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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 494: Scammed Everyone
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Chapter 494 - Scammed Everyone

Rudra's insane HP bar was the gossip of the town as viral videos circulated that displayed his HP bar not even moving a fraction when recieving peak tier 2 attacks.

The forums could not beleive that the video was actually real , as they gulped in fear thinking about the consequences of if it was ....

Although everyone knew that Rudra was a special player by his performance in the one v one battle in the Olympics as well as many viral videos which exaggerated his PVE abilities . However somewhere in their hearts , they beleived that with enough hardwork and a bit of luck , they could become like Rudra too .

But reality has its way of crushing dreams , as the recent video of Rudra taking on crowds of tier 2 players without moving an inch , as he let them hit him with their best attacks without a single scratch on his shining doom armour showed just how large the gap was between them actually was.

Rudra was the number one ranker in the game , and he was slowly building accomplishments that put him as one of the most decorated players of the game.

While many independent magazines loved to publish their top 10 rankings of strongest guilds and players. In the last one year , there was not a single magazine that did not feature the leader of the Elites as one of those 10.

Every six months Rudra did something that would make his own previous accomplishment look pale in comparison as he just kept stacking them up , elevating himself and the entire True Elites guild alongside with him.

Hence the frenzied reactions of the players on the forums were absolutely justified as they lost their minds on the importance a single player could hold in Omega.

" Oye , oye , oye , tell me this video is a joke right? Thats a mud spear that hit him , a peak tier 2 Earth spell . It takes 12 seconds for a tier 2 mage to cast it , and it only did a -400 damage? Is this a joke? , Not a dent on his armour or his HP bar? Is the game bugged ? ".

" Impossible , this has to be photoshopped , i refuse to beleive in this video , Gaia should check the authenticity of this footage and remove it to not cause the spread of wrong infromation ".

" I agree with you , this cannot be real ".

" Fake , please check this Gaia ".

" Fake , please check Gaia ".

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Forum message

Moderator : " The video posted is absolutely authentic and trying to deny the validity of the content posted , or questioning the fairness of the game will lead to a 30 day soft ban ".



" Holy mother of cats ..... ".

" So one player at the peak of tier 3 can just walk around slaying tier 2 players like they are small fries? With him taking lesser damage than a dungeon boss from a attack , yet an equally large HP tank. Does this make any sense to you all ? ".

" Well here is a food for thought ..... With the better players pulling away from the crowd , and more and more people like Shakuni emerging , will the common players still have a place within Omega?".

Unrest and disbelief spread across the forums , as people were depressed to see that the meta of Omega favoured the strong heavily over the weak.

While the difference was not too exaggerated between tier 1 and 2 , the higher one climbed , the more exaggerated his/her abilities became. As one tier 3 player started becoming worth a 100 tier 2 players for guilds.

This was a change Rudra had already anticipated , as it was his driving force behind creating the Elites. He only took in quality members at the start of his dreams because , he knew that he only needed these core members of the guild to actually build an empire. As a single tier 4 player was worth a 1000 tier 3 ones. Which would be what most large organisations should have .

Hence Rudra wanted to focus on nurturing that ' One ' special player , rather than focussing on the 1000 ordinary ones . Hence why the guild ' True Elites'.

However regarding all the ongoing chatter on the forums , Rudra paid it no heed as his objective was completely different at the moment , with him being in the royal court of Nineclouds kingdom as he made every single person present in the royal court swear buckets over his current situation.

Seated in the exact centre of the court , surrounded by officials of the state , Rudra was applying an ice bag to his sore shoulder , as he let his right shoulder out of his armour , his naked skin exposed as he sat leisurely infront of the king.

Usually this would be considered insolence , however Rudra was in a position to get away with it scot free , as it was the king who was more afraid of Rudra than Rudra being afraid of the entire Nineclouds kingdom.

Rudra's position in the church of life , made him one of the most important men on the continent , with every light faction nation ready to take up arms for him , should he be offended. Including the pope who had given Rudra a token of his gratitude.

Rudra's single trip to hell changed the entire ballgame for him , as the extreme risk had landed him astronomical rewards. The most important one being the post of the Honorary Arch-bishop in the Church of life.

With this title under his belt , Rudra could dare to be arrogant infront of the king of Nineclouds kingdom, someone he could not have offended as just an honorary bishop.

As Rudra stated his shameless facts , the hearts of the Nineclouds kingdom officials started to significantly sink , as they could feel the huge pricetag coming their way .

Rudra said " Respected king , in the streets of your glorious Whitecloud city , i the honorary Archbishop of the church , and the six brave paladins guarding me were brutally assaulted by a mob of people , who tried to make an attempt at our lives.

I am extremely saddened by this development as i cannot help but assume that it was a pre-meditated attempt by an organization , as lately every single day that I go out for a stroll , i feel like there is a crowd of people who simply hate me from their very core , as they closely monitor my every move .

While I try to abide the guidelines set by the goddess of life and rid this beautiful Whitecloud city from the sinners , as i offer them redemption in the church's dungeon as they have the chance to reflect on their crimes there.

However instead of thanking me , the people of your city spit in my presence and call me a madman. Yet i take it all and be forgiving , for it is my job to do so. However noble king , this attempt at my life is too much , it has given me a psychological scar , and i think i might need to approach the pope for help regarding this matter , what do you think about it? ".

Rudra presented a gift wrapped version of absolute bullcrap sprayed with the scent of lavenders and roses , as he painted a perfect victim picture to the king while also subtly hinting that he could go towards a higher authority should adequate justice not be given to him.

The king worried that Rudra would ask for monetary compensation or something extremely valuable . However with him not having many choices under his belt , he could only reluctantly beat the same drum as Rudra as he said .

" Honorable Arch-bishop , it saddens me more than anyone else that such a unlawful and shameful incident occured in my kingdom with someone of your stature. I will surely investigate the matter and bring the culprits to justice , you have my word for that .

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In the matter of approaching his holiness the pope , i think it is unhealthy to approach him for such matters that can be settled without his intervention , as i am sure that there might be something the state could do to appropriately compensate you for our oversight ".

Rudra's eyes sparkled at the kings response , as he screamed in his mind ' BINGO! '.

The fish had taken the bait beautifully , it was now time to reel it in .

Rudra said " You misunderstood me , your majesty , i am not someone who wants material goods as compensation ...".

The face of the king darkened , he feared that Rudra may ask the hand of his daughter for marriage or some other sort of dirty rewards . However Rudra's next words shocked him

Rudra continued " For me , your assurance that the culprits would be brought to justice is enough , as i have faith in the judicial system of Nineclouds kingdom and the judgement of the king.

However in my humble opinion it is not the state at the fault , but the officials who run the state that are. The management of Whitecloud city is being done extremely poorly by the managing guild and I strongly believe that they should be punished for their oversight of my security and the inability to control violent mobs within the city ".

Rudra had framed the managing guild for the crimes which had nothing to do with them , however with his words making some vague sense and the king desperate to sweep the matter under the rug , a response that Rudra had masterfully crafted came out of the mouth of the king .

He said " Yes indeed , even without the arch-bishop bringing this matter to my notice i was planning on stripping them of their rights for the poor job they have done to manage this city.

I am thankful for the arch-bishop to have faith in my sense of justice and let me assure you that your faith is not misplaced as i will bring the culprits to justice .

Regarding the matter of the new managing guild , does the arch- bishop have any suggestions? ".

A sinister smile spread on Rudra's face as he had completed the phase one of his plan. His choice was naturally the dummy Elites guild to come into power , in a move that was soo brilliant that it would shake the very foundation of Nineclouds kingdom and Dronacharya's base of power.

With the dummy guild in power , which players could enter the city , which guilds could have a base in the city , which guilds could run a buisness in the city , everything was directly controlled by the elites , as the foreigners suddenly had supreme authority over the capital of another nation.

Panick , disbelief and horror spread on the streets of Whitecloud city when the system announcement informed the players about the new management. As it was at that moment that dronacharya realized that he had f**** up !

/// Guys what do you all think about this chapter and the current plot line ? Do comment down below , the comments really help me connect with you all , and although i don't reply to everyone of them i do read and take feedback from every single one.

Soo please drop a comment ! ///