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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 466: Shadows
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The notification naturally brought a wave of talks on the forums as by now it was natural for the Elites to be the top dogs who could do what noone else could.

Everyone talked about how it was expected of the Elites to perform well and how they were not shocked one bit from their performance.

The general discussion was around the fact of when would the Elites walkthrough drop into the market and how excited they were for the upcoming Elites IPO.

The positive image of the Elites was greatly strengthened by these talks on the forums and an unconscious market boom was surrounding the elites , sure to give them a lot of money at the IPO.

However this was not without its flaws , as the Elites completing the hell mode of the dungeon where normal guilds struggled to complete the easy mode , highlighted the difference between them and the masses.

The Elites were slowly shifting from the underdogs to becoming ' THE TOP GUILD ' , hence the pressure on the guild was different from before and soo was their image.

Now they were the benchmark and the industry standard , if the Elites declared a war against some guild in Hazelgroove kingdom now , then it would be the Elites that would be heavily favoured to win , while the other party be the underdogs irrespective of the numbers difference.

The Elites now had a firm foothold , and were a frontrunner , closely linking their rise and fall with the entire region of Hazelgroove , as wether it be political influence , military might or economic prowess , in all the spheres the Elites dominated the area.

They became the go-to guild for every talented player , as more than a million applied to join the guild for every recruitment round and Rudra too changed with changing times , as slowly but surely he was letting more members into the guild , borrowing money against capital and expanding his power very fast.

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The Elites were a very deep cash pit currently as they were burning through gold like it was paper , the guild expenditures wayy exceeding their income . But the results were evident , the Dukedom was in a period of commercial boom , as every few weeks the landscape changed as the town's looked different.

Massive projects were being made at high speeds , and large millitary and recruitment drives were expanding the prowess of the guild. However through this process , for the first time the guilds core morals started to shift a little , as the members started to gain more pride in the organization they were in and the position they had.

Although the atmosphere that Rudra set did not allow the guild members to bully anyone , and there was overall harmony inside the guild , the Elites started to have a superiority complex and would not mix in with ordinary guild members and commoner NPC 's.

All of this while natural and not a problem as of now , felt different than the underdog atmosphere of the guilds struggling days. While Rudra and the guild elders had a larger than life image outside the guild.

Fortunately neither Rudra nor Karna or any of the guilds elders for that matter were affected by the fame they had now , and were the same as the first day they joined the guild. But the same could not be said for the newest members.

They were on cloud nine after joining the elites and were not shy to let everyone know about it and although it was not a problem for now , should this behaviour be let to continue the Elites would be viewed as the big bullies.

This was a fact that was going outside the notice of one Rudra Rajput who was completely focussed on the coming IPO tommorow. A lot of the projects that the guild had planned needed immediate cashflow , which was dependant on the coming IPO. Overall the markets looked positive for now , and Rudra was hoping for smooth sailing , however unbeknownst to him , some shadows were eyeing to take advantage of this reckless expansion by the Elites . As the IPO provided them with a chance to do so.

Dronacharya was calmly planning the future as he anticipated the cash he needed to buy the Elite stock in the coming IPO.

Dronacharya had far reaching plans , and the IPO was a good chance for him to take the first step into it. Yet to avoid suspicion he was not going to buy it directly , but rather indirectly through many inconspicuous independent groups and first rate guilds actually being controlled by him.

Planning to invest a total of 5 trillion dollars , to gobble up most of the free market shares that the elites were going to release. The competition in the market was sure to make him loose a lot of money , as he would need to pay a premium to acquire the stocks.

In the short term this would lead to the Elite stock to be overvalued and have a positive image in the market. But that was not what dronacharya cared about. Very careful in his planning he did not want one day gains , planning to hold the Elite stock for a long time untill he found the right moment to strike , dumping it all and causing a marker panic .

Untill then , he would become the friendly investor and was even ready to loose a lot of money in the process.

Unknown to the general public , just like how Rudra had became a trillionare through Omega , soo did Dronacharya. He was a shrewd player who never caused any waves , and always operated through the shadows , however he was basically the owner of the underground economic market , selling goods there on regular basis , amassing a total networth of nearly 12 trillion dollars through only playing Omega.

However unlike Ethan Grey who had his money in real world cash , Dronacharya never converted his money from in-game gold to cash. Living in a inconspicuous 1 BHK apartment and riding a bicycle.

Noone could make out if this guy was a trillionare or anything special in real life. Yet he was , but he never publisized this information , nor did he ever find the need to buy a supercar to showoff to the world.

He was different from all the brainless villain like characters that the Elites had faced uptill this point , as he was a careful planner who had brains and patience , making him a real threat.

But moreover it was because he was a shadow. His name ' The prophet ' , even the guild leaders who worked under him had never seen him , making him blend into a crowd as if he was never there.

He was dangerous because to the masses he was just another player in Omega , unlike Rudra who was a megastar at this point.

His level surpassed Neatwits sitting at a whopping 155 . It was even higher than the flagbearer at olympics by entire 15 levels , yet he never participated in the meaningless event for his country , and was never interested to run with a torch and become the centre of attraction for the world to see.

Undoubtedly strong in combat , and capable of bringing down third rate guilds to their knees even if he charged in alone. Dronacharya was a top talent in Omega , and now he eyed the top dogs , the Elites as his next stepping target.

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The Elites had always been in his eyes , just like the other super guilds had , however knowing that the fruit was not yet ripe , dronacharya waited for them to keep rising , untill the day they would become worthy to be plucked.

Being called the prophet for a reason , he knew exactly when to pick his fights.

( Meanwhile in hell )

Aman was learning ancient attack spells inside hell , as Lucifer provided him with an array of information wayy before humans even built settlements and started to reside on earth.

Techniques that even history did not remember in its books , as they were before the time of humans , books dating to the time when the angels were mortals roamed the earth were given to Aman.

What Aman did not know was that they were techniques that Micheal practiced during his mortal days , and that these techniques would help him increase the divinity of Micheal inside his blood.

Although not necromancy spells , they would give Aman a great increase in strength if mastered , as Aman started to gain confidence that with him improoving both in levels and in skills , hell was the place for him to be.

Not knowing that he was being brainwashed by Lucifer as he could not even realize it yet . Slowly being turned into a loyal puppet for the ruler of Hell.

Aman was in deep trouble , as his differences from the kingdom were being aggreivated in his consciousness. His goal changing slowly from becoming the ruler of Hazelgroove kingdom to completely razing Hazelgroove kingdom and making it a place for the dark faction .

/// Special shoutout to Omar_Alshaikh for the 5000 coin magic castle!

Also my apologies guys as todays author note will be a little long exceeding 200 words , hence to not burden you all with coins I'd request you to read it inside A/N section below instead ///