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Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chatper 1732
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Chapter 1732

Steven nudged Zavier with his foot and teased, “Come on, Romeo, if you’re smitten with her, just spill the beans.

What’s with all the hemming and hawing? That’s not the Zavier I know.”

Zavier glared at him. “Mind your own business.” She was his fiancée, after all. Zavier didn’t believe for a second

that Skyler could slip through his fingers.

Steven chuckled, “If I didn’t poke my nose into your business, you’d probably never get the girl.”

Zavier was all business. “I called you here to discuss something important.”

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Steven waved him off, “More important than your love life? Doubt it.”

Zavier had enough. “Steven!”d2

“Alright, alright, spill it. I’m all ears.”

So Zavier laid it out, detailing how Skyler was working with Carter in the music biz.

Steve had to admit he was impressed. “Never took Miss Skyler for the secretive genius type.”

Skyler was over the moon with her work being appreciated, listening in silently as the men talked.

Steven added, “But let’s get real. The real test for a song is how it does in the long run. If Carter’s deal with Skyler is

to split the net income fifty-fifty after costs, they could be looking at enough dough to live comfortably for a


Zavier mused on a future possibility. “I’ve been considering if she should start her own studio, and be her own


Steven nodded, “Being the boss has its perks. More cash if things go well, but it also means looking after a whole

crew. That’s real pressure, and it could stifle the creative juices. Music’s not just about hard work-it’s a lot about

raw talent.”

The two bantered back and forth, completely ignoring what Skyler might want. Finally, Skyler piped up, “Don’t I get

a say in this?” Zavier turned to her, “Let’s hear it, then.”

“I’m happy working with Carter for now,” Skyler confessed. “He’s been a mentor to me. It’d be wrong to just bail

after one hit single.” Zavier probed, “Is that really your plan?”

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She nodded.

“Don’t regret it later,” he warned.

“I won’t,” Skyler assured.

Steven chimed in, “I think we should respect Skyler’s wishes. She’s happy, and she’s making bank-what’s not to


Zavier was clearly not pleased. “Who knows what she’s really thinking?”

Steven caught the hint of jealousy. “You’re not worried about Carter swindling her. With you backing her, he

wouldn’t dare. You’re worried she might elope with the guy, aren’t you?”