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I Will Kill The Author

Chapter 294: Hideout [2]
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In the , Nero didn't head to the Eastern Continent. Instead of going to Shaolin, he went to the City of Wolves.

That's right, he visited Wolfshire.

For what reason, one might ask? Well, his master asked him to buy a relic which was in possession of one of the noble families here.

But that is not the important part.

The thing is, during his trip, Nero stopped by an opulent cafe nearby.

The cafe was close to his hotel room, so he decided to enjoy a lavish dinner there before returning.

Unfortunately, that evening was ruined for him when Nero spotted a suspicious lady posing to be a customer in the cafe.

Soon, he realized everyone in the cafe was acting a little strange… All of them were a bit erratic.

Everyone seemed… lifeless.

Before long, Nero himself began to feel a bit odd.

It didn't take him long to understand that someone was trying to bewitch him. He was falling under a mind hex.

Luckily, with some luck and thick plot armour, Nero deduced that the suspicious lady was the cause of it all.

She was a vampire trying to control his mind. She was the reason everyone here felt a bit weird.

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Nero quickly summoned one of his Divine Swords. Using it, he defeated the vampire but not before she managed to kill some entranced customers.

After the incident, the military police conducted a thorough investigation. Soon, they discovered the vampire was a former spy for the vampire forces.

Apparently, she cut ties with the vampire forces on her own when she fell in love with the owner of that cafe, eventually marrying him.

A bizarre yet clichè spy romance story, if you ask me.

Anyway, the owner was hiding her and they were using the customers as a source of her food.

Her speciality was casting mind hex and putting all visitors under her mind-control spell.

All the customers forgot about being fed on by a vampire after leaving the cafe but felt compelled to return the next day.

They became regulars there – a steady food supply for the vampire.

Of course, in the end, things didn't end well for them. The owner was arrested for treason, and Nero killed the vampire.

However, that is still not the important part. You see, that vampire didn't cast mind hex using her own magic.

In truth, she used a relic that allowed her to trap her enemies in deliberately crafted illusions.

She used it to peer into her victims' minds, trapping them in harrowing nightmares or even delightful dreams.

That relic… I want it! I need it!

It was actually the very first relic I planned to obtain when I found myself thrown into this world.

I thought of it even before I thought about acquiring Phoenix's Embrace. Of course, back then, there was one tiny problem.

Back then, I was already in the Global Academy and I couldn't leave the Global City on my own accord, which meant I didn't have an opportunity to take the relic.

I didn't have a choice but to sit and wait patiently. But not anymore! Haa! The time for me to get my hands on that relic was finally upon me!

Haa! Ahaha! Aaaahahaha!

"Lucas, can you please stop smiling like that… It's creepy."

"Shut up."

Shaking my head at Amelia's remark, I looked at my smart bracelet and followed the virtual map laid out before me.

Right when we were about to miss a turn, a calm, feminine voice resounded from my smart bracelet and reached my ears.

[Sir, you missed a turn. Take that right, please.]

It was Athena, the academy AI that had been unlocked in our smart bracelets.

"Oh," I exclaimed, a bit startled, and took a step back before turning around the corner.

"How can you, arguably the smartest person I've ever met, be so terrible at reading maps," Amelia frowned.

"Heh," I grinned. "Yeah, that's right. I am smart."

"You're missing the point," she let out a sigh before giving me a sidelong glance.

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A bit uncomfortable, I rolled my eyes and asked, "What is it this time?"

Amelia lingered for a few seconds before opening her mouth. "I… I know I agreed that I won't pry but how do you know that we'll encounter a vampire where we are headed?"

I heaved a deep sigh before finally replying to her, "Amelia, I can't tell you how, but I have knowledge about some future events. My knowledge is not absolute, it isn't even complete, but I'm certain that we will find a vampire at Hideout Cafe."

Instead of showing surprise or shock, the black-haired girl merely continued walking next to me with a lost look on her face.

"By your lack of reaction, can I assume that you already know I possess future knowledge?" I asked.

"I thought it could be possible," Amelia answered with a frown. "I still don't know why or how, though."

A smile formed on my lips upon hearing her answer.

"Good," I nodded. "As I've told you before, a good strategist is the one who considers every possibility. We are humans, we can't possibly predict every outcome, but at least we can try."

After a bit of thought, I added, "Of course, the easiest way is always to manipulate the situation in a way where the odds fall in your favour."

"...I don't understand," Amelia shot me a confused look. "How is manipulating the odds easier than predicting an outcome?"

I laughed. "Don't worry, you will come to understand what I mean one day."

Suddenly, I remembered something. I turned to her and asked, "By the way, is it alright for you to not go home? You must've told your father about your return, right? Wouldn't he be worried?"

"It's fine," Amelia waved her hand dismissively. "My father isn't in the city so I was going to be home alone anyway."

"Ahh, I see."

[Sir, you have arrived at your destination. If you have any other requests, please feel free to ask me.]

Right as we were engaged in our conversation, Athena's voice rang out.

I looked to my right and there it was. In front of us was a cafe building with a neon billboard reading [Hideout].