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It's Not Easy to Be a Man After Travelling to the Future (WN)

Chapter 615: Six Battle Teams!
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Planet Hantang was one of the Huaxia Federation's first-rate planets and was only a short way from becoming a legendary planet. Its degree of development was enough to compete with a legendary planet.

No matter how prosperous a planet was, it would still have their planetary defense army. And the mission Ling Lan and the others had received was sent out by Planet Hantang's Defense Army's main command center.

The originally heavily guarded headquarters had a few allied battle teams arriving at their location.

This time, the Defense Army's command center had sent out an assignment to gather six four star battle teams from all divisions that had six-man battle teams. However, when the battle teams had all arrived, the Defense Army's commander-in-chief discovered that he had made a mistake when he sent out the assignment. He actually forgot to write an important requirement and that was he wanted all 6 battle teams to come from the same division.

The five battle teams that had already arrived included Meng Shangyuan, Senior Colonel Meng's Iron Curtain battle team from the 1st Division, Senior Colonel Mu Youyun's Whirlwind battle team from the 3rd Division, Lieutenant Colonel Qian Jialin's Brave Warriors battle team from the 9th Division, Lieutenant Colonel Kang Jiayan's Startup battle team from the 13th Division, and Lieutenant Colonel Wang Anzhong's Immortals battle team from the 17th Division. There was another battle team that had yet to arrive. They had also sent out their information and it was the 23rd Division's Senior Captain, Ling Lan's Lingtian Battle Team…

The moment the commander-in-chief of the headquarters received this information, he was instantly stunned. He thought that Ling Lan's battle team was a one star battle team and it was a mistake by the mainframe rating them a four star battle team. Their captain only had the rank of Senior Captain. In the commander's mind, captains of one star battle teams were usually of this ranks. However, when he looked through the mainframe, he saw that below Lingtian Battle Team's name, there were four stars that had lit up. He then knew that the mainframe did not make an error. The error was that among all four star battle teams, there was such an incredible battle team…

However, the commander-in-chief quickly lost interest in further investigating Lingtian, this incredible battle team. He began to worry whether the six battle teams from different divisions would be able to cooperate well with each other. Would they be able to complete this difficult mission?

It should be known that this escorting mission required them to cross seven countries within the galaxy. Only two out of these seven countries were considered to be friendly with the Federation. The other five countries, three of which were publicly enemies of the Federation and two were neutral countries on the outside. In reality, these two countries were secretly helping opposing countries of the Federation. The Federation knew fully well about all this and consider them as enemies as well. It was just that everyone still remained friendly on the outside and didn't call each other out on their actions. These two countries were also considered to be dangerous areas and needed to be on guard against.

Thinking up to this point, the worry and concern of the commander became worse. Unfortunately, it was too late for him to change anything at this point. Was he going to have to send these battle team back to where they came from? Thinking about the strictness of the mainframe and to make sure he wasn't sent to military court for this mistake, the commander decided to just roll with it.

Inside the Defense Army's headquarters, the five battle teams that had already arrived were asked to meet each other in the meeting room. The meeting room was arranged in a circular table setting. Each captain found a place to sit and the members of each team all sat down behind their captains.

The captains all looked at each other, silently critiquing the positive and negative traits of each captain while waiting for the last battle team to arrive. They did this because after everyone had arrived, the commander-in-chief would tell them the details of their assignment. The earliest battle team that had arrived had already waited for three days. Without a doubt that team's patience was wearing thin.

Half an hour had passed…

"Why are they still not here? Don't tell me that we have to wait for another day. Our battle teams don't have the luxury to waste such time," one captain couldn't help but be critical. The long wait made these battle teams lose their patience.

"Yeah, even Captain Meng has arrived. Those guys from the 23rd Division are really arrogant." Another captain looked at the 1st Division's Meng Shangyuan with a half-smile in an attempt to provoke Meng Shangyuan's anger towards the 23rd Division.

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Meng Shangyuan was as still as a log and didn't react at all. He only sat there and didn't move one bit.

The captain who spoke, sulkily took back his expression towards Meng Shangyuan and turned towards the commander, "Are you really sure that they'll be able to arrive today? If they can't, we should just go our separate ways." The battle team from the 23rd Division was so arrogant to have five battle teams wait for them.

The commander replied, "I received the confirmation this morning. There shouldn't be any mistake."

After saying that, everyone visibly calmed down. However, it couldn't be denied that they all were still critical about the fact that the 23rd Division was coming in late.

Right at that moment, there were sound of footsteps coming from the hallway. The captains' ears all moved a bit, looked up and exchanged looks with each other. With their capabilities, these captains actually couldn't tell how many were coming. Could it be that they were all masters?

The door of the meeting room suddenly opened and it showed a few people standing outside the door. The person leading them was a cool teen with a cold aura seeping outwards from his body. Actually, he wasn't a teen, but was in between a teen and a young man. He had integrated both age group's elegance. If someone was to look at him, this young man's look would be imprinted into their memory.

The others who followed him had someone whose body was well-built, someone who seemed mild-mannered, someone beautiful and also someone who was so normal he would make others unconsciously ignore him.

They followed behind the cool young man and walked into the room. The cool young man took off his military cap, showing his ears and short hair. He politely said, "Sorry we came here late and made you all wait for a long time. We are terribly sorry."

Ling Lan and her team's attitude towards the other captains, instantly alleviated their initial dissatisfaction. The entire atmosphere in the conference room instantly became better.

Hearing this, Meng Shangyuan, who was sitting there silently, finally had a reaction. He looked towards Ling Lan and nodded, "Not a problem. The 23rd Division is the furthest away from this place. We can understand you for being a bit late." He also helped Ling Lan explain for their lateness.

Meng Shangyuan's friendly remark made Ling Lan glanced at him with a grateful look. Then she walked towards an empty seat and sat down. Her team members were the same as the members from the other teams and sat down on the seats behind their captain.

The commander saw that all six battle team had arrived. He coughed a bit to clear his throat. "Since everyone is here, then let me explain the details of this mission."

"Our Federation's allied country, the Balaya Kingdom, had their third heir to the throne, Princess Gulibaduo, studied in our Federation. Now Princess Gulibaduo has officially graduated from her military academy and was required to return to the Balaya Kingdom. Since Balaya has been battling with neighboring nations, Abuduo and Dusuo, they were afraid that sending people to escort Princess Gulibaduo would threaten the princess' safety if these two nations were to find out. Thus, they asked us, the Federation, to escort the princess back to her home country safely.

After saying all this, the commander's expression became sharp and changed completely, "In order to ensure the safety of everyone, we specially requested the headquarters to have four star battle teams send out a small team of six people. These people would need to be disguised and silently escort the princess back to her country. This mission is very dangerous and failure is not an option. Otherwise, our Federation would lose Balaya, a strong ally. The result of that would be impossible to predict."

After listening to all this, one captain asked, "Are mechas allowed on the merchant starship?"

The commander nodded, "In order to make sure the mission does not fail, the headquarters has allowed mechas to be brought with you. The merchant starship is also a battleship in disguise. However, in order to avoid exposing our identity as military personnel, mechas have also been disguised. Both ace and special-class mechas are available. You can go to the mecha warehouse to choose." After saying all this, the commander smirked a bit, "Also, the mecha you chose will be your reward when you complete this mission."

After hearing the commander's words, everyone showed expressions of surprise and pleasure. Although they had their own designated mechas in their division, mecha operators would not reject an extra mecha. In reality, in the army, those who could have spare mechas were all from ace mecha clans. Only the top ace mecha operators had the qualifications to enjoy such luxuries. Normal mecha operators would only have one mecha in their entire life. Unless their mecha was determined to be scrap metal, only then these operators would be able to apply for a new one.

Of course, their surprise and pleasant feeling wasn't just for this reason. With mechas by their side, no matter how dangerous, they would have the confidence that they would be able to get past any obstacle. After all, there were all outstanding mecha operators. Mechas were their friends and at the same time, the source of their confidence.

The commander cautioned them on a few more things then announced the time for them to gather up in the spaceport. In order to make sure the spies in Planet Hantang not to be aware about their mission, the six battle teams would be incognito. They would need to disperse and enter the spaceport one by one. Then would group with the princess and board the merchant ship together.

Finally, the commander took out a paper box. There were six folded pieces of white paper in the box. Everyone looked at the commander with a dumbfounded look and didn't know what he was going to do with the box.

Ling Lan didn't understand for a second and then understood in an instant. She glanced at the commander with a curious look. If her guess was correct, that was paper which was quite popular back in her era. There was a moment when Ling Lan thought the commander had traveled to the future just like she did.

"These have the information of the characters you all will be acting as. As for what it will be, it will be based off your luck." Smiled the commander. Ling Lan seemed to have seen devilish wings flapping about behind the commander's back…

"Heh, this is interesting. Then I'll go first." Mu Youyun from the 3rd Division, who had never experienced this type of game before, was very interested. He was the first to put his hand in the box and took out a piece of paper. He opened it, took a look and began laughing, "Not bad. Our identity is the princess' royal guard. We can follow the princess around."

Everyone saw how the game was played, so they all put in their hands in the box and took out a piece of paper. In the end, Meng Shangyuan and Ling Lan were the only ones left. Ling Lan put out her hand signaling to Meng Shangyuan for him to take one first. Meng Shangyuan looked at Ling Lan and smiled lightly. He didn't refuse the offer and took out a piece of white paper from the box. The Ling Lan took out the last piece of paper from the box.

"Princess' chamberlain and servants?" Qian Jialin from the 9th Division opened his piece of paper and his expression instantly sunk. He didn't think that there was actually a position like this. He scratched his head and asked, "Could it be that the princess doesn't have her own chamberlain and servants?"

The commander smiled and said, "She has them. There's a female chamberlain and a few female servants. You guys have just enough to become couples."

After the commander said that, everyone else began laughing. Even Ling Lan couldn't help but smirk.

"Join in the tourist group of the World Tour." Kang Jiayan from the 13th Division opened his piece of paper, saw the words written on it and his expression instantly changed. For him and his team, tourists were the most difficult for them to pretend to be. Over a decade of fighting and battling, they all had the aura of a soldier and was full of killing intent. They were far from the clean peacefulness of commoners.

Hearing this, Qian Jialin instantly laughed out loud. As housekeepers and servants, it would be understandable if there was some killing intent, but tourists… Alright, seeing that someone else was worse off than him, Qian Jialin felt that what was written on his piece of paper was no longer that terrible.

"Intergalactic Smuggling Ring…" The 17th Division's Wang Anzhong saw the details and instantly let out a sigh of relief. Although in his mind, it wasn't a good title, but it was still better than being a tourist.

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In the end, only Ling Lan and Meng Shangyuan hadn't opened their piece of paper. The other four captains immediately looked towards these two. Their expressions were clearly saying, "Brother, just open it already and tell us what it actually says…"

Meng Shangyuan opened up the piece of paper unwillingly, "Intergalactic Adventure Team."

Ling Lan opened hers as well. Her lips curled, "We're also in the Intergalactic Adventure Team."

Meng Shangyuan and Ling Lan crossed in each other's line of sight. They didn't think that they would be working together.

At that moment, Kang Jiayan glanced at Ling Lan and then looked at the people behind Ling Lan. Afterwards, he smiled and said, "What's your name brother?"

Ling Lan raised her eyebrows, "Ling Lan. What is your name Elder Brother?"

"Haha, your Elder Brother's name is Kang Jiayan. You can call me Elder Brother Kang." Kang Jiayan had a smile that seemed to be trying to get on her good side. This made Ling Lan's eyes twitch and felt that Kang Jiayan was up to no good.

"Brother Ling. Your Elder Brother Kang wants to discuss something with you." Right when Kang Jiayan wanted to get shoulder to shoulder distance to Ling Lan, Ling Lan suddenly dashed away. She then calmly said, "Elder Brother Kang, if you want to say something just say it outright."

Ling Lan's movement made the other four captains laugh out loud.

Kang Jiayan blushed, but for the pride of his battle team, he was prepared to throw away his dignity, "Brother Ling, your Elder Brother Kang had drew a piece of paper with 'tourist' written on it right? Look at your Elder Brother Kang, and my men. With just one look, tells you that we're not good people and have nothing to do with being 'tourists'. However, Brother Ling, you guys are different. Brother Ling is handsome and mighty and your subordinates are all cute and beautiful. If you guys pretend to be an adventure team, no one would believe you to be an actual adventure team. Instead, you should switch with me. Then everyone would be able to perfectly act their role and not have anyone suspect us."

Cute and beautiful? The expressions of the people behind Ling Lan instantly worsened.

Ling Lan however didn't get angry. She looked at Kang Jiayan's men. They were indeed just like how Kang Jiayan had described them. With just one look and they would instantly considered to be bad guys. They were all tall and muscular. Even though their looks weren't too bad, they still had strands of killing intent seeping out from them. These guys did not seem like tourists at all. They were more like robbers. If they were put into the tourist group, it was possible that the other tourists would be terrified… However, why should she help him?

Ling Lan calmly said, "We are partners with Captain Meng. With us in the adventure team, the threat level would decrease by a lot. However if it changes to you guys…" After saying this, Ling Lan shook her head to show that she didn't believe in Kang Jiayan's team. "It's better if you guys pretend to be tourists. Even if you guys draw attention to yourselves, only you guys would be exposed and not affect the other battle teams.

Hearing this, Captain Meng also nodded and said, "Captain Ling is right. By cooperating with Captain Ling, we can pretend to be a third-rate adventure team and wouldn't draw too much attention to ourselves. If we changed it to you guys, the threat level would increase and would make it easier for those who are on guard to be drawn to us. Then, once exposed, it would be two battle teams instead of one."

Hearing all this, Kang Jiayan's expression changed. Finally, he promised with all his might, "Brother Ling, your Elder Brother Kang is from the 13th Division. As long as you are willing to exchange the paper, your Elder Brother Kang would be in your debt. In the future, if you ever need your Elder Brother Kang, just say the word and your Elder Brother Kang would not refuse.

Captain Meng nodded towards Ling Lan. Then Ling Lan replied, "Alright Elder Brother Kang, since you've already said that, if I refuse your offer, it would be me who does not know how to appreciate your kindness." Afterwards, she handed the piece of paper in her hand towards Kang Jiayan.

Kang Jiayan excitedly exchanged the piece of paper from his hand with Ling Lan's. When he received Ling Lan's piece of paper, Ling Lan heard his team members actually boo in unison. She couldn't help but feel happy inside her mind. Kang Jiayan's battle team seemed to be a fun battle team.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.