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Lust Knight

Chapter 250 - Four Crowns
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Chapter 250 - Four Crowns

Lucien’s wives can’t help feeling sorry for Dawn. She looks so remorseful and sad.

Although some of them want to comfort Dawn, they can’t just forget that she was the Marshal of the Light Empire army.

Cassidy gets up from her stone throne and walks towards Dawn. "You must know who I am, right? Your father killed mine in battle."

Dawn can’t help but remember her father. Amelia explained to her that Envy was the cause of his illness, but Dawn was not sad to hear that because Amelia told her how he was lying all the time about talking to the Light God, which Dawn is not sure really exists anymore.

She remains bowing while speaking in a sorry tone. "Queen Cassidy, I... I’m sorry. I don’t think I ever really knew my father’s real personality. That battle should not..."

Cassidy quickly interrupts Dawn. "You don’t have to apologize for others’ mistakes. You were just doing what you thought was right for your people."

Then she smiles as she speaks in a proud tone. "It was bad to lose my father. But that battle... He was only defeated because your father had an arm many times bigger."

"Still, that battle will always be remembered just like my father’s name. The Sage King will always be remembered for being an incredible man, above all others in his time."

Dawn is happy to hear Cassidy’s words. Still, she still feels that it is too good to be true. "But... I know that I can’t be forgiven so easily."

Cassidy laugh. "To be forgiven? I don’t think anyone here cares much about you or the past in general. Now that we’re with Lucien, the most important thing for us is our family and happiness."

Dawn is surprised by Cassidy’s forthrightness as well as Amelia. Cassidy looks at Amelia and Lucien as she continues to explain her point.

"You are Amelia’s friend, and she is our husband’s sister. I think I can speak for my sisters here when I say that conflicts and resentment between us will not bring us anything good; on the contrary, it will make hubby sad, and so we will have fewer ’benefits,’ which you will soon understand how incredible are."

Dawn can’t help admiring Cassidy. She is so frank, direct, and self-assured.

Amelia doesn’t know what to think of Cassidy. It is quite evident that she is an incredible woman, which makes Amelia think that it will not be so easy to show herself so superior to Lucien’s wives.

*Clap* *Clap*

Lucien claps his hands. "As expected of my Queen."

Then he takes Amelia’s hand, walks towards Cassidy, and also holds her hand while approaching them both.

"When I arrived in this world, I was still very weak. Only thanks to Mia and Cassidy, I was able to get strong quickly. They accepted me with an open heart, and I will never forget that."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Cassidy blushes a little as she smiles and shakes Amelia’s hand. "I’m the only one lucky to have found hubby."

Amelia shakes Cassidy’s hand as she smiles at her, but in her mind, she has strange thoughts. [So is she the second? Or Angela? Anyway, she looks dangerous. He calls her Queen... For now...]

Then, Lucien introduces Amelia personally to each of his wives, while praising them in order to show Amelia how much he loves them.

All of Lucien’s wives act very respectfully and amicably with Amelia, but Lucien notices that she seems very indifferent towards his new family.

Well, he knows he can’t do much about that. Even within his family, there are small conflicts like those between Cassidy, Olivia, and Scarlett.

Still, he knows that with time living together, they will all realize that they are good and kind women and eventually end up getting along. Or, he can use his techniques to encourage them to get along.

Not only with Amelia, but Lucien’s girls also act friendly towards Dawn, especially Angela, who is always very kind.

Lucien is really grateful to have Cassidy and Angela by his side. No one currently can steal L.u.s.t’s crown, but she is limited to certain things due to her personality and the fact she always near him.

More specifically, Lucien is very fond of the fact that Cassidy and Angela have personalities that complement each other; that is, Cassidy is straightforward and strong while Angela is kind and loving.

While Amelia talks to Lucien’s wives, he realizes that Envy has not yet materialized her body as L.u.s.t always does to stay beside him.

He understands that she is just watching everything and gathering information about his family for her plans and manipulations.

Although Lucien understands that Envy, as well as L.u.s.t, are beings with many years of life, acting and being influenced by their unique characteristics, that is, the sins, there are certain things that he cannot tolerate.

And to avoid future problems, it is better to talk about everything now in a very clear and direct way.

Lucien looks at Amelia while say in a clear tone. "Why are you hiding, Envy?"

Before Amelia looks at Lucien, Envy materializes her body beside him. "Oh, I’m not hiding. I just wasn’t invited to the introduction session."

The appearance of a demon with wings, horns, and tail certainly causes a surprise in some people who watch the group. Still, Lucien’s wives already expected that as they are used to this type of situation because of L.u.s.t.

Lucien cannot deny that many things about Envy makes him annoyed. He hates the sarcastic tone she always uses, the way she tries to imitate L.u.s.t’s seductive characteristic, and especially the way she thinks she is so superior to him and L.u.s.t.

But these are also good things. Lucien still remembers the incredible feeling he felt when he broke the barriers of Olivia’s heart and turned her from a stubborn woman into a kind and loving wife.

Lucien benefits from all kinds of pleasure, so dominating a woman as dominant as Envy will surely bring him a lot of fun.

He shrugs at her. "What can I do if it is so easy to forget that you exist."

Envy laughs at Lucien’s failed attempt to provoke her. "Say what you want."

Lucien gently holds Envy’s shoulders and turns her to his wives. "This is Envy."

Lucien’s wives quickly bow to Envy just to look rude.

Then he looks at Envy. "Well, you already know the names of my wives as you were listening to everything and plotting against them, don’t you?"

Envy sighs. "We are allies, Lucien. Why do you insist on thinking that I want your harm?"

Lucien brings his face close to Envy’s as he looks into her eyes, making her a little uncomfortable. "Oh, my bad so. I will no longer doubt your pure intentions."

Envy can’t help but be annoyed by Lucien’s sarcastic tone, his arrogant attitude, and the fact that he thinks he knows everything about her.

Still, she is confident of controlling Lucien in the end, first using Amelia and the powerful energy he can only create with her, and also showing him that she is far superior to L.u.s.t.

But since she is not in control of the situation right now, Envy just gazes at Lucien while remaining silent.

"Alright. You can go back to hiding now." Lucien speaks in a nonchalant tone.

Envy really prefers to stay inside Amelia’s Soul. But now, it doesn’t seem like the best option. In addition to not wanting to follow Lucien’s orders, she wants to show her presence as well as L.u.s.t.

"Don’t worry about me. Now Amelia and I have a lot of demonic energy so I can keep my body without problems." She responds as a purple haze begins to appear around her body.

Envy’s demonic energy is essentially gray, but she can control it so that it turns purple to mimic L.u.s.t’s.

Also, she transforms her simple clothes into black and purple leather armor, which reveals many parts of her s.e.xy body just like L.u.s.t’s. She even materializes chains and piercings on her tail, imitating everything about L.u.s.t’s look.

While Lucien rolls his eyes, finding Envy’s attitude very childish, L.u.s.t can’t help but smile. Envy has always liked to imitate their sisters, but this is the first time that Envy is imitating everything about L.u.s.t, which makes her somewhat proud.

"Do as you want. We’ll talk about your copy skill later." Lucien speaks again in a nonchalant tone as he looks south and sees Oya returning with Mia, Ella, and Aria on top of her as well as other of their wives around them.

Lucien ignores Envy and focuses on introducing Amelia and Dawn to his other wives.

Some things can’t be hurried, but all the girls are trying their best to welcome Amelia into their group as she is Lucien’s sister.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Finally, Neola and Lorelai return to Lucien’s side. Although Lorelai is not Lucien’s wife yet, she now acts as second in command while assisting Neola in handling most of the troops’ affairs.

Kylee was supposed to be second in command, but recently, she has been very focused on her personal training alongside Anne.

Neola and Lorelai report the situation of the female troops, who, despite having minor injuries, are totally well and still full of energy.

Lucien’s other wives also report that they killed most of the Light Empire fleeing soldiers even though some of them managed to escape.

He starts giving orders. "Well, we have to clean up this mess. Send the troops to gather the bodies of the soldiers. We will burn them until their bones turn to ashes that the wind can carry away."

The girls went to pass the orders on to the troops and help them gather the soldiers’ bodies in the center of the battlefield. Rose also goes with them as her earth magic can help them to complete that task quickly.

Dawn thanks Lucien for that. Even though she is still furious to know that her soldiers were so wicked, she thinks that after a battle, the winning army should bury or burn their enemies’ bodies.

Well, Lucien doesn’t give a damn about the bodies of his enemies, but he doesn’t want to dirty that beautiful beach with bones.

While some of his wives and troops gather the soldiers’ bodies, he looks at his other wives. "Someone wants to go home now?"

"What are you going to do next?" Cassidy asks.

Lucien quickly responds. "I am not going to force the troops to start the journey today. I think we better go back to camp and spend the night there. Also, I was never able to enjoy the sea in my world, so I think we can play on the beach a little."

Amelia can’t help but smile. Since she arrived in this world, she stayed in the capital of the Light Empire, far from the sea.

When she traveled to Portgreen before, she saw the sea, but she was very focused on finding Lucien, so she didn’t enjoy the beach just like in the past few days that she couldn’t do anything but think about the competition.

"I really want to play on the beach, brother," Amelia speaks in an excited tone while holding Lucin’s arm in a manner indistinguishable from that of his wives does.

The other girls quickly agree, too. Everyone wants to play on the beach with Lucien, especially Mia, who loves ’playing’ in the water.

Angela smiles. "Well, since everyone is so excited, I think we should all help clean up the mess on the battlefield so that we can play on the beach sooner."

"Mm." All the girls nod, looking forward to the fun time.

Lucien agrees, and everyone starts to help clear the battlefield. Amelia, Dawn, and even Envy also help them while they start to getting along with Lucien’s wives.


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