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Kidnapped and Rejected – The Return of Alpha’s Luna by Moon Claw

Chatper 87
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Chatper 87

Chapter 87

Glen and Veronica were kept in a severely guarded house that they temporally used as a prison cell.

When Daran and Jwalked in, a doctor was examining Veronica’s condition. She was awake

already but looked very tired and wan.

“How is she, doctor?” Jasked.

“If she swallowed the whole pill, she would be dead by now. The good news is that half of that pill isn’t

enough to kill her. But the bad news is that it damaged her throat, permanently.”

Everyone rounded their eyes in shock.

“Are you saying that she can’t talk again? That she lost her voice?” Glen asked urgently.

The doctor sighed, “I am afraid so.”

Glen held Veronica’s hand at a loss. The couple looked at each other with tears gleaming in their eyes.

Jared stepped out of the crowd, “Glen.”

Glen quickly cast a glance at him and then looked down. There was a shameful look on his face.

“Alpha Jared…” he said in a quivering voice, “I don’t know what to say…I am sorry…for everything…”

“You should be.”

Jared crossed his arms, looking grim and serious.

“Us Silver Claw men are all very proud of how dedicated we are to our partners. But that is no excuse

for you to betray your own men! Alpha Daran was right about one thing: You can’t make up for what

you did with a simple apology. You have to take responsibility.”

Glen’s shoulders slumped.

He looked down–hearted.

“You can killand toss my body to the wildness to feed the wild animals. I am fine with that,” he said

in a defeated tone. “But please set Veronica free. It was my idea to take the Rogue King’s offer. Not


Tears rushed down Veronica’s face.

She shook her head hastily, trying to say something in tears. But her throat was destroyed. She could

only make a few muffled sounds that nobody could make sense of.

“Or maybe there is an alternative way,” Jsaid.

She walked up to Veronica and placed her hand on top of Veronica’s, “You were trying to save your

loved ones. I get it. Now you can do the sthing by giving us information about the Rogue King.”

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Veronica looked at her.

Suspicion flickered across her eyes.

“With such information, we will conquer the Rogue King and rescue your family out of his hands. I can’t

promise that you won’t be punished after that. But at least in the meantime, you get to spend more time

with Glen.”

Jared echoed, “Jis right. So what do you say, Glen? Do you prefer to be executed tomorrow? Or

enjoy squality twith her while correcting your own mistake?”

Glen looked hesitated.

Then he turned to look at Veronica.

“I love you, Veronica, no matter what,” he said in a low voice. “This is your decision to make.”

Veronica cried in silence. Shakily, she planted a kiss on Glen’s lips.

Then she turned to face the crowd and made a hand gesture, asking for something to

write with.

“Get her a piece of paper and pen!” Jcried.

A soldier rushed over and handed Veronica a pad and a pen.

Then she started writing.

Rogue King. Man.

She underlined the word “man.”

“You believe that the Rogue King is a man. We get it,” Daran said deeply. “Anything else? Have you

heard about the Great Canyon?”

Veronica nodded.

She drew a pair of high mountains with steep cliffs and a gap in between. She marked the gap as

Great Canyon.

And then from the Great Canyon, she drew a road winding off to the North.

At the end of this road, she drew a large city and a castle in the middle.

She wrote down three words beside that city:

The Grace Ruin.

“The Grace Ruin?”

Jlooked closely at her hand–drawn map, “Is it the rogue’s headquarters? Where

does the Rogue King live?”

Veronica nodded.

She pointed at that winding road to the North and then wrote down Only Way next to

1. it.

Daran and Jexchanged a look of apprehension.

“No wonder those fled rogues were all gathered by the Great Canyon,” Jsaid in a low voice.

“Because that is their only way back to their homeland, the Grace Ruin.”

“Grace Ruin is not their homeland.”

“Grace Ruin is not their nomeland,”

Daran shook his head with a dark face.

“I have heard about this place. It was once called the Graceland, a beautiful and fertile highland. Until

the rogues took it and turned the whole city into ruins.”

“So what do we do know?” Steven asked cagerly, “Shall we take our best men and go snatch the city

back from that son of a bitch?”

Jfrowned with worry.

She wasn’t hot on the idea of sending the army out so soon.

Their soldiers were still tired from the latest battle. They needed tto catch their breath.

And most importantly, they still knew too little about the Rogue King.

She had a feeling that they would fall right into his trap again if they acted too recklessly.

She was thinking about how to voice out her concerns when Daran spoke up.

“Let’s hold our horses here.”

Daran said deeply while glancing around the room.

“We have chased the rogues away, which is great. But I have a feeling that he will cback very

soon. Let them cto us this time. And we will take the chance to learn more about them. Until then,

I don’t want to send any more men deep into the Rogue King’s territory. It is too dangerous.”

Jlet out a small sigh of relief and smiled.

This was exactly what she thought.

It was amazing how Daran and she could connect to each other so naturally.

She couldn’t even do this with Casper.

The others didn’t have a question about this. So they all left and went back to their own business.

Jared stopped Jby the door before she left.

“Hey Janet, I was wondering if I could ask you out for dinner tonight?” he smiled.

Jwas caught off guard by his proposal. And Daran was walking right behind Janet. He heard what

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Jared said and his face darkened instantly.

“Where to?”

Daran said in an ironic tone.

“Shall I remind you that the whole city was burned to the ground? And there was not a single open


Jared fixed his gaze on Janet, ignoring Daran’s irony.

The word “romantic” clearly struck Daran’s nerve.

He let out a cold snort.

Jhesitated and gave a quick glance at Daran.

“Why are you looking at me?” Daran said icily, “Asking for my approval?”

Jfelt a flare of anger.

“You are right. I don’t need your approval,” she said defiantly. “Alpha Jared, it would be my honor. See

you tonight.”

“Awesome!” Jared beamed.

Daran walked past them and left the room with a slam of the door.

Jmarched out behind him, puffing out her chest.

She was so tired of Daran’s juvenile behavior.

Or maybe he didn’t care that much about her at all.

Maybe he was just interested in her body.

What a dick.

Jwent back to her own tent and started preparing for tonight’s date.

Probably because she was just trying to annoy Daran, she wanted to look good for the date.

Yet sadly, she packed only combat uniforms and sportswear. There weren’t enough options for clothing.

She was struggling with her hair when she heard somebody coming into her tent. She saw through the

mirror that it was Daran again.

“You are really trying for this date.”

He walked up to her back, staring darkly at her through the mirror.

“Why shouldn’t I?”

Jsneered in a provoking manner.

“As you can see, Jared and I like each other a lot. If things go well tonight, we might actually-”

She didn’t get to finish.

Because Daran had spun her around forcefully and caught her lips.