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Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 128 Test Of Courage
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"Well, well, is that how you greet someone after leaving them hanging ?" the beautiful woman giggled, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Vincent couldn't help but shake his head, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Women, huh? They can be scary and vindictive," he chuckled, shaking his head .

"Yeah, well, things sure took an unexpected turn, didn't they? So, Mia," he attempted to steer the conversation in a different direction, his voice laced with a hint of intrigue. "Tell me, who do you work for? You seem to know more than you're letting on."

She had approached him even before his complete transformation into a werewolf, and now he realized that she harbored some ulterior motive from the very beginning. It was a good thing that he had not slept with her, or he might have been in trouble.

Mia playfully smile at him . 

"Someone important," she replied vaguely , relishing in the game they played.

"Ohh" A surge of caution coursed through Vincent's veins as he continued to probe further . It wasn't that he was afraid of her in any way, but he needed to ascertain whether she possessed any knowledge about him.

"Are you here for me again?" He subtly adjusted his stance, prepared to react should her answer fail to meet his expectations. 

"Don't worry, I'm not here for you. Honestly, I only approached you before on a whim because I found it strange for a human to gain such strength in such a short time. But now that I know you're just a werewolf, I couldn't care less," Mia chuckled dismissively, her tone laced with nonchalance.

"Just a werewolf?" Vincent's lips curved into a smile. He was unbothered by her attempts to undermine him. In the perilous world they inhabited, being underestimated could prove advantageous.

With a subtle shift in the flow of their conversation, he deftly steered it towards the core of the matter at hand.

"Are you the one behind the disappearance of those girls?" he inquired.

Mia's giggles echoed through the air.

"Me?" she scoffed.

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"I'm here to hunt down that abomination myself." she retorted, her voice oozing with a touch of arrogance. 

Vincent remained quite for a moment, his senses attuned to the rhythm of Mia's steady heartbeat. It resonated with an air of truthfulness, signaling that her words held some weight .

"What kind of abomination are we talking about?" he pressed further. 

A mischievous smirk gracefully curled on her lips, while her eyes emitted a blend of amusement and contempt. 

"Vincent, please don't even entertain the thought. You're merely a werewolf," she sneered, her words dripping with a venomous sting. 

"Ha ha ha" Vincent's laughter mingled with hers ,"Don't tell me that you're still angry that I ghosted you?" he teased with a touched of sarcasm .

"Think what you want, just don't do anything stupid" With those parting words, she turned and walked away.

Vincent's gaze lingered on her retreating figure, his mind swirling with conflicting thoughts. While he had his own mission and fragments to pursue, the presence of a dangerous creature looming in the campus demanded his attention.

"I had originally intended to proceed with my mission for the next fragment, but I can't just let that thing roam freely," he sighed, a mixture of duty and concern etching lines on his face. 

He had sensed Mia's energy, and though it held a certain strength, it pale in comparison to his own. She may have been slightly more powerful than an ordinary vampire, but it wasn't a significant difference.





Under the cover of a chilly, moonlit night, the once bustling campus lay shrouded in an eerie silence. Yet, amidst this hushed atmosphere, a fearless sisterhood of daring women ventured through the deserted grounds, participating on a thrilling game of courage.

"Hey, Darlene, are you sure this is okay?" a young woman with brown hair spoke, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Don't be a coward, Camille. Don't tell me you believed those rumors?" Darlene chuckled, she was oozing with unfounded confidence. 

"I don't, but I still think we shouldn't be here at this hour," Camille replied with a concerned voice.

"It's alright. We just have to finish this test, and then we can finally join the sisterhood,"another woman chimed in . She possessed a striking allure, with her tall stature and dark complexion.

Upon closer inspection, it became apparent that the dark-skinned woman was none other than Sophia's friend. She had come here with the sole intention of joining a sorority, driven by a desire for fame and social status. Her name was Demi. 

As they continued walking inside one of the campus hallways, the atmosphere took on an entirely different demeanor. This place, usually full of students during the day, now appeared eerie and unsettling. The absence of lights and people intensified the sense of unease that hung in the air.

Suddenly, their gazes converged on something lurking in the corner.

"What's that?" Camille's voice quivered as she pointed it out with a trembling finger.

The other two girls followed her gaze, their pulses quickening. With cautious movements, they directed their flashlights towards the object, revealing its true form.

And it was...

"Geez, Camille, you scared us. It's just a statue," Darlene scolded, her voice tinged with both relief and annoyance.

Demi also chuckled softly, her nerves slowly settling.  "I guess the darkness got the best of us for a moment there. Let's continue on our test, girls." she added.

The three of them laughed, their nervous tension dissolving into shared amusement. Walking closer to the statue, they observed its details more clearly. It portrayed a mother figure, captured in a state of anguish with tears streaming down her face.

"This statue seems unfamiliar and a bit freaky ," Camille spoke, her voice filled with fear.

"Maybe it's a new art piece that the university acquired?" Darlene suggested.

"That's strange because I didn't notice this sculpture before my night class ended," Demi added, her voice tinged with a hint of surprise.

Their curiosity deepened as they pondered the sudden appearance of the statue on this hallway.

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"Let's just get out of here," Camille spoke first, her fear evident in her trembling voice.

"Don't be a coward, Sis ," Darlene teased, her intention was clearly to mock her.

"I'm not a coward! You're the dumb one in the group," Camille finally snapped. 

"What did you say , bitch ?" Darlene replied with an annoyed tone .

"Girls , calm down . Let's just go and finish the test," Demi interjected after seeing them argue .

"Alright, alright," Darlene grumbled, her dissatisfaction with Camille's behavior evident in her tone.

"Let's go," Demi sighed heavily, taking the lead as she guided everyone forward.

But as they set their flashlights down, a chilling event unfolded above them. Unbeknownst to them, the statue of the mother underwent a horrifying transformation. Its stone face twisted into a menacing grin, its eyes gleaming with malice.

In an instant, the once serene and sorrowful statue had become a malevolent entity, radiating an aura of darkness that permeated the air.

Darlene, being the first to glance upwards, let out a faint "Eh?" Her face, once adorned with a smile, contorted into an expression of sheer horror. Trembling with fear, she desperately wanted to scream, but her terror rendered her voiceless, her mouth agape in silent terror.

"Are you alright , Darlene ?" Demi asked after seeing her horrid expression . But before she got a reply..


With a horrifying smile , the statue's mouth creaked open wide, revealing rows of jagged teeth. In a split second, it lunged forward, engulfing Darlene's head in a gruesome display of brutality.


The sickening sound of tearing flesh echoed through the hallway as Darlene's head was brutally eaten to pieces. 

"AHHHH!" The remaining two girls shrieked in sheer terror, their eyes widened with horror as they beheld the unimaginable sight. Darlene's blood splattered across their faces, mixing with their tears as they recoiled in sheer disgust and disbelief.

Their hearts pounded in their chests as they grappled with the unimaginable horror that unfolded before them, their minds struggling to process the grotesque fate that had befallen their friend. 

Every nerve in their bodies screamed at them to "run", "run", "run" , to escape the clutches of this malevolent force.

"Don't.....run...away ..... my .... beautiful.... little... children ... "