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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 385: Taking Charge
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After Emperor Cervantez gave his speech , he privately called for Rudra .

The room where Rudra was called had all the other lieutenants of Hazelgroove kingdom and Patricia present . It was a millitary meeting of the highest order.

Emperor Cervantez said " Meet your new colleague , Shakuni Won Knight , he is a able general , he will take on the first division ".

The Emperor wanted to move on from the topic but the leader of the third division Hakimi interrupted the emperor saying " My leige , I do not doubt your wisdom , however , I think the kid is too green to be leading battles , just being a Won Knight does not make one a great leader, millitary merits are there for a reason , a person climbs from the ranks of soldier to captain to commodore to eventually a lieutenant. For this boy to be given that honor directly. I think it is a mistake ".

Rudra squinted his eyes at the man , who did not back down from Rudra's gaze. However when Rudra glanced his eyes around the room , he could see that although the others had not voiced this opinion , they felt that what Hakimi said did make sense , as they too did not approve of Rudra's appointment as a lieutenant.

However one sentence from Cervantez was enough to shut up the crowd , as he said " If i say he is good enough , he is good enough ". The killing intent that Cervantez had ever soo controlled was made to flare up a little , and each and every person in the room felt the terrifying might of a tier 5 existance , as noone had the courage to say a single word more.

Cervantez restrained himself and continued the meeting as if nothing happened , key strategies such as what forts were to be taken down , and how much resources would be needed to take down these strongholds was roughly estimated.

All in all , each division had a task of capturing one town and one fort , to poze a major threat to both the neighbouring nations , as then the next stop would be the major cities. The border territory was roughly made up of conglomerate of small desolate villages and one major millitary fortress .

Rudra's assigned target was Village mercury and fort Magma. The stationed force within Village mercury was about 20,000 soldiers + hired mercanaries , while the Fort was roughly manned by 80,000 men + mercanaries.

Rudra had one of the trickiest forts to take down as , the problem with Fort Magma was that , from the Ninecloud kingdoms perspective It was exactly at the edge of their border between Hazelgroove and Aquahose Kingdom. A stronghold that surpassed all other strongholds , it is a tough fort to conquer.

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There would loom a constant threat of reinforcements coming from Aquahose Kingdom and Rudra's troops being sandwiched between the two parties.

However if successfully captured , the same fort would become a crutial base of operations to launch campaigns into both Nineclouds and Aquahose Kingdom.

Naturally there was dissatisfaction among the senior lieutenants that such a important fort was left to be conquered by Rudra.

Again Hakimi said " My lord , not the fort Magma , it's too much even for a veteran like me , assigning it to a newbie like him is just sending our soldiers to doom ! ".

The others nodded their heads , even they found fort Magma to be challenging. However Cervantez's next statement shut everyone up. He said " Hakimi tell me , could you see through prince Aman's ploys and save me? ".

Hakimi shook his head down , it was one of his biggest regrets he carried in his heart even to this day , he lowly said " No sir ".

Cervantez said " He did , now tell me , can you say a tier 4 mutated dragon while barely ascending to tier 2?".

Hakimi replied with another low " No ".

Cervantez said " He can , you don't know him , i do , this man can make the impossible possible , that's why this mission is given to him ".

Rudra was both flattered by the compliment and disturbed by the pressure to perform he suddenly had now.

Hakimi looked at Rudra , as he said " I will acknowledge you , when you have real achievements brat , don't let the emperor down ".

Rudra did not even give him a glance . He had met many such people in his previous life , who looked down on him too much. However , he knew he would be the one to get the last laugh eventually . Soo he was fine with the humiliation for now.

Rudra was tempted to show his personal strength and absolutely pound the hell out of Hakimi , right here right now. Even at tier 2 , Rudra beleiver he held enough cards to beat the opponent at tier 3 peak.

Rudra was very much looking forward to taking down Village mercury and Fort Magma , as the Hazelgroove generals and emperor Cervantez may not know the truth of the bad beef between the Elites and the triads. However, Rudra had not forgotten about Hao Mi and her actions yet.

The attempt on Bo's life and the death of Neatwits step aunt were events that Rudra would never forgive Hao Mi for , hence Rudra was looking forward to the eventual clash with her even more. As he knew for a fact that the mercenaries hired by Nineclouds kingdom to protect their border towns were the damn Triads!

( Meanwhile , somewhere in the cold mountains of Himalayas )

A shirtless man was walking in a snow Blizzard , with only a thin robe to cover his skin. His eyes had a sparkle to them , a sparkle that had died down all those years ago.

His mind reminded of the times in the mercenary academy , where he was once young , as he aced every single test , every single training , and was deemed as a once in a millenium prodigy.

Never missing a shot , never missing a beat , with the most innovative solutions to situations , he was the sparkling gem of every teacher in the academy. However , his greatest quality was his perseverance and determination.

There was a method to his madness , as he would train for hours after the normal training was over , his opponent to beat being himself from yesterday.

Achieving an excellence in his craft , he was ready to take on the world , untill that one fateful day changed his life forever.

The day of graduation , the day where he would finally be a certified mercenary , ready to take on the world and it's missions. The day where it all went south for him.

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The final day , just before recieving his degree , he was called in a small room by the headmaster , along with his only companion in his life , a three year old dog that he named bagel.

An orphan , he had never learnt the language of love , yet when he joined the academy , he got a small dog from the academy as a pet , whom he cherished more than his own life.

And that was the day where the headmaster pointed a gun at the dog , as he shot a sedation dart , rendering the poor dog unconscious.

He told him , to kill his dog in his slumber , that it was the final test for his graduation . However he could not do it. He loved the dog too much to kill him. Dissapointed , the headmaster told him that his dog was as good as dead , because the sedative had a poison mixed into it and that it would never wake up again anyway.

This event devastated the man , who lost his way in the mercenary world . Fumbling through missions , making a name for himself. A terrifying legend at the academy , his name is revered as the gospel itself.' Jhonny English ' the world's greatest ever mercenary!

Spending his time in the Himalayas alongside Yume and the monks to regain his inner peace that he lost all those years ago , he never succeeded. However the incident with BO , changed his mind.

Back was the Monstrous gleam of the ultimate prodigy , and gone was the sluggishness of Jhonny English. After nearly 4 decades , the world's greatest mercenary decided to finally come back in buisness.

The cold of the Himalayas could not deter him , as he made his way to the monastery , the place where he buried his mercenary suit and his original equipment all those years ago , to reclaim it , and with it reclaim himself.

He might be older now , he might not be in the prime physical condition that he once was in , however he was sharper , wiser and more ruthless.

Reaching the monastry , Jhonny bowed to his Guru , as he started to dig his old equipment.

When the spade Hit a metal trunk , he stopped , as he pulled the havy metal trunk out of the hole himself.

Carefully placing the monk robes inside the trunk , Jhonny rewore his black leather robes and 2074 Raybans .

On this day ....

Jhonny English had been reborn!

/// Sorry guys , I could only upload a single chapter today due to exams , Will try make it up tommorow. ////