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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 500: What It Means To Be Number 1!
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Chapter 500 - What It Means To Be Number 1!

Rudra led the elites to a landslide victory as he captured greencloud city in under 3 hours! , It was a completely one sided war as the coalition of the Elites and the Russian mafia completely routed the opposition .

Lita was satisfied with the Elites's performance as she gained more confidence that her chosen partner was indeed correct.

The elites were a force worthy of her respect , as she witnessed the finesse of these gamers firsthand by fighting side by side.

Unorthodox , and a complete gamer mentality rather than a traditional fighter mentality gave these kids an edge over the professional forces , even at the same level.

Rudra had truly crafted a great guild as the academy passouts had an even better performance than the traditional guild members , with them making a tactical and logical response to outmaneuver their opponents rather than brute forcing their way through like the senior members.

Their fighting style was near perfect as Lita found newfound respect for Rudra to craft a curriculum capable of producing such fine passouts.

However the most impressive of everyone was Rudra himself , as although he killed less enemies than even an average guild member , his presence alone was a morale boost for the whole guild , as him only standing with them gave them the confidence to go wild and give it their best shot , as even if worse came to worst , the sky won't fall with Shakuni at the helm.

Lita wondered if this is what it meant to be number one , as she truly found admiration for the number one ranker in the world from the light faction !

( Meanwhile the top 10 dark rankers )

Lorenzo was successful in persuading all 10 to work together , as shadow finally got some answers as to how he was soo persuasive to be able to get the 10 of the highest ego players to work together under him.

As even if he was only number 6 in overall rankings , his stealth skill and the ability to one hit kill any player made him the most terrifying enemy to fight against.

As if his attack landed , then there was no fight to be had , no moves to be exchanged , as he was the epitome of dark faction gaming.

It was unprecedented , that the top 10 players of a faction were allied against a common enemy , as the group itself found the situation a bit hard to swallow , as they were always on the lookout for some scheme or some ploy that would put them at a disadvantages position.

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However there seemed to be nothing wrong at the moment , hence with Lorenzo displaying his prowess , the other 9 members were convinced to join hands against the common enemy , especially after the brilliant plan that Lorenzo had in mind.

A semi-legendary scroll that created an isolation barrier was in the posession of Lorenzo , who volunteered to use it to isolate Rudra from the support of the elites. As the biggest challenge that these guys had at the moment was that they were in the light faction territory which meant that in any conflict , the elites could quickly become Rudra's backup , making the mission much more difficult.

Hence the barrier solved this issue , as once the barrier was deployed it took 6 hours for it to naturally run out of power , unless called off before that.

The special pills that the church Gave them for the mission that would remove the 90% debuff , lasted only for 4 hours . Hence Lorenzo's plan was that they would isolate Rudra from everyone , as they would take 15-20 minutes at maximum to one v ten Rudra to take him captive.

Then with nero using his undead would create enough time for them to leave the place as they would flee from greencloud city towards Aquahose Kingdom and the nearest teleportation formation of Aquaduct city.

The journey usually took 6 hours by foot , however with these rankers sprinting , it should only take 2 hours or so.

From then , his plan was to force their way to the the teleportation array if needed and get out to a dark faction territory , or at worse disperse into different directions and out of the range of pursuing parties to eventually make their way to a dark faction kingdom , just like they made their way to Nineclouds kingdom.

Finally one week from now everyone was to reunite and the loot was to be distributed equally.

It was a flawless plan overall , as nobody could find any faults with it. It was based on the assumption that the 10 of them were the strongest the dark faction had to offer , and could steamroll their way through light faction territories when at full power.

Yet to trust everyone impartially , the ten signed a contract with Gaia as witness that made this whole ordeal official in a way that nobody could back out from it.

Only then did shadow and death knight Vader feel a little secure as overall they had major trust issues in the authenticity of the group.

Shadow immediately got to work , looking for an opportunity within the partying elites to pick his spot to attack Rudra and start the isolation barrier.

However to his dismay , he was clung to Neatwit, karna and Jhonny like they were meeting for the first time in years , as the four joked and goofed around for a long time.

After about 50 minutes or so , shadow finally saw his opening when Rudra broke away from the group as he moved towards a pretty looking girl , providing shadow with the opening he needed to strike.

Alerting the crew , the dark faction players instantly took their special pills , as after days of being inside the light faction territory , they finally felt power return to their muscles as shadow sprinted towards Rudra's location in a split second , followed by 8 comparably fast shadows and a slower necromancer Nero.

For a moment the elites who saw the shadows zoom past them could not understand what was going on , as they only realized what happened when a 1km^2 pink barrier formed around them.

As everyone trapped within the barrier , except for Rudra were killed within the next 10 seconds , as the one's on the outside were stuck outside without a way to get in.

Elven sword in one hand and the replica of Excalibur In another , Rudra was instantly gone into battle stance as he looked across the dome with his eyes of truth activated.

Overall in life Rudra was a solid guy , not many things could genuinely give him a huge surprise . However this was one of the rare moments where he was genuinely surprised as sweeping a look across the dome he found out that he was in the middle of 10 extremely strong people.

With nero being the lowest levelled at tier 3 level 181 . The levels went up and up from there for every single person he glanced upon.

Rudra had never seen a stronger lineup of people , as he could read their classes and understand that everyone of them was a dark faction player.

It was the uppermost echleon of the dark faction that had graced him with their presence in the centre of a light faction territory. A phenomenon that gave Rudra one of the rare shocks as he was genuinely surprised.

Karna who was on the outside responded the fastest , as his strongest heavy sword tier 3 move was launched on the barrier as he tried to break it apart , but he was horribly repelled without making a scratch on the barrier.

Soon every Elite was trying there best to break the barrier , as they saw their guild leader being surrounded by 10 strong opponents.

The dark faction players moved around Rudra in a circle in silence , as Rudra ovserved them in peace as after an initial moment of panick , a wide smile spread on his face.

Although the odds were horribly against his favour , for the first time in a long time Rudra felt a genuine threatening situation that did not result in a permanent ban of his ID.

Rudra felt an adrenaline rush , as he showed his white smile to nero as he glanced at him with a knowing look , as the reaction of the leader of the elites was completely different as to what the dark faction players had expected.

Rudra was actually smiling in such a situation , something that excited the madman of a mercenary , the rank 2 Roygar the psycho as he laughed back at Rudra as he said

" Hahahehehohoho he he he he , you you you , i like you , smiling at the face of death , hahaha admirable , a true warrior , unlike those who piss their pants when they see me , or bowl cut ( Nero ) who hides behind the dead ".

Roygar found Rudra amusing , however never did he expect that Rudra was an even bigger madman than Roygar , as Rudra laughed and said

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" Ten of the top dark faction players came here to take me down together , ofcourse I am honoured . Atleast i give you all props for having the brains for coming at me at once , because none of you stands a chance against me one on one. Not you , you loon red haired guy with black eyebrows that look like it was shaved a day ago( Roygar ) , nor does bowl cut...".

As Rudra rambled and argued with Roygar , shadow closely watched Lorenzo's movement , as that guy silently reached the part of the circle that was exactly Rudra's blindspot and charged in for the kill , as shadow watched him get into striking distance without Rudra noticing.

Lorenzo had learnt the semi legendary skill called , 10X damage , which could give 3 of his strikes 3x the damage it would have caused otherwise .

Hence Just as Rudra was about to say more, he had to immediately side step as a sword graced his chin drawing blood as he suffered a -10,000 damage. Insanely high considering the fact that he was barely grazed at all. But he had avoided a strike at his throat , although only barely , but he had done it.

Rudra was momentarily stunned , as the speed and the technique his opponent used was commendable . He had not sensed him coming at him at all , with him only reacting in time as the eyes of truth perceived the incoming sword from his peripheral vision , making Rudra dodge on instinct!

However Lorenzo was someone who was more shocked than Rudra , As in his entire gaming career this was the first time that he had failed to deliver a first hit kill.

Making a cross with both his swords crossed , Rudra instantly became battle ready as his eyes squinted on the dark faction members around him

Lorenzo said " You are the first man to ever dodge my suprise attack . Indeed worthy to be the number one ranker of the light faction. However before you say anymore bullshit about us 10 . Let me tell you , you won't last 10 mins against us".

Rudra bowed at the compliment , then said " A true Elite is worth 100 common players , hence if as their leader i can't be worth 10 shitty dark faction two rate rankers then shame on me.

Like you said , i don't want bullshit either , soo JUST BRING IT! ".

The elites on the outside saw with their mouths agape as many started recording the impossible situation of the 10 of the dark faction rankers confronting Rudra for a fight as they helplessly saw karna desperately trying to break the barrier and failing only calming down when Rudra told him ' It's useless , just calm down and watch the show '.

The ten of them lined up at once against Rudra as he bravely stood alone against them , looked like a scene straight out of a movie , and one being witnessed by billions across the world , as Dewdiepie who was covering the war in greencloud city was present on the scene , watching on from outside the barrier.

It was the biggest thing ever , as the internet exploded in mere seconds gaining more and more viewership with every passing minute.

As the fight officially started , with the entire elites guild surrounding Rudra , the only thing that Rudra said as he engaged against 10 of the dark factions strongest , was

" Come let me show you what it means to be NUMBER 1 !!! ".

/// Guys the book finally hit the 500 chapter mark! What an incredible journey we all have had , as i want to thank every single one of you who have supported my work. As it would have never been possible without you all.

Love you guys , thankyou for everything , do check the comments section for the photo I share to commemorate the books highest point yet ! ///