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Imperfect Desires

Chapter 322 Mood Dampener
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322 Mood Dampener

Nora was standing at the reception listening to the staff's report when she saw Dylan and Cali coming her way. Dylan stood before her and smiled brightly, "Thanks for the breakfast, FRIEND!" The way he chose to emphasize 'friend' made Nora almost burst out laughing but she had to purse her lips to hold back.

"You're most welcome, FRIEND!" replied Nora in the same way that he spoke.

Dylan leaned closer to her and said, "I don't know why but people are really misunderstanding us." Nora frowned at his words while he went on, "I mean, Ah-Si already thinks that you like me and now Cali also thought we were more than friends. I'm telling you this is insane."

"Ah-Si thinks I like you?" repeated Nora with furrowed brows.

"Yes... That's why he was so mad at me." Dylan didn't even think about holding back as he went on, "He must have thought that I'd steal you from him but I never had any intention to do so." Saying that he turned to Cali and smiled again. His mood shifted at the speed of light, "Bye, Cali! I'll see you later."

He was rushing away when Cali called out, "Oi! What about your painting?"

Dylan looked over his shoulder, "I'll take it next time. Take care of it till then." He waved at her and ran away. He definitely wasn't gonna take the painting with him. If he did, he was gonna lose his only excuse to see her. Although he shouldn't be needing an excuse to see a friend, it was different this time around.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Cali was shaking her head when Dylan ran back to her and she widened her eyes at him in surprise. "What?"

"I forgot..." he smiled sheepishly.

"What did you-"

Cali's words died down in her throat as Dylan pulled her in a bear hug taking her by surprise. He was squishing her like a real teddy bear making it hard for her to even breathe. He finally let go and lifted his hand to pat her head and as he muttered, "I'm really happy to see you in my city." He turned around and ran back leaving a stunned Cali staring at his back.

She had always been surrounded by her guy friends and yet none of them dared to give her a hug since she hated it. Everyone knew if you hugged Cali, the only reply would be a punch and a broken nose. But Dylan was that exception in her life who intentionally hugged her every single time they met. He would catch her at unexpected times and run away before she could hit him. That stupid person didn't even know that she never wanted to hit him.

"Porca miseria!?Quando mi fai questo, perdo la testa." [1]

Nora who had been lost in her thoughts had come back to reality when she had seen Dylan acting like that. But then she heard Cali muttering in Italian and smiled to herself. Cali turned around to leave for her room when she noticed Nora's smile directed towards her.

"You understood what I said, right?" Cali didn't know why but Nora's eyes spoke volume.

"Yeah, I did," answered Nora shrugging her shoulders. Although she was Latina, one had to remember that she was first best friends with the real Destiny l who was an Italian through and through. It wasn't that surprising that Nora picked up her best friend's language after years of knowing her. She might not excel in the Italian language as she did with Spanish but her knowledge was enough to learn what Cali had said.

"Don't tell him that," said Cali.

Nora smiled slightly. "What? The fact that he makes you lose your mind or that you're in love with him?" Cali pursed her lips trying not knowing what to say. "Don't worry. Even if I scream it at his face, he won't know it. I mean if he is dense enough to not notice the look in your eyes, I hardly think anything can help."

Cali couldn't help but chuckle as if mocking herself. "Well, he isn't the brightest of people in my life but he's the brightest star in my life."

Nora patted her shoulder saying, "Let him know that before it's too late." It wasn't every day that Nora would give a word of advice to just anyone. Her advice no matter how silly or useless were only reserved for her best friend. But she chose to say these words to Cali because she knew it personally how it felt when you're too late in telling your feelings.


Xiu had just finished the meeting when she saw Dylan skipping around his way to his office. Her face twitched to see his happiness but she decided to go easy on him. After all, the impending rain on his parade was actually his own doing.

"Having a good morning?"

Xiu's voice startled Dylan so much that he almost screamed. Her smile didn't look friendly. No, it looked like something was not right.

"You missed the morning meeting with the departments' heads," informed Xiu. "I have already taken care of it." Dylan was surprised that she wasn't screaming at him for missing an important meeting. Weren't they launching a new product? And the meeting was about the launch of it? It was definitely important, then why was she acting like nothing was wrong? "Now, where is your suitcase?"

"Suitcase?" asked Dylan in confusion.

"Yes, we have a flight to catch in..." she checked the time and continued, "precisely 45 minutes."

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Dylan's eyes widened as he was reminded that Xiu had been reminding him about their visit to the Lin City to look around the factory to see the manufacturing of the product and also to have a discussion with the labor union. But last night, he was really lost in his own world and completely forgot. See! He knew something was wrong here!

"Don't have it?" Xiu inquired seeing him silent and sighed out. "Good thing, I arranged your suitcase already." She turned around and pulled her own suitcase while shoving his in his hand. "Now, shall we?"

"You're not looking for my answer, were you?"

"Nope..." went on Xiu without sparing him a glance.

Before coming to the office, he was so excited that he would be able to hang around with Cali since she was in his city now and was also going to stay. But who knew his mood dampener was so prepared! He could only silently follow Xiu to the car and sit down. She had already arranged for the driver and everything. She really was well-prepared to catch him.



"Can't we postpone this visit?"

Xiu glared at him. "No. I'm not willing to say goodbye to my boyfriend once again just because you are not feeling like going. You should know, I hate goodbyes. So, keep your mood swings in check here since you're the one who decided on this visit. I'm just following your orders like a good E.A."

Dylan looked out the window as he grumbled, "But I didn't get to say even a goodbye!"

[1] "Damnit!?When you do this to me, I lose my mind!"