting in you once. Please change this place.”

“How would I dare…”

“I’m sure that you will be able to. When we meet again, please create a world where you wouldn’t be embarrassed boasting about it to me.”

“I understand. Absolutely. I will absolutely make sure to do so.”

“I am counting on you. And while it was short, thank you.”

“Likewise, I am unsure how I can show you how thankful I am. You’ve been through much. Thank you so much.”

“Then… Let’s go to Mr. Dump’s place first.”

“Yes! Master!”

“What are you doing? Why aren’t you pulling out a scroll?”

“It’s going to be the last time, so I’ll go into your storage to travel. It’s a place that I’ve grown somewhat attached to…”

“Ah. Do as you like.”

Min-Cheol prepared to wrap up things up in Larkenta, in this world called Hell.

Even if he hurried due to his preparations to return to the celestial plane being finished, there was a set time for when the summoning would take place.

That’s why he did not want to waste the short amount of time he was allotted.

After finishing his greeting with Audu, Min-Cheol headed to Dump’s residence with Dan.

As expected, the sound of powerful hammering could be heard from Dump’s home.

As if to cast any doubts that he wasn’t a blacksmith, it seemed that he was repeatedly hammering iron.

It may be grating for the ears to others, but after meeting Dump, Min-Cheol could only hear it as a rhythm carrying excitement and energy.

Probably more so because it was the sound his greatest ally Dump was creating through his passion.

Min-Cheol immediately headed into the workplace.

“Huh? S-Sir Guardian!”

“Have you been well?”

“Ah! Why haven’t you contacted me in so long?”

“I’ve been a bit busy.”

“I’ve heard that things have gone bad in the castle for the past couple days and was so worried because of it!”

“Hehe. Sorry about that.”

“Has things wrapped up nicely?”

“Of course. Thanks to you, it has ended the way we wanted to. However…”

Even as Min-Cheol and Dump shook hands and spoke to each other, the hammering sounds did not stop.

And on top of that, Dump’s hands and work outfit that should’ve been covered in dust were too clean.

Did he hire a new worker?

Surprisingly, the person who had taken Dump’s position was his daughter, Berlette.

Min-Cheol was surprised and found this change interesting.

Additionally, she seemed more charming.

Dump scratched his head and spoke.

“She’s learned how to steal. It seems she’s going to walk the same path I have.”

“Haha. Seems it suits her better than I thought?”

“Of course. Looks like it won’t be long before she takes my job, you know? She’ll become a much better blacksmith than me.”

“Seems like the blood of a craftsman runs through the family.”

“When she focuses on something, I swear she will stay oblivious even if a mountain explodes behind her. Berlette! Berlette!”


“Sir Guardian has come. Hurry and greet him.”

Meeting for the first time in awhile, they exchanged a hearty greeting.

While there wasn’t much time left, they all sat together and had a meal.

This was the first person that Min-Cheol met after crossing over to the dimension known as Hell.

He was the first person Min-Cheol received help from, and they were the first to offer him help.

Like his own mother, Jong Ho, the commander Yoon Jong-sun, Ho Jin, and the Puppet Goblin Karin, they were like family to him.

When the meal was nearly over, and the spoon was set on the table, Dump and Berlette spoke.

“Will you be leaving now?”

“Is today the day?”

“Yes. I am planning to return back to where I came from.”

“It’s unfortunate that you’re leaving after I’ve only received and haven’t really returned anything proper.”

“That’s not true. It feels as though I am leaving with far more than what I have done for you.”


Dump let out a sigh filled with sincere regret.

It was the same with Berlette.

It was a short 100 days, but an unspoken bond had formed between them.

“Must you leave now? You should stay for a cup of tea, or at least dinner before you go.” 1

“Less than an hour remains. It’s unfortunate, but it seems we’ll have to push it for later.”


“I’ll make sure to visit again.”

“You’ve promised. You have to visit us again.”

“Yes, of course. Berlette. Seems your work attire and hammer suits you?”


“I’m sure that you’ll become an amazing smith. And one with compassion and leadership.”

“Sir Guardian…”

“I’ll even make a reservation for an armor set I’d like to wear. An armor set that Ms. Berlette can create with her own skill.”

“Yes! I’ll make it as soon as possible and wait for you. So you have to come back.”


“Master. Not even 10 minutes remain.”

“I worry if we’ve taken too much time from you…”

“No. This is what I wanted most with my time. Then I’ll be on my way.”

“I won’t say goodbye. Then please take care and come back soon.”

“I think that would be for the best. Yes, I’ll be back.”

Min-Cheol and Dan left Dump’s residence with mixed emotions.

The only thing remaining now was the old lady from the scroll store.

She had treated the Dragon’s Scar and even gave him the Cursed Scroll.

Without her help, Min-Cheol would’ve been defeated for certain in the final fight between him and Mithrael.

It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that she was the one to lay the groundwork for Min-Cheol’s comeback and turning the tables.

She was someone that Min-Cheol could not forget to give thanks to.

Min-Cheol and Dan headed for the Larkenta castle.

Due to the chaos caused by Min-Cheol and Mithrael a moment ago, the local residents were in disarray.

However, Min-Cheol wasn’t really worried about it.

The unrest would settle quickly and Count Audu would definitely create a world better than the current one.

The stalls of the craftsmen that stretched nearly without end were still doing business despite the chaos.

And the two of them continued walking to arrive in front of the scroll store.

“Hm? You’re sure that this is the place?”

“Yes, I’m sure of it. Are they not open today?”

“Hm… I really wanted to give her my thanks.”

“Have you come here to find the old woman who sells scrolls?”

“Yes. Where did she go?”

“If you’re looking for the old woman, you won’t be able to find her anymore. She closed the shop two days ago and left.”

“Is that so. Thank you.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Master. What should we do?”

“It’s unfortunate, but not much we can do. But I’d like to at least remember the name of the person I’m indebted to.”

“Ah! Gera. She said her name was Gera.”


“Yes. But your expression… Is she someone you know of?”

“No. Probably not.”

“It seemed that she had a daughter as well… I don’t quite remember…”

“Her name is Karupedan. Karupedan. A very smart and affectionate princess. I already miss her smile.”


Min-Cheol couldn’t help but laugh.

This was probably more than just coincidence.

Gera and Karupedan. He was sure that it was far more than just their names overlapping.

“Master, why are you laughing?”

“Because it seems that I will be able to repay my debt.”

“Even though not much time is left, will you be like this till the end? I have no idea what you’re saying…”

“Dan, thank you for all your hard work until now.”

“Hey. Why are you being like this. I’m getting goosebumps.”

“It’s something that I was barely able to say out loud. But I’m being sincere.”


“Please help Count Audu out. I think that if you help him, this world will really be a better place.”


“I’m off. See you again.”

And like that, Min-Cheol said his farewells to those he formed connections with in Larkenta.

Min-Cheol’s body became a single pillar of light and disappeared into the sky.

It had become the preset time for him to be summoned back to the celestial plane.

A brief moment after making the final bit of greeting, Min-Cheol’s eyes now saw the celestial plane before he knew it.

He saw the clear eyed Karupedan, as well as Barub, who would be having the final match with him.

Karupedan looked towards Min-Cheol with an anxious expression.

Desperately wishing for his victory again and again.

However, wasn’t Min-Cheol at a disadvantage from the start?

It was to be expected that she would be expressing her anxiety.

Unlike her worried look, it seemed that Barub, who always looked down upon humans and was filled with arrogance, was filled with fear.

There was no way that Barub did not know what had happened in Larkenta.

Powerful forces that Barub could not even dare approach had clashed.

One was Min-Cheol, and Barub also knew that he was also the winner in that fight.

Min-Cheol looked towards his hand and then touched his face, speaking with utmost confidence.

“And I was just getting used to that new face. 100 days really is long and short at the same time. Right?”


“The duration of time we had agreed to in our bet has passed. You haven’t forgotten our rule, right?”

“Yes, of course. After 100 days have passed, which is now, the winner of the fight gets the power of an absolute being, right?”

“Yep. Barub, you don’t look good.”


“Let’s change the subject and get started. I really want to eat the doenjang-jjigae my mother makes.”

“Good. A bet is a bet.”

Looking for the ?

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  1. Yeah, I don’t know, author forgot they just ate, or the previous lines were wrong and they didn’t remove it. I left it in.