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Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 342.4: Breaking Through To The Core Formation Realm Part 4
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Facing her imminent demise against the sixth strike, Mira let out a maniacal grin thinking about the plan she devised to survive. Her plan was insane, no, downright fucking madness! However, because the Heavens were dead set on killing her, she didn't have much of a choice but to go with this suicidal option.

Mira went with the same setup she used on the fourth strike to diffuse some of the lightning's power as it's falling from the sky.

She created a bunch of balls filled with her power along with placing a small pool of Yin Magma and Yin Lightning below her to help absorb some of the lightning's power.

However, this time, she coated her left arm in ice and Yin Lightning, Magma, and Fire.



The lightning quickly passed through the orbs, destroying them. Then, just as it was about to strike the small pool below her, Mira threw out a full-powered punch.

After the Heavenly Punishment Lightning destroyed the small pool below her and discharged part of its power into the Earth, it charged at Mira!

Luckily, Mira threw her punch early, or else she never would've gotten the opportunity to attack.

Suddenly, Mira's fist and the lightning collided…


And an enormous shockwave was created due to their collision, causing the earth beneath Mira to sink by a few meters.

Mira felt her skin disintegrating, her muscles tearing, and her bones cracking. Her blood didn't even get a chance to spill as it evaporated as soon as it made contact with the blood-red lightning that ravaged her arm.

Luckily, Mira was able to contain the damage to only her right arm due to the use of her unique elements, but after the lightning's energy had finished destroying her arm, there wasn't much left.

All that was left of her arm was a black char that looked like it might blow away with the wind any moment now.

The damage to her left arm was clearly much worse than the damage to her right arm, a sign that the Heavenly Punishment Tribulation is getting stronger with every strike, but Mira was glad that she didn't allow her body to take the lightning head-on.

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The power contained within that last strike was more than enough to fry her brain, damage her soul, and stop her heart if she allowed the rest of her body to take the brunt of the damage.

Even if, by some miracle, she managed to survive, she would be nothing more than a vegetable waiting to be cut down by the next strike!

For that reason, Mira decided that if she wanted to survive this Tribulation, she had to sacrifice her limbs!

However, doing that leaves Mira with a slight problem.

What about the last strike? How will she handle that?

Naturally, Mira had a plan for that…


Anyways, now wasn't the time to think about the future! She has to focus on surviving this next lightning strike!

Not being able to use her arms puts her at a severe disadvantage, and although she was a bit worried about this next lightning strike, she was confident in her ability to survive it as long as she didn't screw up.

Unfortunately, without her arms, Mira couldn't pick up her scythe and toss it in the air, so instead, she tied it to her right leg with a few ice threads and coated her leg and the scythe in all of her powers. However, the scythe is obviously a bit too big to be attached only to her leg, so she used her ice to extend her left leg so she could stand properly.

Then she just repeated what she did with the previous strike, and with that, she was ready!


The lightning followed the same pattern as before, and as soon as Mira saw the lightning reach the small pool of Yin Magma and Yin Lightning below her, she used the leg attached to the scythe to launch her most powerful kick!


The shockwave created this time by their collision was much bigger and more devastating than last time.

Everything within a 30-meter radius was turned to dust, and a fiver meter-deep crater was formed underneath Mira.

Instantly, Mira's leg completely disappeared. There weren't even any ashes as those were burnt and destroyed along with her leg.

The lightning started spreading to the rest of her body, but fortunately, it could only fry her stomach and some of her intestines.


Left with only one appendage remaining, her left leg, Mira's expression turned even crazier.

She didn't even bother wasting her concentration and powers on any more orbs and instead used it to attach her scythe to her remaining leg, then coated her leg and scythe in the leftover power she saved up for this next lightning strike.

Finally, in a desperate attempt to build up as much power as she could, Mira used her ice to launch her high up in the air, and as she was falling, she began spinning.

She curled her body up to spin faster and generate more power.

Mira had no idea if this was even working or not, but even if it only reduced the lightning's power by 1%, that was enough.

Who knows, maybe that 1% would be enough to save her life so she can face the last strike.

As long as she can make it to the last strike…


A cataclysmic sound came from the clouds above her. The space around her shook, and the Earth rumbled. The surrounding Kilometers were dyed red as the lightning fell from the dark clouds above, and Mira felt it…

She felt her death approaching.

As Mira was spiraling downwards, the lightning became attracted to her last remaining leg, and instantly, the two opposing forces met.

There wasn't even an explosion when her leg met the lightning. Mira just felt her leg turn to dust, then everything from the waist down was disintegrated, but the lightning didn't stop there.

It began wreaking havoc on the rest of her body. All her internal organs were reduced to ash, her skin had turned black, and the bones ground to dust.

However, surprisingly, her Dantian was fine, and her meridians weren't completely destroyed, though they were anything but fine. Only the meridians surrounding her Dantian were relatively fine. The rest were burnt to a crisp, but even after they were damaged to such an extent, they didn't disappear.

Although they were nearly impossible to see, if one were strong enough, they'd notice microscopic lines were dangling where Mira's arms and legs are supposed to be.

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The blood-red lightning wanted nothing more than to destroy them completely, but seeing that it was unable to, it turned to the rest of her body, or more specifically, her soul.

It didn't have quite enough power to completely kill her off after it entered her body and started dismantling her. So, instead, it decided to focus on the next best thing: damaging her soul.

Immediately, the lightning entered Mira's soul and started ripping it to shreds. Mira wanted to scream but didn't have any vocal cords left.

Although she's gone through similar pain before, Mira doesn't think she'll ever get used to the feeling of having her soul ripped apart.

Once the lightning ran out of power, it soon fizzled out of existence, but by the time it was done, Mira was already in a semi-comatose state.

However, her willpower wasn't tempered in the F.LD.I.L for nothing. Thanks to those long years spent in the item trials and the torturous pain she had to go through to become its Successor, with her willpower alone, Mira could keep her body and mind conscious.

Although she could barely sense anything around her and was quickly dying, Mira could still keep her body and mind from completely collapsing.

Subconsciously knowing that she had reached her goal, Mira's body released a small smile, or she would have if her entire body weren't charred.

Due to Mira's immense desire to stay alive, the last of Mira's consciousness released and covered herself in every bit of Dao Comprehension she could muster.

Layers upon layers of ice and Yin Fire, Magma, and Lightning were stacked on top of her, protecting her.

She wasn't using these powers very efficiently, but Mira couldn't care about that right now. She just wanted to unleash every ounce of power her mind and body could muster before the last lightning strike of the Heavenly Punishment Tribulation fell.


The dark clouds above Mira began condensing as it built up all of its remaining power for the last strike.

Soon, the dark clouds that once covered tens or even hundreds of kilometers had now condensed into a singular point. At least, that's what it looks like from the ground.

Once they were finished condensing, the dark clouds started turning blood-red, and lightning began loudly crackling.


Just the sound of the lightning crackling was more than enough to disrupt the surrounding space, sending shockwaves across the land and sky.

Then suddenly, the world flashed, and the sky turned red…