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In the Alpha’s Arms

Chapter 12
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Dreaming of a Date...

The sound of waves crashing into the shore filled the night.

Lita always loved the nighttview from the beach house as a kid, but they hadn't been back in years. Her

parents hardly had tto spare her a conversation that wasn’t centered on Brian anymore, let alone take her

on a weekend getaway. It all worked out in the end, because now this was the only place Lita and her brother

could cwhen he was in town. God, she missed James like air in her lungs. That goofy face, those ridiculous

two in the morning rambling conversations. Eating junk while binging every rocky movie.

Something warm bloomed in Lita’s chest, fighting off the chilly night breeze. Their own parents wouldn't let

James set foot in the house after they excommunicated him. A nasty symptom of abandoning the life they'd

dreamed up for him. Lita had laughed the first the’d called to say he bought gym. Or rather, that he'd

bought a derelict building he wanted to make into a gym. But he hadn't laughed hack. He'd only given her his

famous line, you think you have forever, Lit, but you don’t. Do what makes you happy and burn everything else.

Their parents being who they were, it hadn't surprised Lita that his room was packed up almost overnight

afterward. It hadn't surprised her that his photos were scrubbed from the walls and they had tossed his

competition plaques. It hadn't surprised her they were all hell-bent on never saying his nome. But it still hurt and

made her feel more alone that she ever had before.

Lita wasn’t close to her parents, outside of blood, they wouldn't have been a family at all. But she loved James,

felt bonded to him in her core. And the distance weakened her. Made her weak enough for Brian to swoop in.

She clutched her side gently, knowing she would never tell James that or risk being another person trying to

keep him from his dreams. Her brother- would worry. He'd give up his Cali life for her in a heartbeat, Lita knew.

So, she could never bring herself to ask. She couldn't explain that tether tying him to her or how badly it ached

when he moved away, but she managed.

Lita leaned against the balcony railing in nothing but a bikini top, knit sweater and a pair of ratty shorts. God,

what she wouldn’t have given to rewind the last half hour,

She could hear the welcome-hparty leaking out from the cracked balcony door, but she just needed a

minute to herself before she could go back and face everyone. She only prayed no one had told James yet. One

of her brother's high school buddies had been trying to throw her over his shoulder into the pool when her

sweater had lifted away. It revealed an ugly bruise over her ribs, and everyone had seen it. To their credit, they

all acted as if they hadn't. But the hat flush of embarrassment still stung.

She blew her tense air out into the breeze, lost in the quiet moment where she could almost forget what her life

had become. Balmy night air swirled past her as the heard the balcony door slide open.

“No li

lies, what happened to your side, Lita?”

Janies. Of course, someone had already told her brother what they’d seen. It was a simple question, but it held

all the undertones of a threat. He didn’t want to know what happened. He wanted to know who did it.

“Would you believeif | said it was an accident?”

*Would you believeif | said | already know who it was, and | just need to hear you say it and put the nail in

his coffin?” His throat sounded strained, as if he were losing control of his notoriously terrible temper. How

tembly stereotypical. Her brother was a professional fighter with a bad temper. In the ring, that temper was a

strength. In the real world, it was scary and unsettling, “Dammit, just say it, Lita!” James barked, startling her

enough that she dropped her party cup. She watched it splash into the sand below, feeling her heart go with it.

“If you already know, why the hell do you need to hearsay it?” She still hadn't turned away from the sea. Too

weak to face his opinion of her, her eyes already growing misty. This was a derailing train she couldn't stop.

“You're absolutely right. I'm going to make him wish he was never born.”

Lita heard the door close before she could try to stop him. She raced through the party, bumbling through their

drunk friends. A shoulder here, a knee there. Somebody's cup went tumbling to the ground, lata didn’t care. She

couldn't hear anything over the desperate thump of her heart. She snatched her jean jacket from a chair and

bolted out into the driveway. James was already shoving the key in the ignition before she slid into the passenger


“You can’t do thist Please don’t do this...

“Like hell | can’t! He brats my sister?! No way, | don’t kick his ass. No way | don’t break th and threw the car in

reverse. She scrambled more fully into her seat and shut the door.

“It’s not... I don’t...”

those hands.” The engine startled Lata as he revved it

Dieng of a Date

“Why didn’t you tell me? Why? All the times we talked on the phone, and you never said a thing.” James

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snapped, nearly screaming. “Of course, | knew the type of family he comes from,” James sneered, his distaste

clear, “But you don’t care about shit like that Lita. You care about car rides and baby animals at the state fair,

and helping kids learn to swim whenever we stayed at the beach house. My baby sister doesn’t get roped into

political matches. Why Brian?!”

Lita had never heard his so angry at her. Guilt and shslithered through her, numbing anything she might

have said. She hadn't known at first, had no idea that her parents were in talks with his. That they were planning

to use money and influence in their favor. She still didn’t know to what end, but it had becincreasingly clear

that Brian saw her as an object.

James ignored her silence, digging deeper, “You made it seem like you two were happy... And goddamn if |

wasn't happy as hell, you had somebody, you know? Even if it was that wannabe. That Alpha. As if he could lead

his own pack. No one would follow him. And he’d die in a challenge with Asher every day of the week...” James

trailed off, not making a lick of sense to Lita. She couldn’t stand to see him to so upset, so disappointed in her

decisions. It had been her decision, right? She’d chosen this for herself, and there wasn’t anyone else to blame.

“I was on

the other side of the country, worried about my baby sis and you told me, toldyou were happier than you

ever been. You solda line about how you thought you might marry that guy. An eighteen-year-old thinking

about getting married should have been a big ass red flag for me. | gotta own that one. It's onnot to have

asked more questions, but why lie to me, Lita?

“Just stop the car, James! Please. Don’t drive like this.” She couldn't answer him. She couldn't think of what to

say that wouldn't send his opinion of her even further into the gutter.

“You don’t trustor sshit? You don’t think | have your back?” James slammed his hands down on the

smooth wheel, squealing to a stop at the red light. “You're my family. My only blood family, sis. those other two.

To hell with that den of vipers they call friends and colleagues. To hell with Asher and his minions.” James shook

his head, clogging up Lita’s throat with raw emotion. She had no idea who Asher was or why her brother kept

bringing him up, but she couldn't ignore his disappointment in her. “You're my only blood. And you... he hurt you.

And you let him?”

“It's not like that!” Lita snapped, fury climbing up her throat. “I don’t let him do shit. He does it and I'm not

strong enough to do anything about it, James! You think that makesfeel good? That my brother is looking at

tookon those long Sunday car rides. He helpedfeed the baby fair animals: He was nice and a great

listener. He was... And how could I tell you?! How could I, knowing you'd react like this? Knowing you'd look at

“Lita,” James hissed, his voice taking on a roughness she'd never heard before. “Look at me.” She did, letting the

tears fall because she was beyond pretending not to hurt.

He swallowed, cutting his eyes back and forth from the road. “I'm not disappointed in you. At all, jellybean. You

hear me? Lita felt the force of his childhood nicknfor her like a physical blow. More tears streamed down her


“I'm disappointed in those manipulative we share blood with. And the piece of shit who has been putting his

hands on you! | would never-" James shook his head as if realizing he’d already blamed her once. “I'm sorry for

saying you let him. That was the anger talking, the confusion. But | know it’s not your fault. You're just a kid and

the adults in your life are using you to get what they want.”

“I didn’t know about the deals they were making at first,” Lits admitted, hanging her head. “I thought he liked

“Lita, goddammit,” James snapped his head. “You have no idea. That's just the tip of the iceberg. The moves

they're trying to make with Brian and his idiot of a father, go so much deeper than money and influence.” James

eyes bunched, his face darkening, “I don’t know what the kind of shit mom is up to, but I'm getting you out of it.

Tonight, this shit with Brian ends.”

Lita woke with James‘ non her tongue, sweat plastering the thin tank to her skin. She swiped the hot tears,

ignoring the damp spots on her pillows as she got up. On autopilot, she forced her body into the bathroom,

grabbing her phone to check the time. She choked at the numbers staring back at her. How had she slept until

five in the evening?

Sure, she'd spent so much of the night worrying and working that she didn’t even set her alarm. But sleeping for

nearly fifteen hours wasn’t normal Sighing she accepted she would miss her classes and rubbed her eyes. She

flipped on the shower and scrolled through her socials.

Lits couldn't help but smile at the stupid videos Stace sent her of fitness models. She ignored them and checked

the rest of her messages. Mark had sent her a video of ssets he filmed himself doing. Lita rolled her eyes,

pretending like she didn’t watch it twice more just to see if she’d missed any muscles. Then she logged off the


Spart of her couldn't interact with the gym today. Not after the insanity she still couldn't make sense of It

was best to take a break from the gym and get through this mess with Brian unscathed. That would be hard

enough by itself without thinking about whether she hallucinated wolves.

A couple of hours later, Lita smoothed down the satin dress over her new stomach. It fell at mid-thigh with the

short sleeves and high neckline

Dreaming of a Date

offsetting her new breasts and hiding her scars. Would Brian want her sexy? Would he want her dressed down? It

was always a gamble, and it rarely paid off anymore. Whatever she chose would likely be the wrong answer.

At least her stomach had begun to fill out instead of curving in toward her ribs. Thinness was perfect until it

started looking sickly. Apparently, that was the silent line she’d crossed that drove her mother to push for a gym.

She nervously scratched at the backs of her earlobes. She didn’t even want to go, but that didn’t mean she

wanted to make Brian angry. He was insufferable now, but angry? He was an unbearable brute.

She regretted missing her Thursday classes, economics and investments. They were notoriously boring, but

useful if she wanted to figure out the rights she had over her portion of the inheritance. It was yet another layer

of her plan to get away from Brian and her parents. But again, it all hinged on her actual ability to leave. She

needed to know how much she could move from that account at once.

She eyed her pill bottle from the mirror, knowing she hadn't had a single one all day, 1

was making her more emotional than

) q

usual, and she'd nearly bit the head

off her barista for getting her coffee

order wrong an hour ago. And the girl

who nearly hit her SUV by running the

red light around the caerdrér The


apartment? She'd screamed so loud

she thought the car windows would

shatter. That kind of outburst

) §

couldn't happen anywhere near Brian.

She shivered at the thought. Maybe

she should just take one pill... no, she

thought, she needed to detox it out of


her system so she wouldn't have any

more hallucinations tomorrow. She

huffed and returned to the issue at

hand: not pissing Brian off. She

grabbed her phone and shot him a

text. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Should | go dressy or casual?

He replied almost immediately, you know what I like... heading over now.

Lita felt like throwing up. Brian always did this. It was like a gto him. He would be pissed if she didn’t get it

right, but he wouldn't tell her what he wanted. She ran her fingers through her dark waves and checked her


At the sound of her door opening, she grabbed sheels and a jacket, rounding the corner with her stomach

anxiously sitting on her knees. Brian crossed her living room like it was his, eating up the distance between them

in a few long strides.

I » .

You look perfect baby,” he whispered

in her ear, pecking the side of her

“ . q

mouth tenderly, “I was thinking of

dinner first, then the movie, and look

at you, practically reading my mind

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: »

like the dove that you 8 He m

stiokedhgeneok inka g her. He

shiffehed and gripped the back of her

ra )

dress. Then, as if it hadn't happened,

he pulled away and flicked her nose

q q q )

with adoration. Lita couldn't help but

smile a little at having gotten

something right. It had been so long

since he was sweet to her, she

) 2 q 9

couldn't help but miss it. The weight

) 2 9

she'd been holding felt lighter as she

returned her breathing to normal. He

even had the signature twinkle in his

eyes when he looked at her. Damn, it

was so hard not to fall back into the

familiar rhythm. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Brian wore a fitted blue button up and

dark pants. The top two buttons of

his shirt were open, showing the pale,

muscled skin beneath. It always

amazed her how fit he looked, even

when he never worked QutcBfiah Had


apaturdtly(goo ody, strong and

broad in all the right places. Though

p 2

he wasn't as huge as the men in the

an 0 a

gym. Lita’s mind snapped to Cole for

an instant before the fear of

retaliation made her bury his face so

q ) q

deep it wouldn't reappear that night.

Regardless of his lack of tin the

gym, Brian was certainly strong, a

strength she could painfully attest to.

She stiffened at his touch on her

lower back, but he pressed on,

motioning her to the door. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there! p

Ey or

“Thank you,” she smiled, pulling away from his hand, “Ready to go?” » aly NLA

> 4 \

At the door, he ran a finger over her lips, pulled her back into his hold, and then leaned down to her gently, “Now|

I'm ready.” It was too gentle, Lita thought, her mind wondering what was wrong. But what could she say? That

she knew he never her like he cared, so something must be wrong.

She shook away the worry and followed him down to the garage, sliding dutifully into his car without a word

about the cold leather seat