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Kidnapped and Rejected – The Return of Alpha’s Luna by Moon Claw

Chatper 163
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Chatper 163

Chapter 163

Harper tormented Jbrutally that night.

She called in two soldiers and had them hold Jtight as she lashed Jwith a whip.

Soon there was no good skin left on Janet’s body for Harper to land her whip on. The blood streamed

down and painted the white carpet red.

The pain was unbearable.

Yet Jbit on the cloth that clogged her mouth and stayed perfectly quiet the whole time.

She would not give Harper the pleasure of hearing her groan out in pain.

Eventually, it was Wendy who got scared and whispered into Harper’s ears, “My Queen, we might need

to call it a night…Master Daran said that he didn’t want any permanent wounds…”

Harper snorted, “It is just a couple of lashes, nothing permanent. Why? Do you find this bitch pitiful and

wantto stop?”

Her vicious tone sent a shiver down Wendy’s spine, and she stuttered, “No…of course not. She

deserves every bit of this, my queen.

“Of course, she deserves this. Lettell you this: what I am putting her through right now doesn’t

cclose to what she did to me.”

Harper moved her wrist and tossed the whip on the ground, “But my hands are getting sore. The King

is coming to have dinner withtomorrow. I don’t want to look worn out. We will call it a night here.”

Wendy let out a small sigh of relief.

“Do you want us to take her somewhere else?” the guards asked, “The smell of blood is quite

unpleasant ”

“No, I want her in my room. The blood smell remindsof my victory. It will helpto get a good

night’s sleep,” Harper smiled.

The guards bowed and exited the room.

Jlay on the cold floor with her eyes closed and her whole body drained in blood and cold sweat.

Every inch of skin was in prickling pain.

If Harper thought she could defeat her through sphysical pains, then she was wrong.

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Anything that didn’t kill her made her stronger instead.

Her mind was sharper than ever.

She would never forget that it was Harper who held the whip and lashed her today.

And even more importantly, it was Daran who caused her into this situation.

Jfell asleep on the carpet by Harper’s bedside–or maybe she passed out due to heavy blood loss.

She woke up the next morning feeling somebody fumble with something on her neck

She opened her eyes and found Wendy crouched down in front of her.

Noticing that Jhad woken up, Wendy jumped back in panic as though she was afraid that Janet

might bite her.

“Good morning, sleepy bird.”

Harper was sitting on the couch with a cup of tea in her hands, smiling briskly at Janet, “Did you have a

good sleep last night?”

Jeyed her coldly in silence.

Harper giggled, “I for one slept soundly last night, knowing that you were curled up beside my bedside

like an injured fucking dog…Oh, did you find my present for you?”

Jtouched her neck and felt something cold like steel against her skin.

“…A collar?” she asked in a hoarse voice.

The smile on Harper’s lips grew wider as she replied, “Not just any collar, my dear. A very high–techy

collar with a microbomb implanted in it. Wendy, why don’t you loosen her up and let her take a look at

that in the mirror?”

Wendy carefully approached Jand untied those ropes that bound her hands and feet.

Jheld onto the bedpost and slowly pulled herself up. That small movement caused a sharp pain to

shoot through her body and she immediately wanted to crush

back to the floor.

Yet Jstrengthened her back anyway, knowing that Harper was watching her.

She would not look weak.

She moved to the mirror on the dresser and looked at her own reflection.

On her blood–stained neck, there was a silver–made choker with a locket attached to

1. it.

She tried to open the locket, but it stayed shut.

“Don’t try opening it up,” Harper grimaced behind her back. “Unless you want to Trigger the


Jturned to look at her, “Why?”

“Well, I figure that it will be less fun if I just lock you to my bedside and lash

you like

a dog. That is not very creative. With this sweet thing on your neck, you can move around, and I can

trust you to behave. Everybody wins.”

Harper leaned back on the couch and raised an eyebrow, “Oh, and don’t try

removing it forcefully. It won’t work.”

“…How do I know that you are not bluffing?” Jhissed.

The choker looked perfectly normal to her.

“Oh, do you want to have a try?”

Harper pulled out a remote from her pocket and flashed it at Janet, “I know that you have a strong

wolf…But no wolf can heal you when you are a pond of blood and scraps of meat.”

Jstood stiffly on her spot.

After a long pause, she said, “…Fine. What do you want?”


Harper clapped her hands together and beamed, “Cover here. There is something that I want to

do with you.”

Jslowly walked up to her.

Harper had Wendy bring something from the closet and set it on the table.

A nail polish kit.

“I thought we could have our nails done,” Harper smiled sweetly. “We never got to do this kind of sister

stuff back at Riverside Pack, didn’t we? Now it is tto make up for it.”

A manicure?

That was it?

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Something told Jthat this was not as easy as it seemed.

“Hurry. I will let you do mine first.” Harper urged, “I want egg–shell white with ssilver glitters.”

She gave her hands to Janet.

After a little hesitation, Jtook her hands and started working with her nails.

She first clipped Harper’s nails and filed them to an oval shape. Then she started applying the base

coat before the nail polish.

She wanted to shove that nail clipper into Harper’s eyeballs or maybe clip Harper’s fingers off.

But the guards were standing right behind the couch, and she was too severely injured to fight them.

Plus, the choker on her neck was literally a ticking bomb.

30 minutes later, Jwas done with Harper’s nails.

Harper lifted her hands up and admired Janet’s work under the sunlight.

“A little rough, but fine considering that this is your first time

be trained for certain skills manicure was on our list

Jignored her mumblings and went to collect those nail polish tools,

Harper’s tone suddenly becsullen and grim:

Jraised her head up and interrupted Harper, “Do you needfor anything elser

Harper froze.

Then gradually, a creepy smile appeared on her lips.

“Yes, I haven’t done your nails yet,” she said sweetly. “Now giveyour hand, Janet.”

There was no escape from this.

Jpressed her lips into a thin line and slowly reached her hand to Harper.

Harper took Janet’s hand and held it tightly.

She didn’t reach for any clippers, files, or brushes, but instead pulled out a bamboo splinter.

Jheld her breath.

Her hand flinched involuntarily in Harper’s grip.

“Anything wrong?” Harper asked, flashing those innocent eyes.

Janet’s heart was racing in her chest.

She swallowed and answered in a dry voice, “…No.”

She clenched Janet’s hand and shoved the bamboo splinter right under Janet’s thumbnail!