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Kidnapped and Rejected – The Return of Alpha’s Luna by Moon Claw

Chatper 180
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Chatper 180

Chapter 180

Lance was skeptical. As he should be.

The entire city was now occupied by his enemy. He had to be extra careful.

Morgana and Kass were hiding behind a collapsed wall a few feet away.

Hearing about their conversation, Morgana mouthed Jquietly, asking if now was a good striking


Jshook her head.

Lance was still too far away. If they let him slip away this time, it would be even harder to lure him out

of his hideout.

They needed to wait for him to cinto their circle, patiently.

Yes, My King, I am all alone.” Layla replied, “There is nobody here.”

“Then why don’t you cto me?” Lance asked. “The front gate is this way.”

“The front gate is too risky. We should pass this courtyard and circle to the back of the palace.”

Lance hesitated again.

He took one more look at the quiet courtyard–Everything seemed perfectly normal

to him.

He finally let his guard down and stepped into the courtyard.

“You were gone for a long time, Layla!” he walked up to Layla in long strides. His face was still pale due

to the blood loss. “How is everything? Did you find Harper?” Layla gulped, “…Queen Harper…is dead.”

Lance frowned. He didn’t look sad at all.

“That useless bitch.” he snorted, “Whatever. It is better that she is dead. We don’t need her as our


He touched Layla’s face with one hand, cupping her cheek gently.

“You are the only one who remains loyal to me. I will remember this, Layla. You will be rewarded after

we recover from this. Anything that you want,” he said softly.

Layla stared at him in a daze.

Tears welled up and streamed down her cheek.

“I…I am sorry…” she sobbed, “So sorry…my King…”

Lance widened his eyes in shock.

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At the very stime, Jjumped out from behind the ruins and shouted:


All soldiers emerged from the shadow simultaneously, jumping directly at Lance! Lance let out a furious

long howl and shifted into his wolf.

“I am YOU FUCKING KING!” He snarled, waving his claw to defend himself. “You bunch of traitors!!!”

Yet no one listened to his accusation.

They all knew that this King’s number was up. Their loyalty to him was gone.

The rogue soldier’s eyes gleamed with a predatory glint. Their snarls and growls echoed through the

night, creating a cacophony of menace.

Together, they attacked their former King.

Lance being the lone wolf on this battlefield fought valiantly, his powerful jaws snapping and claws

slashing through the air.

But the numbers were against him.

The pack of wolves and soldiers attacked relentlessly, a coordinated assault that left the lone wolf


Jnever joined this fight.

No matter how strong Lance was, he didn’t stand a chance against this many soldiers and wolves. It

was simply a matter of tthat he was killed.

She pulled Layla to the side. This poor girl was crying loudly seeing her King besieged. She had to tie

Layla’s hands and feet to stop this girl from rushing into the fight.

While Jwas, she caught a glimpse of Daran, standing outside of the circle, watching this fighting

scene in front of him coldly.

There was a calculating look on his face, as though he was quietly evaluating when to join the fight.

Lance let out a painful cry. His shoulder was stabbed by a soldier. One more stab and

he would be dead.

And this was the tDaran moved.

Daran dashed into the circle seized Lance by his throat and slowly raised his body up

in the air.

Everyone thought he would snap Lance’s neck right away.

But he didn’t.

Instead of killing Lance, Daran flung his arm and threw Lance in another direction–where Kass and

Morgana were standing!

Kass was caught off guard.

He saw Lance’s body flying at them and his first reaction was to take a step up, keeping Morgana

behind her back, and draw his sword out.

His sword went directly into Lance’s heart.

Lance’s body twitched. A deathly grey covered his face. He didn’t even have tto make a single

noise before his breathing stopped.

The Rogue King was dead.

Yet nobody had the tto celebrate their victory. They were all shocked by this sudden turn of events.

A ringing silence fell upon the courtyard. Everyone was staring strangely at the dead Lance and the

astonished Kass.

After a long pause, somebody among the crowd spoke up hesitantly, “….He… He killed

our King…


A round of mutterings could be heard from the crowd.

“Now what? Does that make him our new King?”

“Fuck him. I don’t even know him. He is just Lady Morgana’s mate. I don’t recognize him as my King.”

“Wait a second. If he can be King, so can I right? It is an equal chance for everyone!” “Now what do we

do? Do we kill this kid as well and fight for the crown?”

Kass held the sword tightly, his hand slightly trembling.

Those cold and evil gazes sent a chill down his spine.

He could sense that another fight was coming, right after the one that they just fought.

The King of all rogues was such a tempting title.

No man could resist the power that this title represented!

Kass parted his lips and wanted to say something to calm the turbulent crowd. Just then, a hand was

placed on his shoulder.

Morgana stepped up to his side. She flipped her flaming red hair, turned to face Kass, and gracefully

got on one knee.

“I, Morgana, pledge my loyalty to your

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Her calm voice echoed across the quiet courtyard.

and recognize you as my one and only true King!”

All soldiers were rendered speechless, even Kass.

After a long moment of silence, one soldier followed Morgana’s lead and got on his knee, holding his

head down to Kass.

Another soldier joined them.

Gradually, soldiers got

courtyard remained standi to the ground one by one, till no rogues in this

Together, in a deep and solemn voice, they said to Kass in unison:


We pledge our loyalty to you, My King.”

Kass sucked in a sharp breath, his eyes rounded with astonishment.

He suddenly reeled back around as though hit by an invisible force.

“Your wound!” Morgana gasped.

Yet now this cut was healing at a speed visible to the human eyes.

Within seconds, the wound stopped bleeding and that part of the skin was as good as


They witnessed something similar happening to Lance before.

It only meant one thing-

That Kass was officially recognized by the throne.

He was now the new Rogue King.

Jgazed at Kass in a trance, still processing everything that just happened.

Slowly, she turned her stiff neck and looked at Daran..

Daran’s eyes were fixed on Kass as well.

The corners of lips were lifted into a faint, pleasant smile.

At that very moment, Junderstood everything.

Kass becoming King was no accident.

He was chosen by Daran.

And most importantly, Kass would most likely give his blood to Daran voluntarily

He was Daran’s chosen stepping stone.