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I will never be yours by Melan pamp

Chapter 51
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1 Will Never Be Yours By Melan pamp Chapter 51 Selena pov | feel a hand drawing circles on my back and try to figure out where | am. My memory is in a fog! Kian’s scent is all aroundand | open my eyes and see I'm in my room and laying on Kian’s chest.

Tingles play on my skin and | feel different! Stronger and at the st| want to taste his body, feel every bit of his body under my hands. A wave of arousal courses through my body and | have to shut my legs close to each other.

| wonder what's gotten intowhen | hear him chuckle.

Slowly sitting up I have no idea what happened after the attack and Emma reached me.

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“How do you feel?” He says and | turn my head to look at him. He is naked except for a pair of briefs on his body and his beautiful eyes are looking right at me. My eyes wander down to his plumpy lips and | have this urge to taste them. | see him get a smirk on his lips and | avert my eyes from him. Something isn’t right here! “How long have | been sleeping?” | ask and look down at my body. I'm a bit bloody but someone has cleanedup and put on a shirt.

“Three hours!” He says and | look at him wondering if he has been in here the whole tand that’s why I'm so affected by his presence. | can’t stop looking at him when he gets a serious look on his face and sits up, leaning his body against the headboard.

“Why haven't you letknow there is a rogue activity here and the cave!” He says and looks stern at me, what did he expect exactly? Feeling how anger takes over in my body.

And how did you expectto contact you? Giving you a call and say: hey! it’s your mate you forced out of your kingdom several years ago if you remember me! | am an alpha with my own pack and we have a lot of rogue activity here can you please send shelp?!” | spit at him and toss the blanket offbefore | get out of bed.

Chapter 51 Looking down at| feel dirty and need to take a shower.

you know there are laws you need to follow as a pack!” He barks atand | turn around and look at him. The tension in the room starts to rise! “And | have been following every law there is! It's not my problem you swallowed my bait” | bark back at him. | see him thinking for a moment before he figures out what I mean. He pinches the bridge of his nose before he gets up and stalks closer to me. | stand my ground and wait for his wrath. He stops walking right in front of me, his naked body on display forto take in and | can’t stop ogling him. | hear him clear his throat and | snap my head up to look at him only to be met by his stern gaze. Shaking my head | need to get a grip. Don’t understand why he is affectingthis way now.

smart move!” He says and grips my chin in a hard grip.

but it was stupid to run after the rogues just the three of you! Almost got yourself killed!” He says and leans his face closer to mine. Anger boil in my body from his words. We had it all covered if they just had stayed in place like they were told to do! “We wouldn't be having any problem since we have our scent masked if it wasn’t for you and your men who can't listen to someone else orders!” | scream at him and the tension between us lies heavy in the room. Daily new chapters upload Only On Alaniniz(dotNone of us is ready to give up. He looks intense atbut doesn’t say anything.

Pushing his hand away from| start walking over to my bathroom. | hear him cafter me! “Cback here! I'm not done with you” | hear him say but ignore him completely. I've had enough of his shit for one day! Opening my door to my bathroom I get inside when he comes right behind me.

you should have toldwhat's going on in the first place, instead of just running after them!” He says and grip for my arm and | snap it out of his grip.

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Take off the shirt and toss it on the floor before stepping inside my shower and turning the water on. | don’t care if the water is cold at first, I'm angry and if | don’t calm down there is no say what will happen.

| hear the shower door open and Kian comes inside when | am washing my body.

“Now you listen to me!” He barks atand turnsaround so I'm facing him. | take two steps back to get sdistance between us.

“What you did was reckless and stupid!” He keeps shouting atand now I’m about to boil over with anger! | have been running this pack for year’s and we are doing fine without him coming here and tellinghow to do it! “I have a pack to protect! Everything is your fault and | wouldn't be here in the first. place if it wasn’t for you!” | scream at him and toss the bottle of shampoo I'm holding in my hand at him in pure anger. Want to hit him with something hard. He is quick and takes the bottle when it comes flying at him.

We both breathe heavily from our anger and the tension is heavy between us, water is pouring down my body and that’s the only sound in the room besides our heavy breathing. We stand like that for what feels like an eternity before | see him quickly close the distance between us and pushback against the tiles. | hiss from the coldness when his lips cdown hard on mine, devouring my lips and stirring up the bond.

It takes over my body and my mind only wants one thing! | can’t think rational thoughts any longer.

He is kissinglike there is no tomorrow and | feel how every cell in my body answers to his touch.