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In the Alpha’s Arms

Chapter 96
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A Luna for Life

Lita held the mug under the thish of water, running her fingris around until all the soap rinsed free. She had been

holding her breath for several long second before Rafi broke the silence.

in almost physical assault on the rhythmic spasming of Lita’s chest.

“So, | heard you're planning a Luisa ceremony?” His voice was painfully upbeat, an

She nearly dropped the mug, pinching her eyes closed long enough to pull herself together. She cut the water

and set the mug on the drying rack. One breath. Two. Inhaling, she dried her hands on the dish towel and turned

to face her father.

That's what you've chere to say? Years of lies. The fucking bombshell ofbeing a werewolf and an Alpha

wolf at that? Mom's ex-communication from my hpack... the fact that | even have a hpack?! The fact

that you were all werewolves for my entire life and kept it hidden from me... Or maybe that | was abducted and

imprisoned by a psychopathic monster no less than two weeks ago... Or how about that you were ready to sell




Lita was breathing too rapidly, her pulse a mess of adrenaline and anxiety. She wanted to deck him hard. She

wanted to use her Alpha tone to put him in his place... on his knees beneath her where he belonged. She wanted

to scream and cry and she wanted a fucking hug all at the stime. It was al so fucked up.

Fuck She cursed herself as the first few tears spilled down her cheeks. She snatched her hand over them,

desperately trying to push them away. “Get but I'm sorry | agreed to see you. I'm sorry | thought we could talk

this out. | just fucking get out.”

She spun back around to the counter, taking up the clean mug. Re-soaping the sponge, she cut on the water and

began to wash it again. Lita could feel the tremors tracking up her arms.

Baby girl-"

Don’t callthat

Im so sorry. what do you wantto say? That I'm a fool? Done, | am a fool. You wantto say I'm a piece of

shit? | am. | made decisions based on power and influence and yes, money.” Lita could hear him pacing behind

her as she made small circular passes over the mug. She needed the simple task to center her.

When | met your mother, | saw a business deal, okay? What she did, having you outside our marriage with our

fucking Alpha, no less, wasn’t much of a blow. | didn’t have her euled. You have to care to do something like that.

Alpha Asher did that to keep her quiet, | suspect.” Lita dropped the mug, ignoring the sound of it cracking in the



“I didn’t know... | mean | guess | still don’t really know who your real father is but based on the exile... | have to

assit’s Asher.” Rafi shrugged like it didn’t matter.

matter? So fucking cavalier about who my biological Luther is. Is he is he the one that sent the

Im sorry WHAT?! How can you act like this doesnt matter? pack to help Cole rescue

First of all, dont speak tothat way-



Litas rough inhale burned her nostrils, burned all the way down to her chest. She felt like she was on fire. “You

are here to talk about what | want to talk about. Nothing more nothing less. | thought, for one stupid moment

that | might have been wrong about you. Maybe mom had been pulling the strings but no, | was was 17”

“Asher married for power and influence just like your mother and I did. Who the hell knows what he does in his

private time? Yes, he agreed to send the men but I’m the one that made the request. I'm the one that begged,

on my goddamned knees mind you, for him to help because despite the fact that our lives were far from perfect

and you clearly fucking HATE me, you're still my daughter and | wasn’t going to leave you there to rat. Or


“Oh, so you're the good guy in this story? Mom cheated. Lied to you. And you're just the guy left picking up the


Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Rafi growled, turning away to wring out his hands, “No. | have sculpability. Obviously, | agreed to keep you

in the dark because | thought you were

a dud. A human. No werewolf capabilities at all. Why would we expose you to a world you could never belong


Alana for Life

“Humans integrate into Cole’s pack just fine.”

“That's his decision. At home, no wolf equals no pack. Period. And as far as Brian was concerned... yes, okay |

ignored your complaints because at the end of the day, his family and influence would keep you safe and taken

care of for you entire life! | mean, an Alpha, wanting a wolf-less girl was unheard of... it was a major boost to

your reputation and standing. He's the one who would be able to change rules for you. Create the kind of pack

that would welcyou.”

“And you didn’t give a shit if | was happy?”

“NONE OF US ARE HAPPY, LITA!” Ra roared, taking several intense steps toward her, “None of that enough for

you? It's enough for me!

fus are happy. We

happy. We're comfortable. We're successful. Isn't

“I hate you,” Lita whispered, She hadn't really said it aloud but there it was. The final severing. “Your life is

fucked. You made decisions you thought were right at the time...” She looked into his eyes, “But | don’t care. |

don’t want an apology. | don’t want understanding. | don’t even fucking care who my real dad is. It doesn’t

matter. | want you to leave my pack and go home. | never want to see you again. We can keep the peace but...

anything else is

off the table.”

Once the words started she couldn't stop.

“I don’t know what you have convinced yourself recently, but when James died, you both acted like he never

existed. | couldn't understand how parents could care so little for their kids. But neither of you do. | don’t know if

you were trying to get in Cole’s good graces because you- Lita suddenly couldn't breathe, the truth of what was

happening hitting her like a truck at full speed.

That's it, isn’t it? You think Asher fucked mom so you want out? But you have no other pack to latch onto, do

you? So you thought- Lita laughed too loudly, too hoarsely-Fuck you thought if you made nice, I'd let you come


e was every answer she needed.

“Get out. | hate you and | truly, truly wish you the worst. Tell mom 1 said the same.” The words cout all at

once, like a flood of words she had been wanting to say forever. By the tshe looked back up, Rafi was gone,

the front door hanging open. And it was like she'd always known, her parents didn’t love anyone but themselves.

Lita stared at the open door for a long time. Longer than she should have after everything that had happened.

But finally, she let the air out she'd been holding, shed a last tear, and locked it closed.

Looking down at her thin, white dress, Lita had a momentary hesitation. Maybe she should have chosen the

other option. Stace gripped her arm reassuringly, “You look beautiful.”

Lita laughed, “You're a mindreader. You know that?”

“Just you wait until we can link,” she winked and rubbed it’s arm, Seriously, everyone loves you. There's nothing

to worry about.”

caround because you're going to be the best Luma they've ever seen,” Jaz chimed in on

“And those who don’t love you yet will have no choice but to co her other side, rubbing her back.


before you two makecry, Lita whined, letting them tug her along the grass path. The woods smelled of

spring and sunlight as they stepped from the path and into the clearing. Finally, Lita could see what Cole tried to

show her before their fight. How stupid that fight seemed now, she wished she could go back and finish the

surprise. But this was how it was supposed to go all along, she told herself, mimicking Elise’s words. Everything

happened for a reason and all those terrible moments brought her here....

With the way her heart pattered in her chest, those few short weeks felt like a lifetago instead. The life she'd

had before Cole no longer existed, or muttered

“The makeup is waterproof... and now you see why,” Stace nudged her forward. Lita gasped as she took in the

scene. The entire pack had formed a semi- circle around a lake. It was beautiful, still water, glowing with the

colors of the sky. Someone had dressed the water's edge with bouquets of white flowers and lanterns. Even in

the low, evening light, everything was bright and welcoming. In the center of that semi-circle, stood Cole.

In a pair of white pants and a loose-fitting cotton button-up, he looked more handsthan ever. Younger than

he'd ever seemed before. Not a single inch of his face held that dark, brooding exterior shed first met. And yet,

the best thing he wore, was his smile. It beamed from across the clearing as he ran his gaze over her from heal

to toe.

Somehow Lita found herself across the clearing. Somehow her hand ended up in his, the warmth like a soothing

balm that promised to banish every chill. She hadn't realized she was crying until he wicked away a tear and

kissed the path, leaning in to whinner in han

A Luna for Life

“You look-you’re everything | could never have imagined for myself,” Cole said, his voice thick with emotion.

“You're sure?”

Pulling back to survey her face, Cole waited for her to say something. But she only placed a hand over his heart

and nodded. Perfection.

Cole had Ace, of all people, give the

speech. Lita laughed at his terrible

jokes and lack of social decorum. But

then she cried at his kind words

about how len Lita (ad handed


’ q

Cple's life fr the better. By the time

he was finished, she was seriously

testing out the effectiveness of

waterproof mascara. Stace and Jaz

said swords next. Followed by

Alex and Andres. She looked around

to see that many other women were

crying as well, touched somehow by

the brief bit of her life Ace had

shared. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

There was comraderie in the eyes of her pack. People who had often felt cast aside and unwanted themselves.

People who knew trauma and misery as intimately as she did. Elise caught her eye and held, her arm

suspiciously threaded through with Alex's. Lita quirked her brow but Elise turned away, blushing being the only

answer she could muster.

Cole to join

By nightfall, it ctfor Lita and hands and do their part.

“We ask now that everyone tuned themselves to their Alpha, Ace said in his serious voice, “As we prepare to

welcour Luna completely... Into this pack, our lives and our hearts.”

Cole kissed her knuckles, his eyes dark in the glow of the lantern light. He mouthed I love you and she

reciprocated it.

and Luna. To guide this pack at my side and walk withalways, in this life and the next. With the moon

“I, take you, Lita Dillard, to be my mate a goddess blessing, 1 vow it.”

“I, take you, Cole Tollison, to be my mate and Alpha. To givethe family | have always needed and to walk

withalways, in this life and the next. With the moon goddess blessing, | vow it.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

« ” :

Are you ready?” he asked, looking to

the pot of coals that held the tiny

branding irons. Lita shuddered but

she stood tall, For you, always. And in

the presence of Epes Mm

family, SoloandLit randed their

° a 0 9..qng

wrists with each other's initials and

the new pack name, Novus the latin

word for fresh. It was a simple

. . cp 0

middle finger to Lita's past pack and

a nod to their new, fresh start. When

the wounds had been dressed and

soothed, Cole put both hands on

Pg) « :

Lita's head, “Remember what | said,

that linking is like chasing a rope

i) " .

back to it's anchor?” The content is

on novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

She nodded, nervous energy coiling

. “ » :

in her chest. “Anchor to me,” he said.

Lita did, feeling the familiar sensation

of Midnight. Of PE Slowly,

she fetmorahing ~Madre wolf

pFeddrices coming out of the

shadows. Nyx stood at attention,

watching as each new pack member

latched on to the anchor and held.

Suddenly, she could feel more than

: ’

just Cole's love. She could feel the

mess of emotions around them.

They were all stupidly happy. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

The realization almost made her dizzy. She laughed, bright and deep. The pack was happy to accept her. She

grinned up at Cole, blinking away the fresh. tears, “I have a pack, now.” She said it with so much wonder and

small joy that Cole almost forgot the last part.

“To welcand celebrate this union, Ace thundered, “We run!”

Mark and Brody began to howl and others joined in. Soon there was a chorus of human and wolf howls alike as

they all stripped down for their run and shifted. Lita could feel it all. The joy, the excitement. The happiness.

“Is it always like this?” she asked Cole right before they shifted, ‘l don’t even have to hold the connection open.

“No, just during the first bond, after that, it'll be like talking to me. You reach for the anchor and it’s there. |

expect the connection will wear off in an hour or so.”

“Good,” she laughed, “I wouldn't want everyone knowing exactly what happens when we get home.”

“Baby, if I'm doing my job right, Cole leaned in to kiss her, deep enough that it promised heat later, “They'll «

know anyway.”