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In the Alpha’s Arms

Chapter 97
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SGrudges Don’t Die (Conclusion)

Showcases were nothing like competitions. Or perhaps it was the inherent differences between people on the

east coast and west coast. But the place felt stuffy Luxurious but uptight. Lita briskly moved out of the way of

two women who were barrelling toward the outdoor pool of the Ritzy hotel, each with a glass of champagne in

their hands. Ace laughed as he saddled the bugs up beside her. It wasn’t the glamour of the hotel that told her

showcases were different, it was the sheer number of people. How many were werewolves, she couldn't readily

tell, but in the lobby where they stood, Lita counted at least a hundred other people.

So much for starting small as her first outing as an official Luna. She shook her head.

The competition hotel had been nice too. And the penthouse bar was wonderful. But none of it felt pretentious

like things did here. Maybe she was just being pissy after the flight, stuck in the middle because Cole had to

have the aisle seat for safety. And Stace pouted about needing the window seat. It had been a miserable few

hours. But maybe it was also because this was a homecoming of sorts. Her parents-all of them were in the city

somewhere. Even Brian was here somewhere. That knowledge unsettled her a bit. But then she touched her

brand and felt all the love flow through her.

She watched Cole use his shoulder to work two gawkers out of the way at the front desk so he could pick up the

room keys. Watching the Alpha energy pour off of him always got her excited and she stilled the Bush growing

inside of her. She hoped one day soon, there'd be something else growing inside her but they had all the tin

the world. She could wait.

Watching the way he brushed off the glances of pretty bystanders had her unable to hide a smile. He was hers

just as she was his. Eyeing the pool through luxurious glass doors, Lita counted at least another hundred people.

She'd thought the competition had been packed. But if they weren't even in the conference room yet, she could

only imagine how many bodies would be crammed together.

Thankfully, Cole assured her they had special seating as one of the main showcase guests.

“Got the keys,” Cole growled irritably. “Let's the get the hell out of here before | murder someone.”

Ace shoved his shoulder, “Be fucking nice. You certainly aren’t going to win any new pack memberships through

your good looks and charm.”

Lita hadn’t meant to laugh but Cole’s way expression made her burst out in a high-pitched sound that could only

be described as a Hyena.

“Best to sendahead to smooth talk the guests tonight, pall. Wouldn't want you biting anyone's head off.

“Keep talking shit I'll think you're trying to challengeas Alpha of this pack,” Cole bared his teeth but Lita

caught the playful gleam in his eyes. They'd already discussed Ace’s future plans. He had no desire to run his

own pack, taking up full tfighting instead, as Cole decided to step out of the ring permanently. She felt a

silent joy at that too. For Cole, for Ace, and for laz too. Whatever had happened between Ace and Jaz had him in

a much better mood. Even though she hadn't calong for the showcase, Ace was still far closer to being his

usual cocky self than the depressed asshole he had been

*Now why the hell would | take on all the pack work when | could just be the face of the brand?” Ace’s feral smile

had Cole barking a laugh as he turned away. Cole grumbled something about Alpha-holes but he was already

walking away toward the elevators,

“Wait the hell up, Cole, damn these bags aren't going to carry themselves, Ace called after him. The others had

finally finished unloaded the bags and Stace draped her heavy arm over Lita’s shoulders.

“Glad to see Alpha’s still in high spirits,” she rolled her eyes. “What are you wearing to the light fight tonight?”

Lita shrugged, “Haven't thought about it. Something for the weather. I've been dying for the cold weather to

break so I'm at least going to show sskin. If | didn’t pack anything good, I'll just hit a mall”

“Hey-" Alex called over, Brody and Mark saddling up beside him, each with duffel bags in their hands, “You better

not buy anything else while were here Lita. These bags are heavy enough as it ist”

“Stop crying!” Stace teased, sticking out her tongue, “And we're in public... it's Luna to you.”

“Yeal Gymhead,” Lita smirked, propping her hand on her hip. The old nicknsettled warmly in her chest. It

felt familiar. Out at a fight with her family. Her pack. Lita took a deep breath, ‘Con, I'm starving and | want

to get a nap in before | kill it on the dancefloor tonight.”

“You're not wearing anything on the list! Cole yelled from in front of them. By the list, he meant the list of outfits

that most often got him into fights, She snickered with Stace, knowing good and well she'd be wearing exactly


“Are you sure he’s not forty?” Stace said under her breath with a smile, “He grumbles like


“that it before he hears you,” Lits tucked into the elevator beside Cole, making room for the others. Ansires

scowled from outside the doors, a bellhun

SGrudges Don’t Die (Conclusion)

cart full of bags at his back. “Oh don’t worry about me!” he drawled sarcastically, TIl get the next one?”

Alex and Brody guffawed as the door closed.

“Ah, just like old times, Mark sighed with gusto. He could be worse than Ace at times. “So, Luna, are you going to

visit anyone while we're in town?

Lita had been thinking the sthing herself. Would she? “Honestly, | wasn’t su

| wasn’t sure at first. But there’s no one here | need to see.” She smiled at him, “I'm spending twith my

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family, anything else is just background noise.”

The elevator dinged as if on cue and the expanse of the penthouse suite cinto view.

body whistled. Brody

Lita turned to Cole, interlacing their fingers as he pulled her along, “You certainly didn’t spare any expense this


“It’s the least | can do for my Luna. Your first official outing... and | know coming back to the city must be hard.

So, | wanted you to do it in style.” Kissing her forehead and nudged her toward the master bedroom, “Go take a

long, hot bath, I'll get everything unpacked.”

She swatted his butt as she headed toward the bedroom door, “Don’t take too long, | might get lonely.” That

sweet sight had his heart thudding.

“Wouldn't dream of it!” he called behind her. Watching Lita walk away, Cole wondered how angry she would be if

he took too long. As soon as the door shut, Alex was at his hip. Am | running interference?

Cole sighed, then gave him a knowing look. They'd talked this over extensively for the last few days after the

Luna ceremony. He already knew what Cole was itching to do. Stace looked up from the couch to give him a hard

smile. Vicious. That's how everyone seemed once they found out Cole’s plans All more than happy to help him

do this.

Lita was hell-bent on healing herself. He loved that for her. If Cole could have his way, he would make it so she

never felt pain again. Hell, he would go back and remove any pain she'd already experienced. Unfortunately, he

couldn’t do that. Instead, he would try his best to fill her life with pure joy. But Jetting go” for Lita meant

forgiveness without retribution. And as much as Cole wanted to be that man the one who could be above such

things- there were things he couldn't forgive. Ever. Not when they involved her. Not when they were obstacles he

had to contend against when it cto opening her up.

He couldn't ignore that. A better man would have honored his Luna’s sentiments. Elise certainly would have

cautioned him from this path. While he took her council occasionally, on certain things she would never

understand, Cole could only be as good as he wanted to be and in this, he wanted to be ruthless.

The elevator dinged again and Andres stepped free with a loud curse. He lugged the cart behind him, “You're all

bastards. Bastards who definitely overpacked!” His tired sigh died out as he studied the room. Everyone had

gone quiet and dark, eyes trained solely on Cole,

He spotted Cole, noticed his expression, and pulled out his phone, “Fuck, Alpha, right now?

Cole nodded, “We've got a few hours before she’s going to expectback. But let's not push the timeframe.

Now or never”

Andres swiped around on his phone screen, “Got the address yesterday, verified it again today with a picture

from a few hours ago. Cole took his own phone out of his pocket and waited for the text to appear. It slid onto his

screen and he immediately hit the directions. He could get there in less than twenty minutes.

“Got it,” he smiled and for old time's sake, Cole didn’t mind the violence he let show.

The key jingling in the lock was the only warning Colle had before the front door swung open. He subtly tucked

his nose down, ignoring the fresh sweep of piss from the hallway. The derelict apartment building had absolutely

no positive attributes, except cheap rent. Oh, how the mighty have fallen, he thought to himself, tracking the

movement of the newcomer. His jaw ticked as he listened to the heavy booted footsteps. They were uneven

steps as if the man was drunk. The door swung closed with the kick of that sfoot. A stumble and curse.

Tucked in the corner of what he assumed was the living room, Cole had an ideal position to see without being

seen. Looking around, he took a small joy in how little the man had. Cole worried the exile had been an illusion.

Plenty of wolves with connections ended up living lives that were just as privileged outside of pack life as they

did inside it. But not him. The place reeked of cigarettes and stale drinks.

Cole tightened his fists and relaxed them again. The apartment was cluttered and tiny but still, during his waiting

time, Cole had taken the tto snoop. He'd found more than one rambling letter addressed to Lita. The dark

pleading of a ruined man. A man that ruined himself, no less. Now Cole was here to ruin him further and fuck if

he felt a single ounce of guilt. Running a hand slowly along his jaw, Cole tried not to think of the indecent

SCrudges Don’t Die (Conclusion)

pictures he'd found. The bottomless rage that had roared through him at the thought of someone like that

looking at any part of his Luna. Cole had almost lost himself right then but he managed to rein it in.

The nerve of that piece of shit... to keep Lita’s personal photos on display in his shithole of an apartment. Like he

hadn’t misused every single bit of trast she had ever given him. Cole had already shredded and disposed of

them if only to remove that extra layer of his sick obsession. He'd destroyed the letters too. And the scraps of

paper with her old phone number scribbled on them.

Cole had killed before as a boy. Maxim was the kind of man to ensure his son had the kind of nerves needed for

the lifestyle. Killing Maxim and several nameless wolves he'd encountered at Maxim’s compound had been his

first re-entry into the world of such dark things. He wasn’t a killer by nature and he certainly would never want

to do it again. But for the man in front of him, exceptions could always be made and he might even go so far as

to be happy about it.

Brian's drunken stumble had Cole wanting very much to wring his neck. Pissed at whatever the hell he was

pissed at, Brian kicked a dining room chair into a nearby wall. The violent clatter had Cole remembering when he

first found Lits covered in bruises. The blood he’d seen dried on her floor in the shape of her delicate,

malnourished body. Had his mind going back to the doctor's list of her injuries. No. He couldn't let that go. He

watched Brian head into the kitchen, then he slowly stood.

“Knock, Knock, Cole called out to the abuser. He didn’t recognize his own voice and that gave him immense

satisfaction. He wanted the bastard


“What the fu-“Brian froze in the doorway, looking like he'd aged a decade. His eyes were sunken, his skin

yellowed and oily in the cheap fluorescent lighting. SAlpha, Cole gloated.

“What the hell are you doing here? Cto rub it in my face?” Brian stumbled again, unsteady on his feet. Cole

took a deep breath, brushing his sweaty palms against his pants if only to stop himself from acting out his

violent thoughts. “Happy relationship with my sloppy seconds?”

“Not at all.” The answer was on both accounts. Taking a few casual steps forward, Cole felt ice freezing over his


“Then what re ya here for? That piece of pussy send you as a knight and shining armor? Wanna make sure my

life is a dumpster fire? Congrats, it is!” Cole ignored him, and the white hot rage that flowed down his spine.

Referring to his mate that way... It was taking an exorbitant amount of restraint to keep him from gutting that

man. Would it really be so bad to fight a murder charge? In the empty packlands of Maxim's compound murder

was one thing. But here in the bustling city, it would be hard to get away with. Werewolf law wasn’t an argument

that would stick especially if no one knew it existed. Dragging out one of the upright seats at the dining room

table, Cole forced himself to say, “You should probably sit. You look liable to fall over at any minute.”

“Tuck you, don’t givegoddamn orders like you're shot shit Alpha now.” Brian tried to spit on him, but

again with a stumble, he ending up halfway draped over the dining room table, spittle smacking against his own


“I thought you should know Lita has decided to forgive and forget,” Cole’s deadened tone belied the volcanic

rage he felt just under the surface. These walls were paper thin so he had to be careful. No losing control. Yet.

Not until he had broken Brian's ability to scream. Men like him always screamed when it really cdown to it.

“Oh, how nice of her,” Brian snorted, lowering himself into a chair after all. “She fucked me. Then fucked my

whole life. Be careful of that one. | can tell you that innocent shit is just an act. Take my word for it. Though...

she’s probably a little less innocent now, huh?”

Cole saw red, standing suddenly, “I saw this going a different way, but looks like it’s not in the cards for you. She

decided to forgive and forget. Unfortunately for you, Brian Cole didn’t miss the way he flinched at the calm

voice-“I have decided the exact opposite.”

“W-what? W-w-wait, man- Brian didn’t get to finish the rest of his sentence before Cole had already reached

across the table to do the very thing he'd once done to Lita. The sound of a fist snapping bone Elled the

apartment, then another. Then the malled, wet sounds of everything that cafter.

A few hours later, Cole stepped out into the bustling city street. He'd stripped out of his blood-smeared jacket

and tossed it in the dumpster behind the building. He breathed in the chaotic scent of gasoline and people, then

blew the tense breath out

He had not killed Brian and that in

itself deserved skind of award,

Cole weaved into the flow of walking

+ )

traffic, headed to the SUV he'd be

driving back to the hofed Bok to his

Luna) ARK to be his wife. Cole had

already decided that he wanted her

recognized as his in every way that

mattered. He rubbed at the bruises

on his knuckles, he was going to buy

a ring while he was in the city.

Thinking of her bright eyes as he

proposed, had Cole leaving the dark

0.4 8 q

mental space he'd just occupied. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

Scooting out of the path of a small

child headed for the ice cream shop,

) Py

Cole couldn't help but chuckle, it's

Q )

alright, to the boy's father who

, : \

couldn't stop apologiz(ny for thd!

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hasty bb). TY beamed, someday

that would be his life, chasing a kid

around. Happy as fuck to do it, too.

3 , q q q

He didn't think men like Maxim were

ever capable of that kind of love. Men

a 9 , q

like Brian weren't either. Two

different cuts of the scloth. One

to hand to let any softness in- One so

soft he had to make himself feel

harder. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

SGrudges Don’t Die (Conclusion)

Cole reached in his pocket to unlock the door, slipping into the calm interior. He took a breath and let his brain

settle with images of Lata scolding him for being late. Then he put the SUV in drive and headed home. He could

always go home, no matter where he was. Because his hwas a petion. Always.

“The End-

Lita’s Love for the Alpha

Exciting News!

Hey gang! I'll keep this short so as not to waste your coins but this is the easiest way to comminicate with all of


Lita’s officially being edited (with minor additions/ no removals) and it's going up as paperback/hard cover on

Amazon. Stitle, author nwill be “unlikely optimist”. Look for it on January 1st 20221 A happy new year

indeed lol I'll include a bonus chapter or two AND BETTER YET- I'm starting book 2. | wasn’t going to make

another one but so many of you asked | changed my mind lol BULLIES!

The focus will be Alpha Ace because

) ) .

YUM. And he's funny but I'll still

include lots of lita and cole. It will be

chosen mate not fated mate FYI so

) : )

don't bite my head off DERE fm

TCE) YORNOW 0) post when

the SoM complete so you can

binge at will. While you wait, feel free

to check out my other two stories

here: fated to fall and dark desires.


They're both completed but they both

have one more book coming next

year as well so there will be a

. ) . P

cliffhanger. Don't say | didn't warn

you lol you can find them by clicking


my author nat the top of lita's

love for the alpha or by using the

search. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Two questions for you guys because | value your feedback! the second book will have all the scharacters

and answer any of your unknowns so plz comment with:

1. what you want answered/want to see so | can give it to you! it doesn’t matter which characters your

questions are for, include it all tol

2. comment with whether you want it continued under this orginal story as a part 2 OR as a completely

separate book. | don’t have a title for the second book yet so if | continue here, it'll be easier on your library

finding the second book but you'll pay for every chapter since this book is already locked. if | make a new

book, you'll get a handful of chapters for free before you have to pay. I'll go with the majority so plz


Love you all xoxXOXOXO!

for updates, follow my IG: @the_unlikelyoptimist or my new FB group:

www.facebook.com/groups/unlikelyaptimist | love chatting so feel free to post or messagewith «

thoughts/ideas <3