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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 613: One Creates one’s own luck
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Chapter 614 One Creates one's own luck

( SMG's POV)

Rudra created 4 battle stations and 2 special units in the preparation for the war.

One special unit was headed by Medivh while the second one was headed by SMG.

SMG's unit was called the camouflage unit , as they were supposed to take the camouflage potions and hide deep inside the woods far from the enemy lines and allow the enemy to pass through while being undetected.

The idea was to stay hidden for one entire day before ambushing the hired mercenary help of the Sigma Boys a day later and enter the war while being disguised as the mercenary group alongside the Grey international sub guild whose members Rudra had sent to outflank the opponents before the war began.

It was an extremely risky mission as the interception of such a large group without having a tough scuffle was a near impossible task.

However armed with the new and improved handheld pulse cannons and being with the help of the two spies planted inside the mercenary group , SMG was in constant loop over all the movements of the organisation.

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Originally scheduled to be surprise entrants into the war , the force of 2 million strong was a perfect injection of fresh cannon fodder to be used as per requirement by the blood merchants .

Dronacharya had paid a ridiculous sum of trillions of dollars too , for hiring this help and it was his personal unit of whom he was the commander and the reason why he was given a seat at the generals council for discussing the war.

However little did the mercenary group expect , that while moving through the dense forest trail and only a mere 12 kms from their destination. They would be ambushed by Elite forces whom they could not even see from all the camouflage.

A rain of handheld pulse cannon shots caught the enemy legion completely off-guard as while they drew their swords and shields , the tier 2 forces were not a match for the powerful weapon and their efforts to retaliate were literally like bringing a sword to a gun-fight.

Outmatched and outpowered and thoroughly taken off-guard the two million strong legion of the Sigma Boys was wiped clean by only 200,000 Elite soldiers in a fight that lasted only 3 hours.

It was a completely one sided massacre from which no sigma boy was left alive to tell the tale as the Elite forces under the direction of SMG quickly changed into common looking armours of varied quality , changing the appearance of the unit into a mercenary group made up of members of various professions and callibre.

SMG and a few other senior assassins taking the appearance alteration potion posed as the leaders of Sigma Boys as the elites then United with the outflanking members of the True Elites subguild the Grey international members to form a force of 2 million strong before marching towards the blood merchants camp.

Thanx to the information provided by the undercover spies , SMG already knew the rendezvous routine and also knew that he was late by nearly 5 hours to reach the location at the predetermined time.

Thinking of a hundered excuses to make , he strutted confidently while meeting dronacharya however to his absolute delight , the man suspected nothing and just let the matter of them being late slide as if it was nothing.

' Perfect ' , thought SMG in his mind , as he behave like an obedient underling and listened to all of dronacharya's ramblings.

When SMG was told that the Western flank was about to fall and he needed to go there as fast as possible , his heart almost stopped at the news as he needed no further motivation to reach the Battlefield as soon as possible.

' HANG ON GUYS , PLEASE , HELP IS ON THE WAY '. SMG screamed internally as he rallied the entire legion behind him to the western flank travelling at top speed.

SMG cursed his luck on his way to the western side , as thoughts about how he should have rushed in the March here or how he could have wiped the enemies faster yesterday night kept haunting his consciousness.

When he arrived at the western Battlefield , he thanked the gods to see the western wall still intact . However looking at the pitiful 20-30 thousand Elite soldiers struggling SMG knew that it was only a matter of minutes before the troops lost all ground .

' Dont worry guys , help is here '. Thought SMG , as he rushed towards the Battlefield like a madman , and behind him ran a whopping 2 million reinforcements!


( Meanwhile on the forums )

Dronacharya's comment sparked a lot of speculation as people could not understand what this joker was doing on the blood merchant command unit.

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' Why is this b**** barking again? Someone please feed him dog-food '.

' Is one time not enough for you? Do you want to be humiliated again? When will you learn that the elites simply don't follow the norms of common sense ? '.

' Fool me once and it's my mistake , fool me twice and i am a fool . I beleived you last time , and i will shave my head bald if i beleive you again you b**** '.

' Anyone can see that the elites are loosing badly here . It is no rocket science to figure out that they will lose soon. Prophet my a** '.

' Whoever believes this phony prophet will grow a tail from their a**. Amen '.

Needless to say the forums were not kind to the declaration made by dronacharya and hence there were a lot of people who slammed him for his shameles declaration .

Dronacharya monitoring the situation closely only snickered in response as his confidence had became sky high when he saw his own mercenary group arrive at the scene.

In his mind , the fall of the western from was a done deal and nothing could change it anymore.

But was it really the case...?

/// Bonus chapter 5/5 for the day. This one is a bonus because why the hell not?

I love you guys who like my content and this is my appreciation for you all ! Enjoy ///