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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 16
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Chapter 16 Teaching the Scumbag A Lesson

Erin lowered her head slightly and saw that the driver of the car was none other than the handsome

man she had met at the Royal Chamber.

After seeing her stunned and hesitant expression, Sean said, “Miss, get in the car; you look like you’re

in a hurry, and you won’t be able to get a taxi here.”

His enthusiasm to help made her stop in her tracks.

She was still hesitant to get into the car, so Sean had no choice but to get out of it. He retrieved a

cardholder from his suit pocket and gave her a business card. “This is my card. If I try to do something

to you later, you can call the police.”

As he spoke, he guided her to the front of his car to read the license plate number. Sean flashed her a

mocking smile. “It’s easy to remember, right? You can give your best friend a call to tell her that you’re

with me and that if you don’t call her back later, she can call the police on me. That would prevent me

from doing anything bad to you.”

Erin didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at this absurdity and eventually got into the car.

The Lamborghini sped down the road. Sean was great at driving and was able to overtake car after car,

but it also seemed to make the other drivers despise him.

In the car, Erin looked at him and said sincerely, “Thanks for helping.”

Sean considered her. “To be honest, I don’t know what’s wrong with you.”

This was his first time meeting someone like her. She didn’t even bat an eye at his luxury car, and

though he was so handsome, she didn’t throw herself at his feet. What was it that she really liked?

Erin was baffled by his absurd comment. “I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you mean.”

Sean didn’t want to beat around the bush anymore. The odds of him bumping into her again and still

being interested in her were slim, so he decided to just come clean with her. “I like you. Name a price

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or a brand that you like, and I’ll get it for you.”

“What do you mean?” Erin thought that she had heard him wrong.

The look of confusion and shock on her face made him laugh.

Sean looked at the high heels that she was wearing and said, “The Valentino heels that you’re wearing

right now were just released this month. The market price is around 20 thousand dollars. However, the

shoes look too big on you, so you definitely didn’t buy these shoes yourself. Therefore, someone else

must’ve bought them for you. However, the combined price of the clothes that you are wearing now

can’t be more than a thousand dollars. That means these shoes aren’t something you can afford.”

His observant statement made Erin feel like he was mocking her, and she was instantly irritated. “What

do you want to say? That I can’t afford these shoes?”

Sean gave an ill-intentioned smile. “Nope, you misunderstand me. What I mean is, whatever you want,

I can buy it for you as long as I’m still very interested in you.”

Erin angrily yelled at him to stop the car.

Her emotional outburst made Sean’s ears ring. He frowned and looked at her. “Why are you getting so


Erin indignantly huffed, “I’m emotional? You look like a human, but you act just like an animal! So what

if you have money? Does that give you the right to humiliate people? I want to get out. The longer I

stay in this car, the more I want to hit you!”

Her beautiful eyes were filled with rage. She wasn’t the most beautiful woman he’d ever met, so he

didn’t understand what it was about her that attracted him.

Maybe he wasn’t attracted to things that he could already get.

Sean didn’t take her seriously. In fact, he thought that she was trying to get him to offer more money, so

he continued, “Okay, let’s just say I was wrong just now. If you don’t want material items, I can give you

cash. Name your price.”

He wanted to know how much she would price herself at.

Erin was flabbergasted. She glared at the man’s handsome face. He had the bearing of someone who

was wealthy and knew it, but how could he not know what basic human respect was?

She didn’t want to waste her energy talking to this rich kid who had such a distorted view of life, so she

calmly said, “Please stop the car at the side of the road.”

He looked unhappy. “I’m not allowed to stop my car here. I’ll drop you off at your office. What’s the


Erin had only told him the name the street her office was located on when she got into the car.

“There’s no need; just find a spot to stop the car. I want to get out.” Erin didn’t want to look at him and

faced the window instead.

Sean was confused. Usually, when he asked women to name their price, they would. The process

would be that, if he thought that it was a reasonable price, he would agree and pay them accordingly.

Alternatively, if he felt that it was unreasonable, he would let them go. Yet, she hadn’t even named a

price, so how could this process continue?

Sean examined her again. She had an amazing body with pale skin. She was also curvy, and her

height was just right for him. His imagination was going wild, and he felt hot all over. He suddenly said,

“The company can wait; let’s find a hotel. Name your price, and I’ll do my best to satisfy you.”

Erin was so angry that she could only laugh after hearing the horny bastard. She saw a five-star hotel

nearby and pointed at it. “That one.”

Sean looked at what she was pointing at and felt a twinge of disappointment. In the end, she was just

like everyone else. Despite that, his body was still filled with excitement, and he said, “Sure! That one it


The Lamborghini sped toward the hotel.

Once they arrived at the hotel doors, Sean swaggered out of the car and prepared to help her out of

the car like a gentleman. During that time, Erin had already gripped the pepper spray that she kept in

her bag. She waited for Sean to lean towards her and viciously sprayed it into his eyes.

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Sean yelled out in pain. He was completely unprepared for such an attack and had both of his hands

over his eyes. He shouted, “What the fuck! Are you fucking insane? What the fuck did you spray at

me? It fucking stings!”

He stumbled backward, and Erin took advantage of his disoriented state to quickly get out of the car

and viciously kick him in the knees.

“You uncultured and disrespectful bastard! I’m going to teach you a lesson on behalf of your parents

today! How dare you disrespect women and be so unreasonable?” Erin yelled and haphazardly gave

him a few more kicks.

At this point, a bellboy was already coming toward them, so Erin ran away hastily.

Sean was filled with rage and was swearing profusely. He’d never been sneakily attacked by a woman

like this before.

The bellboy behind him helped him stand and immediately recognized him. “Mr. Dunn, are you alright?

Do you need us to call the police?”

“Forget it! Call an ambulance now!” If the police found out that he’d been attacked by a woman like this,

his pride would never recover.

He was in so much pain that he felt like he was going to go blind.

Erin, who’d already escaped at this point, was able to catch a taxi and head straight to the office


Her heart was still beating rapidly once she got into the car. She couldn’t believe that she’d actually

attacked him. Thinking back, she might’ve gone too far. All he did was treat her like a whore; he never

actually made a physical move on her. Yet she treated him like a rapist. But what’s done was done;

there was no point in regretting it now!

Half an hour later, Erin arrived at the office and had just sat down when Mr. Jones came over with a

serious expression. “The director wants to see you in his office.”